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ENRAP: How can it Support IFAD Projects?

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1 ENRAP: How can it Support IFAD Projects?
Shalini Kala, ENRAP II Pakistan National Workshop 26-27 January 2004, Islamabad, Pakistan

2 World Development Report, 1998/99 “Knowledge for Development”
“The exploding capacity and plummeting costs of communications technology greatly expand the potential for both the acquisition and absorption of knowledge, creating new opportunities for two-way information flows.” World Development Report, 1998/99 “Knowledge for Development” From the project experience workshop to ENRAP meeting – a logical extension of thoughts and ideas Very aptly summarize why ENRAP? (the reason for formulation of ENRAP) Would like to mention another very important point here – this process can have remarkable impact on the way the projects operate (improving efficiency) and their developmental outcomes.

3 ENRAP Background ENRAP – a learning process
Strategy of knowledge networking Progress made and Challenges This presentation is broadly divided into four parts

4 Background What is ENRAP? What is the goal? Where does it work?
A Knowledge networking project to facilitate reciprocal exchange of knowledge between IFAD projects and better dissemination of lessons learned What is the goal? To address rural poverty through strategic intervention and application of ICTs Where does it work? With IFAD projects in selected countries of Asia/Pacific Who are the promoters? Basic hypothesis here is that a lot of learning exits from the experiences of IFAD projects and if projects can share this information better, the impact on their project outcomes will improve…… Planned over , Coordination from IDRC regional office, Delhi

5 Coverage: countries/projects/organizations
Direct support for 8 countries in the region (India, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Laos, Vietnam and China) IFAD projects in other countries are invited to participate with their own funding Related organizations are most welcome

6 ENRAP- a learning process
ENRAP I Impact:Recognition of the necessity to capture and share local knowledge and good practices Learning: While “hardware/connectivity” is the enabler, the spirit of sharing is the key Response: ENRAP II, Modified design with more focused goals and objectives ENRAP is currently in its second phase. Impact: Enhanced communication, ENRAP website, Developed some successful pilot activities involving village communities, project staff and local and external specialists Learning: Evaluation findings Knowledge sharing and communications between projects via or the internet was not very extensive Coverage, ENRAP was viewed as a separate project and not as a core component of the IFAD project rather than as a separate project in itself

7 Some ICT initiatives in ENRAP I
Website training in Singapore Multimedia guide on pruning of lime and orange trees, Sri Lanka Local language newsletter for farmers, Mindanao project, Philippines Self-help group assessment manual on the Internet in Marathi and English, India Database of regional development initiatives, India Knowledge mapping training for project staff, India Training for Internet use ENRAP website Some of the ICT initiatives undertaken during phase I which received much appreciation from project staff.

8 ENRAP II Goal: Improve impact of IFAD-funded projects through strengthening and deepening of knowledge sharing networks While the goal remains same, in the second phase ENRAP is more focused in its approach, targeting specific areas for improved impact. This is reflected in the four objectives articulated.

9 Objectives Assess and strengthen current technical networking capacity of projects Build and expand the capacity of project staff and stakeholders – including CBOs, NGOs and line agencies in the use of electronic media Develop local, national and regional networks for sharing knowledge, experiences and best practices Design and test innovative technical and institutional models demonstrating effective use of ICTs for rural development Everybody may not have access to same kind of infrastructure, this needs to be assessed and resolved Integrate technology in the whole range of project operation, implementation at all levels including all the stakeholders Local networks among project and stakeholders, national networks of projects and other collaborators and regional networks between the national networks Sharing local and indigenous knowledge too Selected innovative projects for demonstration - such as telecenters

10 First objective on connectivity
Each project should be properly connected – to set minimum standard Projects are expected to invest significantly in computer equipment and access to Internet Innovative funding methods will be used (matching of investments in ICT) At least 3-4 persons per project should be trained in information management sharing Project stakeholders should be connected Basic connectivity – internet access, access to a computer, individual address, 28.8K connection… Most projects have computers, utilization and access for internet technology

11 Second Objective on capacity building…
…of project stakeholders to use ICT for knowledge sharing Information Management training for better communication at national level Training on Web site design and management of on-line discussions Will use train-the-trainer approach What do you need in terms of capacity building within your country? Use of s, discussion list, web site design etc. May be training is needed, ENRAP could help with training of trainers, one project taking the lead in each country…?

12 Within-project networks
Initiated and lead by the project management unit or project stakeholder Linking project stakeholders including line agencies and collaborating institutions Focus on use of local language Conducting knowledge mapping - finding where information/ knowledge exists Stimulating discussion and knowledge exchanges Organizing stakeholders training Someone from the project who is particularly interested/skilled. Develop project web sites, design innovative dissemination activities based on local needs and information available One of the objectives on this meeting is also specify other activities, to hear from you

13 National Networks Initiated/coordinated by one of the country projects - ‘Champions’ or lead projects Stimulating exchange of Knowledge between IFAD projects (e-discussions, meetings) and resource institutions Promote use of locally preferred language Organizing training Champions or lead projects could be rotated Within and among projects and then with other institutions such as national agricultural organisations, lead NGOs, research and extension institutions, etc National language – China, Vietnam etc. National networks should organise training for their members as necessary, may vary from country to country -

14 Regional network Lead by ‘Champions’ who can commit time and efforts
“Train-the-Trainers” regional workshop Feeding ENRAP website On-line discussions coordinated by regional coordinator Feeding with information, news, success stories of best practices Discussions on popular topics/key issues in the region, approaches to integrating the gender component in projects, forming and using self-help groups for development, micro-enterprise, agriculture technologies, etc.

15 Innovative models Will be done by selected projects for demonstration
Combination of new and traditional methods to disseminate knowledge 2 - 3 projects could experiment with telecentres Experiment with community radio, etc CBNRM – collaboration with IDRC on web-based tools Projects could prepare proposals for innovative ideas and some of these could be tried and tested, for demonstration Using internet with other traditional tools of communication, such as radio Telecentres for market prices, etc. We could further develop this list with your ideas

16 Strategy Support Projects in improving:
Access: Connectivity, Staff capacity Documentation: Project stories, staff capacity, tools Dissemination: ENRAP website, Newsletters, ENRAP list Knowledge networks: ENRAP list, links to knowledge resources, national and regional meetings ENRAP is a support mechanism to promote use of ICTs by building capacity within projects and among their stakeholders. Shared costs and efforts between projects and ENRAP in all activities. Key elements of ENRAP’s strategy are:……Apart from documentation and dissemination (of grassroots innovation and best practice), what is key is access to information and opportunity to network with relevant people and knowledge resources. Clearly the focus here is on using ICTs to access, document, disseminate and create knowledge networks Access: Documentation: stories from projects staff and from my visits, training on documentation and writing skills, and helping with tools such as creation of websites Dissemination: ENRAP website, ENRAP list, newsletters both ENRAP and project initiated Knowledge Networks: Project visits along with ENRAP list, links to resources through website and at meeting, IFAD workshops, meetings

17 Progress Made Assessing and strengthening connectivity – REAP- Sri Lanka, Laos and SEWA India Capacity building for project staff – Laos, Philippines, India, Nepal, Vietnam National meeting – India, China, and now Pakistan ENRAP network Resource persons – China, India, others…. Newsletters Project visits Website National plans were drafted in the Planning workshop and some revisions were made by some later Proposals received for LAN, tele-centers, strengthening project staff’s capacity to document For national networks the lead projects were identified earlier, now resource persons are being hired for some countries – China, India In Nepal and Sri Lanka their seems to be a good interaction between the projects The e-discussion list provides an opportunity for members to network with each other, my visits to projects and also contact with them over and phone is helping me to connect with them and to connect them with others in the list and knowledge resources outside ENRAP was provided an opportunity to participate in project formulation missions of IFAD and provided inputs to strengthen infrastructure and capacity of projects to document, disseminate and access knowledge

18 Some Pictures








26 Challenge Trigger knowledge sharing and exchange between projects and their stakeholders Building commitment for use of ICTs Connectivity, access to internet – enabling environment Information exchange among projects – content and language Knowledge networking/sharing over ICTs

27 Future action ENRAP will send report on workshop in 10 days
Send an to ENRAP in one week’s time Supplementary information to be provide in 10 days DASP Proposal from NADP in 15 days time BVDP proposal in 8 days BADP NWFP proposal in 15 days Neelum Jhelum to send some information 9 days

28 Future actions Send photos, audio, 2 presentations
Next national meeting discussion by projects – tentatively after 6 months Explore possibility of a regional meeting for gender mainstreaming with projects –IFAD-UNIFEM, ICIMOD, IDRC, ENRAP ICIMOD to send ENRAP some best project stories Govind to send 3-4 gender good practice studies and conceptual material

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