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Chapter 9- The Era of Thomas Jefferson

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1 Chapter 9- The Era of Thomas Jefferson

2 Election of 1800 Tied Aaron Burr in electoral votes
Needed to be decided by he House of Representatives Jefferson wins

3 Republican Policies Believed in a laissez-faire style of government= government should not intervene in the economy. Reduced number of people working in federal government Cut federal taxes

4 Marbury v. Madison Granted the Supreme Court the power of judicial review = the right for the Supreme Court to declare federal laws unconstitutional. gave more power to the judicial branch.


6 The Nation looks west By 1800, more than 1 million Americans lived west of the Appalachian Mountains More wanted to move west but we did not own the land Farmers in the West shipped many of their goods using the Mississippi River.

7 Importance of the Mississippi River and New Orleans
The majority of the population lived on the east coast. So the Mississippi River was vital in shipping goods to where the population was The goods would travel down the Mississippi River through the Port of New Orleans, into the Gulf of Mexico, around Florida and up to east coast cities. Was extremely difficult to ship goods across land: No roads No rail roads yet Mountainous terrain No vehicles Slow Dangerous- Native Americans and bad weather

8 The New Orleans Problem
Belonged to Spain Spain threatened to close down the port to American ships Spain secretly sells the Louisiana Territory to the French. Greatly increases France’s power in N. America

9 The New Orleans SOLUTION
Jefferson sends James Madison to France to try and buy New Orleans France had just lost their colony in Haiti to a revolution France could no longer protect Louisiana Territory French were willing to sell us the territory

10 The Greatest real estate deal in human history???
U.S. buys the Louisiana Territory for $15 million or about 4 cents an acre Expands U.S. boundaries to the Rocky Mountains in the West. Doubles the size of the country Gain full control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans


12 Jefferson’s Dilemma Did he have the power as President to buy land from another nation? Remember, Jefferson was a Republican who believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. But it did say that he could make treaties with other nations. Decides to go ahead with the purchase.

13 The War of 1812- The second War of Independence
What were the Causes and Effects of the War of 1812?

14 Why were we upset with Britain?
Impressing our ships Arming the Native Americans on the frontier Not respecting our legitimacy as a sovereign nation

15 Nationalism Strong feelings of pride in one’s country
Warhawks- people who were eager for war with Britain. Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun

16 Why we declared war Britain said they would continue impressing our ships. Native Americans continued to attack our western territories.

17 Early in the War We struggled because Jefferson had significantly cut the size of our military. British blockaded the Atlantic coast. Closed off all American ports by 1814


19 Invasion of Canada Failed miserably for the US
Were victorious in Lake Erie, forced British to abandon Detroit.

20 War in the south General Andrew Jackson defeated the Creeks at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.

21 British attack D.C. and Baltimore
British had defeated Napoleon in Europe and could now send more troops to North America. British set fire to the White House and other government buildings British bombarded Forth McHenry in Baltimore’s Harbor Was the inspiration for the “Star Spangled Banner.” America prevailed.

22 Treaty of Ghent War ends when the British tired of fighting
Agreement to end the war was signed in Ghent, Belgium Treaty called for things to return to normal.

23 Threats to secede Many northerners resented President Madison for going to war. Connecticut and other northern states threatened to secede, or leave the Union. European nations now had to accept our independence and treat us with respect.

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