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Marine Biology DAY 3 Drill: What are some abiotic and biotic factors that would affect organisms in a salt water fish tank? Biotic Abiotic Outcome: Define.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Biology DAY 3 Drill: What are some abiotic and biotic factors that would affect organisms in a salt water fish tank? Biotic Abiotic Outcome: Define."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Biology DAY 3 Drill: What are some abiotic and biotic factors that would affect organisms in a salt water fish tank? Biotic Abiotic Outcome: Define the different relationships between marine organisms. Compare marine symbiotic relationships. Agenda: Discuss interactions between marine organisms

2 Competition What is Competition? There are two types of competition:
When two or more species compete for the same resource, space/food/light. Ex. Connells barnacles There are two types of competition: Intraspecific - within one species Interspecific - between species

3 Competitive Exclusion
What is Competitive Exclusion? When a less successful species is replaced by a more successful one. This happens often when an invasive species appears. Organism not native to the area

4 Symbiosis Symbiosis - ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species Four examples of symbiosis: Parasitism – One benefits, the other is harmed (+ , - ) Commensalism – One benefits, the other is neither helped nor harmed ( + , O ) Mutualism – Both benefit ( + , + ) Predator/Prey – One hunts and kills the other (+ , - )

5 Grouper Fish with a parasite
Parasitism Examples Cymothoid isopod and a snapper fish Grouper Fish with a parasite

6 Commensalism Examples
Remora fish Pearl fish and a sea cucumber Shark with a remora fish

7 Mutualism Examples Clown Fish and anemone Boxer Crab and anemone

8 Predator/Prey Examples
Orcas and seal Great White and seal

9 Symbiotic Worksheet Read the 10 scenarios and determine if they are:
M: Mutualism P: Parasitism C: Commensalism In each scenario highlight or underline your justification for each answer choice!!! When done show me your worksheet! Think about how you can create symbiotic relationships within your aquarium exhibit!

10 Important Information
9/18 we will be looking at food chains and food webs within marine environments 9/20 we will be reviewing and you will be taking your first quiz on: Ocean Zones Marine Lifestyles Symbiotic Relationships Food chains & Food webs

11 Aquarium Project Goals for the Aquarium Project Name of Aquarium
Are there additional attractions? Why is it so great? Goals for the Aquarium Project Name of Aquarium Why should people come Cost (enter / build) Organisms in the aquarium Layout / BluePrint (sketch) with explanation How they environment meets the needs Filters/Temp control/Salinity Organized and colorful (pictures!) How will you stop them from eating each other? Is the temp, lighting, space enough? How will you make it meet the needs/lifestyle of the orgs?

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