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STRESS What you need to know… Eustress vs. Distress

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1 STRESS What you need to know… Eustress vs. Distress
General Adaptation Syndrome Video Stress & it's impacts Response: Write a quick letter to someone that stresses you out. Describe to them a time you experienced stress and how it made you feel. Explain to this person your side of the story. 5+ sentences required

2 An event that causes tension and requires the body to adjust
Stress An event that causes tension and requires the body to adjust

3 Distress having too much stress not knowing how to cope with stress
Negative stress having too much stress not knowing how to cope with stress

4 Eustress Positive stress
A moderate amount of stress improves productivity and helps in achieving goals

5 Stressors People Objects Places Events
Any situation that puts a demand on the body or mind: People Objects Places Events

6 Types of Stressors Environmental stressors are conditions or events in your environment that cause you stress. Biological stressors are conditions that make it difficult for your body to take part in daily activities. Thinking stressors are any type of mental challenge that can cause stress. Behavioral stressors are unhealthy behaviors that can lead to stress. Life Change stressors any major life change whether positive or negative, can cause stress.

7 Stress and the body Homeostasis represents the body’s natural attempt to maintain physiological balance.

8 General Adaptation Syndrome
is a model that describes (shows) the relationship between stress and illness.

9 There are three distinct phases
1) Alarm reaction is the immediate response to a stressor (Physical changes take place to adapt to the stressor)

10 2) Resistance is where the stressor persists
2) Resistance is where the stressor persists. The body will try to maintain homeostasis until it is overcome by the stressor.

11 3) Exhaustion/recovery is where the body will either recover or has lost the ability to cope. When the ability to cope is lost, the immune system is affected. The body will struggle to fight off diseases.

12 General Adaptation Syndrome Recap
A model that shows the relationship between stress and illness Phase 1: alarm Stressor is present body is managing to cope but immune system begins to weaken Phase 2: resistance Body is working on overdrive, causing a depressed immune system makes the body more likely to get sick with an illness Phase 3: exhaustion body breaks down and can no longer take the neglect results in illness

13 Fight or Flight Body is being provided with Body releases Epinephrine
ENERGY, REFLEXES, & STRENGTH Body releases Epinephrine A hormone, also known as Adrenaline, which allows body to respond quickly in emergency/stressful circumstances How does it work?

14 Fight or Flight Response
Sweating increases Rate of breathing increases Heart rate and blood pressure increase Digestive system slows Amount of stomach acid increases

15 Fight or Flight response
Blood vessels carry less blood to skin Muscles tense Body cells release energy faster More blood goes to the brain Pupils open wide to take in more light

16 The Flight or Fight response
Hearing ability increases Blood clotting ability increases Adrenaline/epinephrine is released Urine production decreases Blood sugar increases

17 Group Project How your body reacts to stress (work in groups of four or less) a) create a human body outline on butcher paper b) within the outline, draw and color 10 organs (hair, mouth, heart, legs, hands, lungs, stomach, eyes, ears, nose) c)using the packet and information from notes, identify and list two physical changes that occurs when you are under stress for each body part d)put first and last names and class period on back of poster

18 Rubric 50 points total Two points possible for each body part drawn, colored and labeled One point possible for each physical change listed Five points for body outline Five points for name, neatness, following directions

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