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1 Delete this slide before giving your presentation
Using this template This template gives you a starting point to create a presentation to employees that promotes active travel options to employees and encourage people to discover, discuss and decide what active travel options could work best for them. The template includes slides, speaking notes (below) and prompts (in italics). It can be changed as needed to suit your specific needs. This template contains information and tips for employees on walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling and teleworking. Ideas for what the workplace can do to support these options of travel are also discussed. TravelSmart Workplace has resources that you can access online to support this presentation, including the frequently asked questions included in the presentation and speakers kit guide as well as case studies. This presentation should take 20 minutes to present (allow 45 minutes including questions and answers). Delete this slide before giving your presentation Delete this slide before giving your presentation

2 Before showing this slide consider the list of Icebreaker activities in the Presentation and Speakers kit guide for some ideas to get the session off to a fun start. Thanks for coming along to today’s presentation on active travel. When was the last time you were stuck in traffic like the image on the left and didn’t want to be? How did it make you feel? Or maybe you’re sick of feeling tired and cramped up from sitting all day long and want to fit some more exercise in your day? Journey times are increasing and congestion is having negative consequences including increased fuel costs, reduced productivity and increased stress on people. TravelSmart is about options and change, change in the way we travel and changes in our workplace to support us to consider active and sustainable modes of travel.

3 Why change? There are many reasons for individuals to consider alternatives to the car. Why change? Cost is a key reason to consider a change– on average about 16% of a household’s expenditure is on transport, higher in some households; Time – congestion is growing on our transport networks as population increases, congestion is driving earlier start and finish times for people and more time spent in traffic is less time spent with families or working. According to federal government estimates congestion in Perth cost the community $0.9B in 2005 and could cost $2.1B by 2020 (BITRE 2007). Health – 40% of adults in WA aren’t active enough and car use adds further to people sitting down for almost all of the day. Active travel is a great opportunity to improve health and wellbeing and break the cycle of daily inactivity. Energy – our transport system largely runs on oil, making us vulnerable to changes in oil price and supply Environment – vehicle emissions are a major source of pollutants in the Perth airshed (nitrogen oxides, VOCs, fine particles) and contribute greenhouse gas emissions that affect the climate, transport can be a significant part of your personal carbon footprint.

4 TravelSmart options TravelSmart is about helping people use their cars less and choose active and sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling and teleaccess. It’s about empowering people to consider changes to their travel behaviour.  Workplaces can play a key role in providing solutions for their employees, including choosing to focus on specific modes of travel dependent upon their physical location, surrounding transport infrastructure and also the interest of employees in particular modes of travel. The most effective way to do this is to create a travel plan for our workplace.

5 Benefits of being TravelSmart
There are a number of benefits to being TravelSmart and using sustainable and active travel modes, these include: A chance to combine your commute with some exercise- people who use public transport can spend 41 minutes on average walking and/or cycling as part of their travel, up to five times more than those who only use a private vehicle (Bus Association Victoria, 2010). Time Saving - with traffic congestion in Perth increasing by 4% (more than any other capital city in Australia) between 2011 and 2012, we could all be spending more time stuck in traffic if we choose to drive (Department of Infrastructure and Transport, Major Cities Unit, 2013). Cost - A Smartrider with autoload when travelling two zones is around $13 per week, cheaper than driving 10km to work, so there is great potential to save especially as petrol prices continue to rise. Choosing an active mode of travel for travel to and from work and for business trips during the day can provide a significant proportion of the working population with an opportunity to be active on a regular basis.

6 Walking How many people here walk to work, a bus stop or train station or even to meetings during the day? Walking to work, your local bus stop or train station and to and from meetings are all great ways to build activity into your day. Even short walks during the day can help you achieve health benefits. Many people are surprised at the distances they can cover when walking. If you walk at medium pace you can almost cover a 1km in 10 minutes. To check out if walking could work for you: Look up local walking routes in your area using Local TravelSmart Guides (you can find these on Department of Transport website) Enter destination details into Google maps and select walking for advice on what route you could take Contact Transperth to find out local transport services you can walk to via their info line or website.

7 Walking tips Walking is free and requires very little equipment. Once you have checked out your walking route start walking with these handy tips: Plan ahead and pencil some walking time into your diary. You can plan which days you could walk to work, your local bus stop or train station Get yourself a good pair of walking shoes Be prepared for weather conditions Get a pedometer and track how far you walk each day. There are also some great apps that help you count the calories you are burning off each day Walk and talk is a good way to have a meeting on the go or catch up with friends and family while you walk.

8 Cycling Cycling with Transperth video
You may wish to remove the Cycling with Transperth video if you are a regional workplace. Cycling is fast becoming the travel mode of choice for more and more people in WA, with close to 160,000 Western Australians making at least one trip for transport a week. Cycling can help you beat the traffic and cover greater distances in less time, making it not only inexpensive, but also a very time efficient mode of transport. Cycling for short trips is an easy way to get started, these can be to work, the train station, local shops, cafes or parks. There are also many benefits, such as increased fitness, getting to enjoy the outdoors and improving happiness, it can offer a faster and more convenient way to get from A to B and also helps increase your productivity. Perth has a great network of on and off-road cycle routes. If you live a long way from work you can consider cycling part way and then catch a train, bus or ferry. If you don’t need your bicycle at the end of the trip you can leave it at the station. The following short video provides some key tips on Cycling with Transperth. Play video Cycling with Transperth video

9 Cycling tips There are some key tips to help you get started in cycling to work: Here are some key tips to help you get cycling to work: Check your bike. Check the chain, tyres and brakes. If you need help with maintenance or a new bicycle then visit a bike shop for advice on the right bike for you. Get the right gear. Make sure you have a helmet, pump, repair kit and consider a light for riding at night and panniers to carry your clothes lunch etc. Scout out the right information. Talk to other riders in your workplace about the best paths to use, where to park your bike and what end of trip facilities are available to you either at work or nearby. Plan your trip to work using a Perth Bike map, or Local TravelSmart guide. Consider choosing cycle friendly streets or paths if you are worried about riding in traffic. Give it a go. Go for a trial run on the weekend to get familiar with the possible routes you could take and time your ride. Ride to work. Ease into it and start by cycling to work a day or two a week and you can also mix it up with riding in and using public transport to get home. Enjoy the pleasure and exercise gained by cycling to work. Cycling WA and BWA also provide insurance for bike riders via membership check out their websites for details

10 Public Transport How do you get around?
You may wish to remove this slide if you are a regional workplace. In addition if you are a workplace within the Perth Metropolitan region you can request a detailed presentation on public transport by contacting Transperth's Education Officer on (08) or Public transport use continues to grow in Perth as people realise the benefits of jumping on board a bus, train, ferry or combination of these. Public transport journeys allow time to read, catch up on s, use social media or even just gaze out of the window. The PTA manages bus services in 14 major regional towns in rural WA, and seven inter-town regional bus services – four in the Pilbara and one each in the Gascoyne, Goldfields and Mid West regions. This short video by Transperth summarises some of the key tips for getting around Perth using Transperth and the benefits of doing so. For more information on public transport visit and you can also get more information from the InfoLine number How do you get around?

11 Carpooling Finding someone or a group of people you can carpool with is another great option to consider. It’s a convenient way to reduce the costs of petrol and parking as well as connect with others in your office. Carpooling can also be used for business meetings, site inspections and training courses where a few people are travelling to the same location.

12 Teleworking Teleworking is working from a distance i.e. in any location other than the traditional workplace. This usually refers to working from home, but can also mean working in another office closer to your home, at client premises or as you travel to/from work on the bus or train. Telework can also be useful for virtual meetings, reducing travel for those still working from a more traditional office. Teleworking can give you more personal time, provide a less disruptive work environment for tasks that need concentration, make it easier to balance work and life and also offer potential for savings as the cost of commuting is removed.

13 TravelSmart Workplace program
Please remove this slide if your organisation is already a part of the TravelSmart Workplace program. TravelSmart Workplaces have worked with over 78 workplaces in WA to help them implement travel plans. The TravelSmart Workplace program provides support to organisations across WA to promote active and sustainable travel choices and provides support for developing and implementing travel plans. The program provides advice and facilitates the travel planning process with online resources and a personalised access maps which provide information on the walking, cycling and public transport options around your workplace. Being part of the program also gives you access to the TravelSmart network and quarterly forums as well as ongoing free advice on promoting active travel via phone or . ‘A joint Australian, State and Territory Government initiative’

14 Ways our workplace can get involved
If your workplace already has a TravelSmart program in place then please delete the images on this slide and use a few images of what your workplace offers to staff e.g. information you provide, events, end of trip facilities etc. There are a range of actions we could encourage at our workplace a few of these include We could form a Walking group and challenge each other to walk more. Diabetes WA formed DWA Dorky Walkers Club and ran a raffle competition so each time some added some extra walking into their work day they got a ticket, each ticket went into the draw a the Christmas party for some great prizes Take part in a free Diabetes WA Get on Track challenge We can consider what facilities we provide for active commuters. Checking whether the storage is secure and also the quality of changing and showering facilities we provide A bicycle user group is another action to consider- members can receive incentives for cycling and experienced cyclists can help new cyclists to get started Carpoolers could receive a coffee incentive or guaranteed parking when they arrive at work Providing information on what services exist near our workplace through a link on our website, providing maps or timetables and including public transport information in induction packs is a simple way to promote TravelSmart.

15 TravelSmart Workplaces video 
Before we complete a group activity I will play a short video of stories from workplaces that have been involved in the TravelSmart Workplace program and some of the positive outcomes they have achieved as a result of implementing actions in their workplaces. Some of the ideas in the video are actions we could consider for our workplace and may help inspire ideas. Play video.

16 Group activity What ideas do we have for promoting walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling and teleworking at our workplace? Break into groups of 4 Record your top 10 ideas on post it notes 1 idea per post it note You can also consider one of the other exercises suggested in the presentation and speakers kit guide under the heading ‘Main exercises’ . Now that we have heard some facts, tips and ideas about walking, cycling, public transport, carpooling and teleworking it would be great to think about what would work at our workplace. Breaking into groups of 4, record your top 10 ideas for encouraging more people in our workplace to use an active or sustainable mode of travel to work. Please record one idea per post it note and once completed please bring your ideas up the front and we will group the common ideas together on the wall. You have 6 minutes to chat and come up with your top 10. Allow for 6 minutes for groups to chat and then bring up ideas, ask someone to help you to group the like ideas together. You can use these ideas to take to management for discussion or include as part of work you maybe doing to develop or review a travel plan. Thanks for your input into that group activity, we will use these ideas to……….include your reason here e.g in developing our travel plan, to include in our health and well being plan etc.

17 Fill out your pledge form to win
Personal activity Plan one day where you could catch the bus or train to/from work and add a walking or cycling element in that journey……. Consider: Night before preparation Paths (using maps) Timetables (train/bus) Timing (e.g. how long it will take to walk 2km?) Fill out your pledge form to win Hopefully after finding out a little more about the transport options available to you may have started to think about a change you would like to make. To close today’s workshop we will hold a personal pledge raffle. You will find a pledge form on our seat, plan out a day where you could catch a bus or train and add a walking and cycling element into that journey or even walk or cycle the whole way to work. Consider Night before preparation Paths (using maps) Timetables (train/bus) Timing (e.g. how long it will take to walk 2km?) Add any of these considerations under what you need to do, along with why you want to make a change and the date you want to do that by and don’t forgot to put your name on the pledge too. If you want to submit your pledge we will be displaying these on a noticeboard in (state location of noticeboard) and you will do into the draw now to win an one of 2 x onya bags and 2 x TravelSmart Aluminium drink bottles to help you on with your active travel. Once you have finished bring your pledge to the front and we will draw out our 4 winners. Collect pledges and ask a colleague to select 4 pledges, call out names of winners, give out prizes. Congratulations to our winners, I want to thank everyone for coming along to today’s workshop. If you would like to get involved in promoting active travel in our workplace please come and chat to me after today.

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