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Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Landing Page

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2 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Landing Page

3 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Sign In
Error Messaging If is not entered “ address is required.” If is not formatted correctly “ address is not formatted correctly.” If password is not entered “Password is required.” If password is too short “Password should be at least 10 characters long.” If incorrect username entered “Incorrect username or password – you may have the same username or password or we may have reset your password for site maintenance purposes. Please use Reset Password to reset.” If incorrect password is entered

4 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Janrain Social Login

5 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Registration Step 1 of 4

6 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Step 2 of 4

7 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Registration Step 3 of 4
Tapping “Sign in” takes user to log in screen Tapping “Terms of Service” link shall open Tapping “Privacy Policy” link shall open Error Messaging If First Name not entered “First name is required.” If Last name not entered “Last name is required.” If not entered “ is required.” If not formatted correctly “ address is not formatted correctly.” If s do not match “ addresses do not match.” If already in use “That address is already in use.” If Password not entered “Password is required.” If Password less than 6 characters “Must be at least 10 characters.” If Passwords do not match “Passwords do not match.”

8 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Registration Step 4 of 4
Error Messaging Card number out of range “Invalid card number. Please re-enter your card or pick up a valid card in a participating store in the Philadelphia metro area.” Card number already in use/already registered “Card number already in use. Please enter a valid card number.” Terms and Conditions are not accepted “Terms & Conditions are required. Please accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed.”

9 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Registration Account Preferences (Slide ½)
Tapping “Terms of Service” link shall open Tapping “Privacy Policy” link shall open Error Messaging Invalid phone number “Please enter a valid phone number.” Phone numbers don’t match “Phone numbers do not match.” Phone number already in use “Phone number is already in use. Please provide a unique phone number.” Invalid zip code “Please enter a valid 5-digit ZIP code.”

10 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Native App Registration Account Preferences (Slide 2/2)

11 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Landing Page

12 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Sign In
Error Messaging If is not entered “ address is required.” If is not formatted correctly “ address is not formatted correctly.” If password is not entered “Password is required.” If password is too short “Password should be at least 10 characters long.” If incorrect username entered “Incorrect username or password – you may have the same username or password or we may have reset your password for site maintenance purposes. Please use Reset Password to reset.” If incorrect password is entered

13 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Registration Step 1 of 4
Error Messaging If card number is invalid 'Invalid card number. Please re-enter your card or pick up a valid card in a participating store in the Philadelphia metro area.' If card number is already registered “Card number already in use. Please enter a valid card number.”

14 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Registration Step 2 of 4

15 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Janrain Social Login

16 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Registration Step 3 of 4
Tapping “Sign in” takes user to log in screen Tapping “Terms of Service” link shall open Tapping “Privacy Policy” link shall open Error Messaging If First Name not entered “First name is required.” If Last name not entered “Last name is required.” If not entered “ is required.” If not formatted correctly “ address is not formatted correctly.” If s do not match “ addresses do not match.” If already in use “That address is already in use.” If Password not entered “Password is required.” If Password less than 6 characters “Must be at least 6 characters.” If Passwords do not match “Passwords do not match.” If Captcha failed “Captcha failed. Try again.”

17 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Registration Step 4 of 4
Error Messaging If Terms not accepted “Terms & Conditions are required. Please accept the Terms & Conditions to proceed.”

18 Affinity Program | Client Approved Copy| Web Registration Account Preferences Zoomed in for Readable Copy (Slide 2/2) Error Messaging Invalid phone number when is entered “Please enter a valid phone number.” Invalid zip code “Please enter a valid 5-digit zip code”

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