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Urban Land Use.

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Presentation on theme: "Urban Land Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urban Land Use

2 Land Use ZONING Bylaws: laws for municipalities (small localities)
ZONING bylaw: Controls the kind of development in an area Eg. You cannot turn your apartment into a small convenience store!

3 6 Major Land Uses 1. Residential: homes
2. Transportation: roads, railways 3. Commercial: stores 4. Industrial: (eg. Food packaging plant) 5. Institutional and Public Buildings: schools, hospitals, churches, gov’t offices 6. Open Land/ Parks: vacant land, woodlots, cemeteries, fields

4 1. Residential

5 Two factors affect residential density:
1) cost of land: More expensive land = higher residential density (eg. Downtown) You need more people to live in a smaller area to pay for the price of the land. Lower land cost = lower residential density (eg. Suburbs) You don’t need as many people to pay for the price of the land 2) Age of the neighbourhood Older neighbourhoods = high residential density They were formed before most people used cars, so people had to walk or bus to places. Therefore, places were close together (high density)

6 2. Transportation Travel paths: roads
Terminal facilities: train station, subway/bus stations…etc

7 3. Commercial Centres Areas that sell a small quantity to individuals

8 4. Industrial Land Use Factories and manufacturing Storage warehouses
Shipping centres

9 4. Institutional and public buildings
schools, hospitals, churches, gov offices, police station

10 Other factors affecting land use

11 Land Use ZONING Bylaws: laws for municipalities (small localities)
ZONING bylaw: Controls the kind of development in an area Eg. You cannot turn your apartment into a small convenience store!


13 CLIMATE Cold cities like Montreal and Toronto build underground paths and shopping areas! (Dundas, queen, king, union, st. Andrew, osgoode subway stations)

14 3. URBANIZATION Urbanization (noun) is when cities grow and grow and GROW! Urban Sprawl: Urban areas spread too quickly and are difficult to manage. (it is a type of urbanization which has a negative connotation).

15 Positives and Negatives of Urbanization
creation of jobs; larger markets for businesses; better stores to shop at; more services available Negatives: more traffic congestion; more air pollution from traffic; loss of green space; loss of farmland

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