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Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

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1 Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Magnetic Shape Memory Micropump for Submicroliter Intracranial Drug Delivery in Rats J. Med. Devices. 2016;10(4): doi: / Figure Legend: Schematic graphical representation of four states of an MSM element constrained at each end with unit cells whose short axes are aligned parallel to the length of the element (vertical rectangles), and unit cells whose short axis are aligned perpendicular to the length of the element (horizontal rectangles) in response to an applied magnetic field. The broad arrow “H” indicates the position and direction of a localized magnetic field. The shrinkage (narrow section) appears at the position of the localized magnetic field. The narrow arrow “c-axis” indicates the orientation of the short (c-axis) direction.

2 Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Magnetic Shape Memory Micropump for Submicroliter Intracranial Drug Delivery in Rats J. Med. Devices. 2016;10(4): doi: / Figure Legend: Schematic of the micropump pumping mechanism. The MSM element is attached to a glass plate and fixed in length. The magnetic field from a permanent magnet creates a localized shrinkage in the element. When the magnetic field is aligned with the fluid inlet (a), the shrinkage is created under the inlet and takes in fluid. As the magnet is rotated in the direction of the curved arrow, the shrinkage moves relative to the glass plate, transporting liquid from the fluid inlet to the fluid outlet along the MSM element (b). When the shrinkage passes the outlet (c), fluid is deposited and pressed into the outlet. An additional cycle is begun as the opposite pole of the magnetic field is aligned with the inlet (d).

3 Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Magnetic Shape Memory Micropump for Submicroliter Intracranial Drug Delivery in Rats J. Med. Devices. 2016;10(4): doi: / Figure Legend: (a) An annotated 3D render and (b) photograph of the MSM micropump prototype showing a coin to indicate scale. The arrow in (b) points toward the MSM element.

4 Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Magnetic Shape Memory Micropump for Submicroliter Intracranial Drug Delivery in Rats J. Med. Devices. 2016;10(4): doi: / Figure Legend: The effect of local TTX application on the gamma power. (a) Lay-out of the experimental setup. The rat (1) was kept at 37 °C on a heating blanket (2) and fixed in a stereotaxic frame (3) by ear bars (4) and incisor bar (5). Electrodes were stereotaxically placed in burr holes (6) and local field potentials were by an MPA8 headstage (7) and AM3600 amplifier (8), digitized by a Power 4101 (9), controlled by spike 2 software (10). Guide cannulas (11) were placed such that the inserted quartz infusion cannula (12) perfused TTX locally. 1 μl TTX solution was supplied through a thin tube (13) driven by the MSM micropump (14) driven by an arduino (15) controlled by pulsed voltage output generated by spike software (16). (b) Local field potentials recorded from hippocampus area CA1 before (top trace), 15 min (middle trace) and 30 min (bottom trace) after the start of a 1 μl TTX application over 3 min. (c) Gamma power was determined as a running average from local field potential recordings in the hippocampus (CA1), visual cortex (VC), and prefrontal cortex (PFC). Gamma power was normalized to the average of the 5 min preceding the TTX application to CA1. Note that TTX reduces gamma power only in CA1.

5 Date of download: 11/12/2017 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Magnetic Shape Memory Micropump for Submicroliter Intracranial Drug Delivery in Rats J. Med. Devices. 2016;10(4): doi: / Figure Legend: Flow rate data obtained prior to in vivo trials using water as fluid. Prior to in vivo trials, flow rate tests were performed at five rotational speeds. This figure represents data collected from a single representative micropump (CM162D2) over multiple trials with fixed motor controller input voltages.

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