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Welcome to our Quiz Show

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1 Welcome to our Quiz Show

2 So you want to be as smart as a State Court Judge?


4 Question: Which amendment to the United States Constitution protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures?

5 The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
ANSWER: The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

6 True or False: All justices and judges must devote full time to their judicial duties. They shall not engage in the practice of law or hold office in any political party.

7 ANSWER: TRUE. Article V Section 13 of the Florida Constitution

8 True or False: The right to trial by jury is guaranteed in the US Constitution and the Florida Constitution.

9 ANSWER: True The right to trial by jury is guaranteed in the Florida Constitution in Article 1 Section 22 and in the US Constitution in Article 3 as well as the 6th and 7th Amendments.

10 The Florida Constitution established four levels of courts in Florida
The Florida Constitution established four levels of courts in Florida. These include county courts and circuit courts as well as two others. Name the two other levels of courts in Florida.

11 ANSWER: The Florida Supreme Court and the District Courts of Appeal.

12 Question: According to the Florida Constitution, what is the mandatory retirement age for judges in Florida? 12

13 ANSWER: 70 years of age is when state court judges must retire according to the Florida Constitution. See Article V Section 8 13

14 Question: How many rights are in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution? Name them. 14

15 ANSWER: There are Five Rights in the First Amendment. They include freedom of religion, speech, press, peaceable assembly, and the right to petition the government. 15

16 In the US Constitution, which article addresses the judicial branch?
Question: In the US Constitution, which article addresses the judicial branch? 16

17 ANSWER: Article III of the United States Constitution addresses the judicial branch of government. 17

18 How many justices serve on the Florida Supreme Court?
Question: How many justices serve on the Florida Supreme Court? 18

19 ANSWER: C. Seven There are seven (7) justices on the Florida Supreme Court. 19

20 Which branch of government interprets the law?
Question: Which branch of government interprets the law? 20

21 ANSWER: The judicial branch of government is responsible for interpreting the law. 21

22 Question: According to the Florida Constitution, to be eligible to serve as a justice of the Supreme Court of Florida, the person must have been a member of The Florida Bar for how many years? 22

23 ANSWER: Article V Section 8 of the Florida Constitution states that no person is eligible for the office of justice unless the person is, and has been for the preceding ten years, a member of the bar of Florida. 23

24 Choose your Final Exam Question:

25 FINAL QUESTION: What branch of the federal government is constitutionally responsible for establishing lower courts? 1. The Judicial Branch (US Supreme Court) 2.The Executive Branch (The President) 3.The Legislative Branch (Congress) 4. None of the above

26 ANSWER: 3. The Legislative Branch (Congress) is responsible for establishing the lower courts.

27 FINAL QUESTION The requirement that government must use fair and reasonable procedures in making, applying and enforcing the law is known as: 1. The Exclusionary Rule 2. Federalism 3. Due Process 4. Common Law

28 ANSWER: This requirement is called Due Process.

29 You did a GREAT JOB!!!

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