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Local Growth Models for Accountability

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1 Local Growth Models for Accountability
A value-added approach for Local Education Agencies to: Set individual student growth targets Incorporate student achievement in teacher evaluations Document return on investment for programs Support leadership and board governance 2010

2 What are Value-Added Growth Models?
Value-added growth models are designed to answer a basic question that has frustrated educators for decades. How do we know if a student or group of students performed any better than they would have anyway: - In a different school? - Under a different curriculum? - With a different teacher? - If they were not in a particular program? Historically, our inability to answer this question has been related to the absence of control groups.

3 Sorting out the Terms Typical: What is a typical year’s growth?
Growth models transition student achievement from an achievement status model to a model designed to rigorously capture student growth at the individual and aggregate level. Growth models help to address the following questions: Typical: What is a typical year’s growth? Actual: How much growth actually occurred? Aspiration: How much growth would we like to see? Value-added models are a broad class of statistical models used to quantify value-added growth.

4 How it Works 24 28 Projected Achievement Value-Added Model
What a student would have most likely achieved under typical district growth. Students and their historical achievement Math 24 Value-added impact Statistical Comparison Score 28 Class, School, Program, etc. Actual Achievement

5 The Meaning of Growth ECRA promotes the use of Growth Percentiles. Growth percentiles express the difference between projected and actual achievement as a percentile. This enables schools and districts to: Document whether each student’s growth was similar to, greater than, or less than typical growth Identify which students are at risk of not making grade-level proficiency Examine which teachers, programs, and/or interventions are positively affecting student growth Communicate the comparison of model projections to actual achievement. Set rigorous but attainable individual student growth targets.

6 Value-Added Growth Models: Steps
Below are the steps necessary to develop a value-added growth model. Identify which summative assessments will be incorporated into your model. Choose anchor years – the multiple historical years of data used to develop models. Use anchor years to develop a model that quantifies the typical growth for any individual student, given that student’s prior record of achievement. Use the model to project the most likely future achievement for every student. Compare model projections to actual achievement.

7 Applications Below are some applications of value-added growth models:
Individual student growth targeting Teacher and administrator evaluation Program evaluation Board governance

8 Examples

9 Growth Model Development

10 Growth Model Development

11 Applications: Individual Student Growth Targets

12 Applications: Individual Student Growth Targets

13 Applications: Teacher Evaluations

14 Applications: Teacher Evaluations

15 Applications: Teacher Evaluations

16 Applications: Program Evaluation
21st Century Learning Program Achievement growth for students in this program was typical of similar students not in the program.

17 Applications: Program Evaluation
Reading Support Program Achievement growth for students in this program was greater than typical growth of similar students.

18 Applications: Leadership and Board Governance
The model can be applied to all district schools, programs, courses and interventions to quantify the student achievement return on investment. Example Program # Students Served Financial Allocation Achievement Return (value added ACT points) Reading Support 112 $250,000 0.8 21st Century Learning 248 $780,000 0.1 Summer Academy 58 $112,000 1.5

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