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Meditative Intuitive Directive Negotiative. Meditative Intuitive Directive Negotiative.

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2 Meditative Intuitive Directive Negotiative

3 M i i i i i i i n n Dd

4 Meditative factual detailed logical one focus at a time
M.I.N.D. DesignTM .. Meditative factual detailed logical one focus at a time

5 many focuses/challenges at once
M.I.N.D. DesignTM . Intuitive mostly divergent use hunches or guesses strive for new ideas many focuses/challenges at once

6 work as spirit moves them
M.I.N.D. DesignTM Negotiative personal/friendly very loyal like to enjoy work work as spirit moves them

7 do scheduled or expected
M.I.N.D. DesignTM . Directive systematic practical organized do scheduled or expected

8 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Meditative Intuitive Directive Negotiative factual
detailed logical one focus at a time . Intuitive mostly creative use hunches or guesses strive for new ideas many focuses/challenges at once Directive systematic practical organized do what is scheduled or expected Negotiative personal/friendly very loyal like to enjoy what they are doing work as the spirit moves them

9 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles



12 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles
M - Meditative uses facts gives specific answer works alone thinks as a detective explains in detail questions everyone calculates accurately is very precise thinks abstractly uses logical thought works step by step

13 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles
I - Intuitive lots of ideas imagination sees or senses answers gets solutions w/o facts experiments often pretends easily sees patterns quickly takes risks very inventive future thinker

14 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles
N - Negotiative friendly loyal to others likes to work w/ people always involves others tends to be emotional joiner follower over leader trustworthy enjoys talking adaptable to group

15 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles
D - Directive works step by step is very practical plans before acts neat & organized directs people follows the rules on time exactly dependable does things right way wants correct answers

16 M.I.N.D. DesignTM Preferred Thinking Styles
M - Meditative uses facts gives specific answer works alone thinks as a detective explains in detail questions everyone calculates accurately is very precise thinks abstractly uses logical thought works step by step I - Intuitive lots of ideas imagination sees or senses answers gets solutions w/o facts experiments often pretends easily sees patterns quickly takes risks very inventive future thinker D - Directive works step by step is very practical plans before acts neat & organized directs people follows the rules on time exactly dependable does things right way wants correct answers N - Negotiative friendly loyal to others likes to work w/ people always involves others tends to be emotional joiner follower over leader trustworthy enjoys talking adaptable to group

17 M. I. D. N. Systematically Wholistically Convergent Divergent Solo
Convergently Divergent Solo/Team Divergent Rational, logical, Analytical, individual Intuitive, exploratory, Unknown, fanciful Systematic, equations, Step-by-step, proven Fun, harmonious, Involving all, family/team Systematically Convergent Organization Wholistically Divergent Family D. N.


19 M i n Dd Style Instruments Herrmann Merrill McCarthy Fischer Lotas
Kolb Gregorc Maccoby Mok Myers-Briggs SOLAT Kirton M i n Dd Style Instruments

20 Creative Thinking Tools Divergent & Convergent
Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP

21 Thank You

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