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Presentation on theme: "RISE OF THE DICTATORS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Totalitarism one party dictatorship regulates every aspect of the lives of its citizens


4 PROPAGANDA Movies, schools, factories.
Messages all about good of the government Evils of west and capitalism

5 Increase of the dedication to ones country above all else Religion
Nationalism Increase of the dedication to ones country above all else Religion ATHIESTISM Official religion

6 Persecution Hebrews Islam Catholics None were spared

7 Stalin Mussolini Hitler Franco

8 FACIST ITALY Fascism extreme right winged ideology based on total control of people through fear, force and censorship


10 Monarchy in Italy Unable to solve problems unemployment Weak economy

11 Benito Mussolini Extreme Nationalist Formed Fascist Party Opposed to communism Appealed to upper and middle class

12 Mussolini stressed Ownership of private property Cooperation between workers and management Return of Rome to glory (Nationalism)

13 Black Shirts Mussolini secret police
Waged a violent campaign against Communists and Socialists Used violence as tactic to suppress oppositions and strikes

14 King refused to declare martial law
Mussolini was named Premier Became a dictator

15 Appointed Fascists to all positions in government Mussolini quickly
Banned all political parties Suspended all basic liberties Kept unions under his control

16 Italy became a police state
Government based on economic activity 22 corporations met to establish wages and prices

17 Italy is now in firm control of Mussolini and Fascists

18 Stalin

19 Tactics Fear Eliminated religion Seized Orthodox property
Persecuted religious leaders

20 Churches turned into public buildings

21 Supreme Soviet met twice a year
Elected Politburo Council of Ministers Executive and administrative power

22 Real power was held by a few leaders who were led by Stalin

23 Stalin enacted a purge Eliminated party members Who were accused of being against his policies

24 Purged Intellectuals Army officials Union leaders and members Purge then expanded to the general public

25 By to 8 million people had been arrested, deported, imprisoned in labor camps or executed by Stalin

26 Stalin wanted other countries in Europe to accept USSR
Wanted to spread Communism throughout Europe

27 Germany 1919 Treaty of Versailles New government called the Weimar Republic Kaiser had left In city of Weimar new government formed

28 The new government was under pressure because it had to implement the Versailles Treaty
It was unpopular in Germany The reparation payments caused severe inflation

29 Made German money worthless
After initial success the government was ripe for takeover

30 Great Depression Stock Market Crash of 1929 Speculation
Caused panic and run on banks world wide Unemployment was high

31 Debts from World War I High tariffs on goods hurt trade High reparations

32 Germany in economic depression
Unemployment high inflation Blamed initially on the Weimar government Unemployment rose from 2 million in 1930 to 6 million in 1932

33 Rival factions tried to control Germany
Fascist and Communists

34 Beer Hall Putsch Led by extremists Hitler was involved Put on trial Used trial as a way to get his ideas out to public

35 Nazi Party National Socialist German Worker Party

36 Extremely Nationalistic
Anti Semitic Anti communist Promised to protect Germany from Communism

37 Adolph Hitler in prison wrote Mien Kamph (My Struggle) how to take power legally

38 Stressed Nationalism Purity of the Arian race (total elimination of the Jews) He was a charismatic, great speaker

39 Promised to repeal the Treaty of Versailles
Return Germany to power In 1925 Nazi party had 25,000 members By ,000 members

40 Depression and civil unrest caused workers to drift to Nazi message
Von Hindenburg leader of Germany old and weak


42 Nazi gained seats in Reichstag slowly and Hitler became leader
Von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor 1933 Reichstag burned Hitler blamed it on the Communists


44 Fear of Communism allowed Hitler to get more power and became the leader of Germany and a Dictator

45 Took title of Der Fuhrer
Turned Germany into a Police state

46 Revived economy in early 1930’s Government projects
Roads Houses Forrest restoration Rebuild military and weapons

47 Banned unions Opposition Newspapers political parties

48 Brown Shirts Gestapo Secret Police

49 Hitler now went after his Master Race
Elimination of Jewish, handicapped, mentally inferior gypsies

50 Jews were blamed for all of Germanys’ problems
Loss in WWI Treaty of Versailles Became Hitler’s scapegoat Identified by yellow star

51 Hitler called his rule Third Reich
1st Holy Roman Empire 2nd Hohenzollern Empire 3rd Hitler reign would be for a thousand years

52 1930 Germany rebuilt military
1936 moved into Rhineland Violation of Treaty of Versailles Britain and Franc ignored Not worth going to war over

53 Hitler was encourage by apathy
He formed alliance with fascist Italy forming the Berlin Axis The stage is now set for Germany to expand and bring the World to the brink of war.


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