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Towards completing the Dagstuhl FDM Workshop 15 April 2016 Version v01

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1 Towards completing the Dagstuhl FDM Workshop 15 April 2016 Version v01

2 The Key Take-Away This workshop was wonderful
This workshop is a “new beginning” for our FDM community If you have ideas, send them Pablo

3 Overview Documents White paper (SIGMOD Record, short version in CACM?) Dagstuhl Manifesto Dagstuhl Report Recommendations to PODS EC and ICDT Council ?? Coordination of mailing of Dagstuhl Manifesto to Funding Agencies Need to identify funding agency contacts, and people from FDM who will follow up with those contacts Possible action with regards to neighboring areas Appoint very small teams, each one focused on one neighboring areas Action on 10 films Seems to be starting Possible action: Set up “FDM Organization” Web pages/blog Discussion about book Forum for discussions in general Note on structure: we need some long-term structure, preferably light-weight

4 White paper / Manifesto
Edited by the FDM Dagstuhl workshop co-organizers Scientific Theme areas -- in no particular order [person writing first draft] Imprecise Data [Leonid Lipkin] Data Mgmt and Machine Learning [Eyke Hüllermeier, Benny Kimmelfeld] Unstructured and Semi-structured Data [coordination: Clair David] Knowledge-enriched Data Management [Diego Calvanese] Data + Process [Rick Hull, Victor Vianu] Managing Data at Scale [Ke Yi] Data and Society [Serge Abiteboul] ---- We may re-factor these. Do you have any suggestions ?? Curriculum Recommendations [Frank Neven] Note: We will invite a small number of people, from inside and outside the workshop, to review drafts of various parts of the white paper

5 Template: For each scientific topic (1 to 2 pages each)
Appropriate title for the topic area Paragraph describing the area, including something about why it is so important to society, industry, etc. Eg., the KR topic might include mention of DL-based ontologies used in the world, and some applications of DL-Lite in the world Eg, the ML topic might include current market size of ML applications and also mention of the 50-80% cost of the “data wrangling” List of 3 to 6 “practical” challenges, i.e., relevant to society, industry, etc. For each of these, a few sentences to explain, if needed, and also state of the art List of 3 to 6 “theory” challenges, that might be resolved over the next 5 years, roughly Hopefully these form key component of resolving the practical challenges Include state of the art, including a few key references (can Note: a total of =< 10 references per scientific topic Mention the kinds of theory techniques that will be needed, especially the ones that fall outside of “traditional” FDM techniques

6 Recommendations to PODS EC/ICDT Council
We should prepare a document, to summarize our findings and recommendations Does anyone from outside the co-organizers want to participate in this activity? i.e., WE NEED A FEW VOLUNTEERS

7 10 Videos Can someone make a brief report on progress/plans ??

8 Text book Discussion of thoughts

9 Web-based “Community” for FDM

10 “FDM Organization” – how to proceed
There are several possible threads of activity that go beyond this workshop Web “community” to help us communicate with ourselves and outside world Blog The 10 Films Promoting Curriculum, beyond publishing the white paper Book extensions Relationships to neighboring scientific communities ??? Notes We need people to understand that these actions are coming from this community, acting more-or-less in consensus We don’t want to have heavy structure (at least for now) We need these actions to be well thought out and more-or-less consistent People should get credit and recognition for contributions they make Some ways to structure this Create multiple “task forces” jointly sponsored by PODS EC/ICDT Council Create a single new body, the “FDM Group”, that is jointly sponsored by the PODS EC/ICDT Council Other ??

11 The Key Take-Away This workshop was wonderful
This workshop is a “new beginning” for our FDM community If you have ideas, send them Pablo

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