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The Emergence of Jamestown and New England

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1 The Emergence of Jamestown and New England

2 Agenda 1.Bell Ringer: What are positive and negative impacts of the Columbian exchange on the Native Population? (5) 2. Kahoot, day 1.1 and day 1.2 (20) 3. Notes: Formation of Jamestown (20) 4. Starving Time Video Clip (10) 5. Primary Analysis: Jamestown Starving Time (15) 6. Can you lead a group? Jamestown Simulation Activity (20) HW:

3 Jamestown/ Joint-Stock Companies Utilized to fund settlement. Virginia Company of London land and create Jamestown Initially gentlemen didn’t want to work. Didn’t plant crops Out of this first group, only 38 survive out of the 105.

4 1608, John Smith takes over He organized the population to gather food and create housing. Order through discipline. He negotiates with the local Powhatan Tribe. Pocahontas and the “execution” Relations remain good until he leaves in 1609 after being injured.

5 The Starving Time Assuming they would receive corn from the Powhatan tribe, they did not plant crops after Smith left. That winter they were forced to eat whatever they could find. Cats, Horses, snakes, and some cannibalism One man killed his wife so he could eat her. (He was executed) Out of 500 Colonists, only 100 survive.

6 Tobacco and Headrights
Tobacco became a huge export from the Colony. Headright- a fifty acre piece of land given to anyone that paid the passage of someone entering the Colony. Those coming to the Colonies worked as indentured servants, for a period of 4-7 years.

7 Relations with Powhatan Natives
After the death of the Chief, relations worsened. Opechancanough wanted to work with the English initially, but expansion into their territory led to war. The English would end up using tactics to inflict severe consequences on the Natives Destroyed food supplies, attacked during the winter to increase vulnerability.

8 New England and the Dutch
Initial settlement in New England is unsuccessful. Mayflower sails in 1620. Establishes the colony at Plymouth. Puritan seeking freedom from Church of England. All males signed the Mayflower Compact, creating a Civil political group. Given aid from Squanto and Samoset to grow crops Relations included trade for furs as Plymouth became established.

9 Conclusion Religious persecution led to the formation of New England.
A self-governing agriculture society can work Their aggressive militaristic methods would gain mastery over the native population through the 1800s.

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