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תקשורת ומחשוב תרגול 9 CMD vs Networking.

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1 תקשורת ומחשוב תרגול 9 CMD vs Networking

2 CMD vs Networking Over Alice and Bob

3 Windows network Windows network settings (Static/Dynamic)
Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections (in Windows 7: Control Panel->Network and Sharing Center- > Change adapter settings->Right-click on your local adapter and select Properties).

4 Windows CMD command line CMD/Run

5 CMD - ipconfig Ipconfig /all - Display full configuration information (IP address, subnet mask and default gateway for each adapter bound to TCP/IP). Ipconfig /release [adapter] -Release the IP address for the specified adapter/ all adapters. Ipconfig /renew [adapter] - Renew the IP address for the specified adapter/ all adapters.

6 CMD – nslookup המאפשרת למשתמש לתשאל שרתי DNS בצורה ישירה, ומציגה את התשובה על המסך. nslookup [-option] [hostname] [server]

7 CMD - ping, arp Ping - test a network connection:
if successful, ping returns the ip address test only the 3 layers of the OSI model to a host and back ping –a [IP] - resolve addresses to hostnames ping –t [IP] - continues Ping (until Ctrl+c) ping –n count [IP] - Number of echo requests to send Arp - display and modify the IP-to-Physical address translation tables (MAC address of a network host) arp –a - shows the MAC address of all host in the network (IP-to-MAC address mapping)


9 CMD - tracert Tracert - shows a trace(way) to a host tracert tracert –d [IP] - quick, without hostnames tracert –w timeout [IP] - wait timeout (in ms) for each reply “*” - means that the time is more than set default is 4000 ms or invisible to the tracert command - find information about any IP address


11 CMD - NetStat Use for checking network and Internet connections
netstat – display active TCP/IP network connections and protocol statistics netstat –a - display All TCP and UDP connections and listening ports netstat –e - display Ethernet statistics netstat -o - display the Owning process ID (PID) associated with each connection netstat –s - display per-protocol statistics (הרבה)

12 CMD – Net משמשת לצורך קבלת מידע על הרשת, שליחת הודעות, מיפוי מקומות מרוחקים, קבלת סטטיסטיקה ועוד. net statistics - display network statistics of the workstation or server. net user - displays users on the computer or domain net view - displays a list of computers in a specified workgroup or the shared resources available on a specified computer. net use - displays information about computer connections ws/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/net_use.mspx?mfr=true

13 CMD - tips Cmd – ftp,tftp יש גם כזה דבר Cls – clear the command window
Exit – close the command window

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