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Formative Assessment I

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1 Formative Assessment I
KAREEN EDWARDS VCU Ed.d Program in Leadership Cohort 2018

2 Initial Attraction to VCU’s Ed.D Program.
Team Instruction and Team Learning 3 YEARS 3 Analytic Lenses Equity Accountability Learning Environments Case-Study Based

3 The Transformation

4 The Transformation continues

5 Feedback Excellent analysis APA Strong writing Too much detail Grammar
Good content Paper well organized Ideas concise and rational.

6 Feedback Dr. A Dr. C Dr. Newcomb
“Grammatically, you have very few errors. APA is different, though. You have some significant APA issues that we can discuss during our conference. I want to be sure you can get this right so that your next paper is APA-perfect!” “Your content was very good; your paper was well organized and your ideas were concise and rational. You have really become a better writer with less grammatical errors than when you started. You did a good job on this assignment and expressed yourself very well” “Excellent analysis and moral reasoning. Strong writing – just a few minor editing issues”. Feedback

7 Personal Inventories Learning Connection Inventory
Sequencing, Precision, Confluence, Technical Reasoning. Use First Use As Needed Avoid

8 Learning Connections Inventory-LCI
Sequence: (20) - Use As Needed pattern Plan with precise details how to complete a task (depending on the nature of task). Combine steps so as to cut down on time- If a task has multiple steps. People think that I am disorganized. I am making a conscious effort to be more purposeful in my planning, Mull over ideas in my head for an extended period. Realize that it is sometimes necessary to share information when working in a team. As a team leader, it is necessary to take this approach, especially in my quest to build trust and create an environment where healthy conflict is encouraged.

9 Learning Connections Inventory-LCI
Precision – Use As Needed (24) Sometimes I will try to find an example of a task in order to fully understand how to complete it. I spend a lot of time thinking about a task, and creating different scenarios in my head on what approach to take. Many times I barely meet deadlines. Although precision is a use as needed for me, like people who rate high in this area I tend to require step by step directions and a thorough explanation with specifics.

10 Learning Connections Inventory-LCI
Confluence – Use as Needed (22). I believe that I always strive to be different and unique. I try to go a step further not only as a means of standing out, but because I am always thinking that an activity/task I am asked to complete is not meant to be presented in a simplistic way, but there must be more to it. Risk taker. Think outside the box.

11 Learning Connections Inventory
Technical Reasoning – Avoid (16) My technical reasoning score was a 16. I will try to read the directions on how to complete a task, but will get really frustrated if I do not understand in a ‘timely manner’. In many cases I feel like such a failure if I am not able to figure something out.

12 Personal Inventory: Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),
Perception -Judgement

13 Personal Inventory: Myers- Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI),
INFP Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perception.

14 Personal Inventory I am predisposed to Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perception (INFP), I -Caring -Compassionate -Inquisitive -Enjoys Ideas, Language, and writing -Independent -Adaptable


16 Personal Inventory – 360 Degree Feedback

17 Personal Inventory – 360 Degree Feedback
The results indicate that there might be some areas of strength of which I am unaware and that I need to use to my advantage. (Teamwork, Organizational Ability). Some areas that I perceive as strength might not be presented as such (Developing Others).

18 What Does it All Mean Relationships are important to me
Energized by spending time alone Excellent listener Catalyst Struggle to stay organized Flexible

19 What Have I Learned APA Word press Better writing techniques
Transcribing & Coding Team building skills Essential leadership traits Importance of ethics Time management practices

20 What I Learned About Myself
Ed.D Ed.D

21 How Have I Changed at Work
Express myself better both orally and in writing More intentional in promoting a team approach when working with others In classroom try to use individual strengths, to improve instruction Apply skills I have learned to address problems and issues that arise on a daily basis

22 Goals for Year Two Improve presentation skills
Improve time management skills Work on team building skills Focus on results/develop others Improve APA Improve wordpress site Continue improving academically

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