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Oodi & Optima Tony Heape 20th October, 2017.

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1 Oodi & Optima Tony Heape 20th October, 2017

2 The study database If it is not in Oodi, it does not exist
Web Oodi The study database If it is not in Oodi, it does not exist

3 What do/can you do in Oodi
make an annual registration as attending or non-attending  see degree requirements and view instruction from course catalogues  order an unofficial transcript of the records make a personal study plan (OodiPSP)  register for courses and exams follow received credits change your contact information  decide who can view your contact information

4 How to use oodi Annual Registration OodiPSP Guide for Bachelor's and Master's level Students *** OodiPSP Quick Guide for Doctoral Students *** Registering for Courses Quick Guide to WebOodi Problems with WebOodi Guide for registration process Frequently asked questions Degree system Reform 2005 Student Statistics Finnish Personal Data Act

5 Simple maths & (my) time management
If your PSP is OK, it takes me a total of 2 minutes to approve it; If your PSP is not OK, it takes me about 15 minutes to explain to you what is wrong and what must be corrected (and another 2 minutes to approve the corrected PSP); An incorrect PSP multiplies my workload by a factor of 8.5; We process about PSPs every year, of which only about 10% are OK first time and about 10% require a 3rd round. One or two like it so much, they go for a 4th round  (important note: we cannot, and do not, give up). Every hour spent ”correcting” the PSPs is an hour lost for the development of your graduate school. And what about your time? You can do the maths

6 General study structure for the doctoral degree
GENERAL & TRANSFERABLE SKILLS STUDIES, max 20% of total Obligatory studies (4 credits): Introduction to Doctoral Training (1 credit), Scientific Research and Ethics(2 credits), Follow-up group reporting & meetings (1 credit) 8 ECTS obligatory of your study requirements FIELD-SPECIFIC STUDIES 12 – 42 cr depending on Doctoral Degree Programme Courses that help you to do your research Talk with your supervisor! Post-graduate or advanced courses (with J- or S- included in the WebOodi course code) Organized by Degree programme and Doctoral Programme TOTAL 20 – 50 ECTS credits depending on Doctoral Degree Program STUDIES FIELD-SPECIFIC STUDIES, min 60% of total Obligatory studies (4 credits): Doctoral training plan (DTP; 3 credits) & seminar (1 credit) TEACHING (optional), max 20% of total TEACHING , max 20% of total Depending on the major, a doctoral student may include teaching in his/her degree. Prerequisite: University Pedagogy for doctoral students -course! 1 ECTS credit corresponds to 27 h work (incl. own work) by the average student.

7 Recommendations of ECTS for different activities related to doctoral studies
Teaching Lectures (depending on level) 2-3 ECTS/10h Exercises 0,5 - 1 ECTS/10h B.Sc. or M.Sc. thesis co-supervision/guidance 0,5 - 2 ECTS/thesis 1 ECTS credit corresponds to 27 h work (incl. own work).

8 General education & Transferable skills Field-specific activity
HOPS/PSPs: General education, transferable skills and field-specific activities What’s the difference ? (some examples where it might not be obvious) General education & Transferable skills Field-specific activity Learning of, or how to execute, a professional skill Applying the skill learned in a professional context Poster preparation and presentation skills course Conference: poster presentation Oral presentation skills course Conference/seminar: oral presentation Analysis of scientific articles course (how to…) Journal club presentation Scientific communication course (writing) Authoring articles (not incl. in thesis) Research plan writing course (How to…) Doctoral training plan Pedagogy course Teaching activity Research management skills course Co-supervision of pro-gradu thesis work Entrepreneurial course Entrepreneurial course (if business incl. in career plan) Utilization of patent databases course Publishing a patent (related to the doctoral research, but not included as a publication in the thesis) IPR in research course Communicating science to the media, … Information (library, …) skills

9 Most frequently ”requested changes” to be made to the Oodi-HOPS/PSP
Only S- and J-level courses may be included in the HOPS/PSP. Please delete the following from the HOPS/PSP: … The following course listed in your field-specific activities is considered as a General education/transferable skills course. Please move it to the correct section of the HOPS (delete from the field-specific section and then re-add to the general section). It will only be counted towards your degree when the total of the other credits acquired according to the minimum requirements defined for you major is at least NN. The following course listed in your General education/transferable skills courses is considered as a field-specific activity. Please move it to the correct section of the HOPS (delete from the general section and then re-add to the section field-specific). You should complete the HOPS with field-specific activities/courses. Please see or for some possibilities and recommendations. Up to 5 study credits may be included in the doctoral degree (LT and HLT only) for the completion of a medical or dentistry specialization if both of the following two conditions are met: The medical or dentistry specialization was obtained within the 5 years preceding the start of the doctoral study rights; AND The medical or dentistry specialization degree is directly related to the field of the doctoral research. Resubmit for approval after correction

10 Including teaching activity in the Oodi-HOPS/PSP
Transferable skills component Field-specific component UniOGS offers a 2-credit University Pedagogy course (920005J). This course is considered to be a Transferable Skills course. The UniOGS Pedagogy course, J, can be replaced by other courses approved by UniOGS without submitting a RPL/AHOT request (e.g. "Basic course in teaching biochemistry“, J, 2 credits). Other pedagogy courses (or extensive prior university teaching experience) may substitute for the approved pedagogy courses following the submission and approval of a RPL/AHOT request (to UniOGS). AHOT 1A, formaalissa koulutuksessa osaamisen tunnustaminen RPL 1A for previous formal education Teaching activity is considered to be a field-specific activity. If a pedagogy course has been attended and passed, or an RPL/AHOT request has been approved (by UniOGS), Teaching activity related to your own area of research may be counted towards the degree. Teaching tasks can only be included in the degree if you have already attended and passed a University- level Pedagogy course of at least 2 study credits (this must be identified in the HOPS). Only teaching carried out after completion of the pedagogy course may be included in the HOPS. Up to 20% of the total study credit requirement for your degree may be completed with Teaching tasks.

11 RPL/AHOT and study credits
You may be exempted from attending an obligatory course if : You can demonstrate that you have already acquired the skills/knowledge that are taught during the course, or You have already completed (and passed) a course with similar content and learning outcomes. In this case, you must submit a request for the recognition of RPL/AHOT. Recognition of RPL/AHOT does not lead to the award of the study credits normally associated with the obligatory course that it replaces. The number of study credits associated with the obligatory course replaced by RPL/AHOT recognition must be obtained through other doctoral-level activities/courses (S- or J-level) of the same category (field-specific, or GE/TS).

12 Optima
web-based platform that supports learning, a functional work community and fluent project management. Note: the current version of Optima will be replaced at the end of 2018

13 What can you do in the Optima environment?
You can carry out courses or projects in 'Workspaces' By clicking the 'Workspaces' title in the left frame you can see the workspaces you are a member of. In a workspace you can : read different types of documents and webpages. complete assignments and fill out forms. create various documents. take part in discussions by reading other people's messages and by sending your own messages. Etc. In 'Your space' you can manage your work in different workspaces, view your documents, messages and results and change/update your settings. Remember to update your address and login name in your Optima ”User card”

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