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Bitcoin, what is it? Bitcoin is a form of digital currency.

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2 Bitcoin, what is it? Bitcoin is a form of digital currency.
No one controls it, it is a decentralized currency, which means that no    big bank or institution can get a hold of your money.  It is the very first form of a growing category of money called cryptocurrency, created in 2009. The inventor of Bitcoin is anonymous, but he goes as Satoshi Nakamoto, which is not his real name. Bitcoins are stored in a personal online wallet that cannot be frozen by anyone.

3 Other crypto currencies and value per coin
Bitcoin : 1 BTC = 1622 $CAD  Litecoin : 1 LTC = 5.16 $CAD Ethereum : 1 ETH = $CAD

4 Value of Bitcoin since its creation (2009-2017)
In 2010 BTC were worth 0.50$CAD, now it is worth upwards of 1600 CAD$ *Prices in the graph are in $US

5 How are Bitcoins generated?
Bitcoins aren't controlled or printed by the big banks. They are created digitally by a large community of ordinary people, also, anyone can join. *Bitcoins are 'mined' with computers, solving various mathematical equations over the web. 

6 How does bitcoin mining work?
Bitcoin mining is quite hard to understand and very complicated to explain.

7 Pros and cons of using Bitcoin
Independent currency (account cannot be frozen) Little to no transaction fees (perfect for sending money overseas or travelling)  Secure transactions (encrypted) Unlimited transfers and amount can be sent It's essentially anonymous*  Unstable value (bitcoin currency can increase or decrease drastically) Volatile market (unpredictable) Not widely accepted (for now...) Payments are irreversible (no money back guarantee!)

8 Share with the world! Our website :
Thank you for listening Share with the world! Our website : Nicolas Albin Olivier De Grandpré

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