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3.4 Energy and the environment

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1 3.4 Energy and the environment
LO’s: Describe how fossil fuels damage the environment. Explain why some people are concerned about nuclear power. Describe advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources. Evaluate the use of different energy resources 4-6 4-6 6-8 6-8 Keywords fossil fuels reliable intermittent renewable Non renewable radioactive waste Starter Show Brainpop clip on generating electricity Play word domino round the class with ideas so far Main Activity Work though the revision power points Read the aqa text book p 42 – 43 and answer the Questions ( mainly revision of work done earlier) Plenary Discuss answers to Q Homework task: kerboodle P3.1 Using fuels for energy

2 Q1a. Most of the Uk’s electricity is generated by gas ( 46% ) using efficient combined cycle gas turbines which make use of the hot exhaust fumes from gas turbines – which are like aircraft jet engines. Q1b. Fossil fuels are: * non renewable * produce carbon dioxide which most scientists believe contributes to global warming * cause acid rain

3 Q1a. Most of the Uk’s electricity is generated by gas ( 46% ) using efficient combined cycle gas turbines which make use of the hot exhaust fumes from gas turbines – which are like aircraft jet engines. Q1b. Fossil fuels are: * non renewable * produce carbon dioxide which most scientists believe contributes to global warming * cause acid rain

4 Advantages of renewable fuels;
Q1c. Advantages of renewable fuels; * supply of energy will never run out * do not produce carbon dioxide gas Disadvantages: Energy density of renewable energy schemes is low so renewable schemes take up a lot of land / sea to capture enough energy Often unreliable ( eg wind ) or intermittent ( eg tidal barage)

5 Advantages of renewable fuels;
Q1c. Advantages of renewable fuels; * supply of energy will never run out * do not produce carbon dioxide gas Disadvantages: Energy density of renewable energy schemes is low so renewable schemes take up a lot of land / sea to capture enough energy Often unreliable ( eg wind ) or intermittent ( eg tidal barage)

6 5. Boiler pipes to turn water into steam
1. Generators 2. Steam turbine 3. Condenser 4. Pump 5. Boiler pipes to turn water into steam in hot gas exhaust The clever bit ! 6. Gas turbine CCGT A combined-cycle power plant uses both a gas and a steam turbine together to produce up to 50 percent more electricity from the same fuel than a traditional simple-cycle plant. The waste heat from the gas turbine is routed to the nearby steam turbine, which generates extra power  


8 Q3a. For a remote island; Wind turbine, solar Photovoltaic panel small bio mass thermal power station/ gas turbine Q3b. Power stations which do not release green house gases: Solar power station which uses mirrors to direct sunshine on to a boiler to make steam for turbines Nuclear power station Burning carbon neutral fuels in a thermal power station

9 Q3a. For a remote island; Wind turbine, solar Photovoltaic panel small bio mass thermal power station/ gas turbine Q3b. Power stations which do not release green house gases: Solar power station which uses mirrors to direct sunshine on to a boiler to make steam for turbines Nuclear power station Burning carbon neutral fuels in a thermal power station

10 Q4. TIDAL + renewable , reliable - Intermittent, very expensive to build, destroys habitats of wading birds NUCLEAR + reliable , high power output - radio active waste needs to be stored safely for thousands of years WIND FARM + renewable, free energy supply - Noisy , spoil landscape due to large area required

11 Q4. TIDAL + renewable , reliable - Intermittent, very expensive to build, destroys habitats of wading birds NUCLEAR + reliable , high power output - radio active waste needs to be stored safely for thousands of years WIND FARM + renewable, free energy supply - Noisy , spoil landscape due to large area required


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