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Provide rescue breathing for respiratory arrest victims

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2 Provide rescue breathing for respiratory arrest victims
Learning objectives Describe modifications to compressions and breaths with an advanced airway Provide rescue breathing for respiratory arrest victims Describe the technique for relief of foreign body airway obstruction for an adult, child, infant Part I: mouth-to-mouth breaths Part II: rescue breathing Part III: Relief of choking in responsive/unresponsive adult, child, infant

3 Pgs 61-64, 71-76 Use packet A for these Use book for these
Add Systems vocab to Quizlet: Supra Laryng/o Trache/o gastr/o End/o Advanced airway Rescue breathing Gastric inflation Respiration arrest Mild airway obstruction Severe airway obstruction Use packet A for these Use book for these

4 Respiratory system Anatomy

5 Please independently read pgs 61- 64 in your workbooks

6 Using pages 61- 64 in your workbooks, fill in your guided
Notes sections: Comparison of Compression-to-ventilation ratio Rescue breathing and rescue breathing chart Critical concepts caution

7 Video Segment: Special considerations
Mouth-to-mouth segment Practice with video

8 Guiding questions What is the compression rate to breaths ratio for adult/ child/infant What health concerns could happen if respiratory arrest is not treated immediately There are 7 steps to mouth-to-mouth breathing, can you name them all?

9 Please read pages 71 -76 in your student workbook

10 Using pages 71 -76 in your student workbook
Fill in your guided notes for sections: Signs of Foreign body airway obstruction Abdominal thrusts Caution: pregnancy Foundational fact Caution: finger sweep

11 Video Segment: Choking
Adult choking Class practice on LAB partner Infant choking Practice with video Conclusion

12 Exit ticket: Review questions

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