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Welcome! TIE 2016 30 Years of Excellence!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! TIE 2016 30 Years of Excellence!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! TIE 2016 30 Years of Excellence!

2 Speed Coding for Pennies
8:00 to 8:30 Paraphrase Carousel – review – paraphrasing is the best way to support someone’s thinking Remember how to paraphrase – 3 categories – acknowledge and clarify, summarize and shift level of abstraction up or down Set chairs facing each other in a carousel. S’s are the storytellers P’s are the paraphrasers P’s move Switch chairs and switch roles Whomever has the most pennies as the end, gets the jar! You only get 3 minutes and it’s about the paragraphing, not so much the story. Storytellers – make sure the paraphraser gets to paraphrase at least 3 times Stem 1: My kids are driving me …..! Stem 2: Spring is hectic. Some things I need to get done….. Stem 3: I have been working toward this coaching goal and it has been…. Stem 4: Some next steps I plan to take…..

3 Speed Coding Protocol Please share your name, position, school, and district. Tell your partner how you are more like a circle, square, triangle or Z. Take turns reading the scenarios. Together determine the domain, component, element and LOP. For each card you have totally correct, take 1 penny each.





8 MaryLou McGirr Learning Specialist, TIE Consultant, Danielson Group
Score Your Teachers' Observations Fairly and Accurately - Calibrate! MaryLou McGirr Learning Specialist, TIE Consultant, Danielson Group




12 Protocol Record evidence. Code individually. Check with a partner.
Record examples of each component on chart paper. After all examples are recorded, determine a LOP with your partner.


14 Protocol Record evidence. Code individually. Check with a partner.
Record examples of each component on chart paper. After all examples are recorded, determine a LOP with your partner.

15 Protocol Check your work with the Evidence Rating Form.
Compare the ERF rationale with your current style. With your partner, write a rationale.

16 Speed Coding for Pennies
8:00 to 8:30 Paraphrase Carousel – review – paraphrasing is the best way to support someone’s thinking Remember how to paraphrase – 3 categories – acknowledge and clarify, summarize and shift level of abstraction up or down Set chairs facing each other in a carousel. S’s are the storytellers P’s are the paraphrasers P’s move Switch chairs and switch roles Whomever has the most pennies as the end, gets the jar! You only get 3 minutes and it’s about the paragraphing, not so much the story. Storytellers – make sure the paraphraser gets to paraphrase at least 3 times Stem 1: My kids are driving me …..! Stem 2: Spring is hectic. Some things I need to get done….. Stem 3: I have been working toward this coaching goal and it has been…. Stem 4: Some next steps I plan to take…..

17 2nd video

18 Protocol Record evidence. Code individually. Check with a partner.
Record examples of each component on chart paper. After all examples are recorded, determine a LOP with your partner.

19 Protocol Check your work with the Evidence Rating Form.
Compare the ERF rationale with your current style. With your partner, write a rationale.

20 Take a penny for each correct LOP. Count your pennies.
8:00 to 8:30 Paraphrase Carousel – review – paraphrasing is the best way to support someone’s thinking Remember how to paraphrase – 3 categories – acknowledge and clarify, summarize and shift level of abstraction up or down Set chairs facing each other in a carousel. S’s are the storytellers P’s are the paraphrasers P’s move Switch chairs and switch roles Whomever has the most pennies as the end, gets the jar! You only get 3 minutes and it’s about the paragraphing, not so much the story. Storytellers – make sure the paraphraser gets to paraphrase at least 3 times Stem 1: My kids are driving me …..! Stem 2: Spring is hectic. Some things I need to get done….. Stem 3: I have been working toward this coaching goal and it has been…. Stem 4: Some next steps I plan to take…..

21 Really????

22 Customized Learning for Teachers…of course!



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