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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION TO PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON DMR 2010 / 11 ANNUAL REPORT"— Presentation transcript:


18 OCTOBER 2011

3 Presentation Outline 1. Financial performance
- Annual Financial Statements 2. Auditor General’s Report - Audit Findings - Report on Material Losses - Report on Accruals 3. Progress on BRRR Recommendations 4. Section 32 Report

PROGRAMME 2010/11 Final Budget R'000 Actual Variance 2009/10 R’000 1. Admin 227,865 226,727 1,138 249,253 2. MHS 137,095 137,092 3 138,543 3. MR 188,611 188,608 190,008 4. MPP 442,271 442,270 1 73,724 Total 995,842 994,697 1,145 651,528

5 Analysis of variances The overall under spending by the Department was R1,145 million which is 0.11 % of the budget The main reason for the under spending relates to the procurement of goods and services whereby orders were raised during the 2010/2011 financial year but delivery thereof and processing of invoices and payments happened subsequent to that. This was mainly on Programme 1: Administration

6 Analysis of variances Mine Health and Safety Branch reflected 100% spending. An amount of R4.9 million was re-allocated to other Branches to cater for over expenditure Although Mineral Regulation Branch reflected 100% spending, an amount of R6.2 million was re-allocated to this Branch from other Branches to cater for higher than anticipated expenditure Mineral Policy and Promotion Branch reflected 100% spending. An amount of R2 million was re-allocated to other Branches for higher than anticipated expenditure

 Economic Classification 2010/11 2009/10 2008/09 2006/07 Compensation of Employees 326,457 403,323 330,089 290,561 Goods and services 206,504 263,475 269,408 277,222 Payment for Capex 28,603 48,690 18,855 7,470 Transfer and subsidy 438,120 3,828,303 3,111,061 2,366,512 Theft and losses 50 924 593 5,602 Unspent 1,145 137,288 56,235 27,570 TOTALS (BUDGET) 995,842 4,682,004 3,786,241 2,974,937 % Under Spending 0.11% 2.9% 1.48% 0.93%

8 Analysis of Unspent Fund
Under spending has been consistently below 3% for the last three years For the year under review, the unspent funds is attributable to the late receipt of invoices and consequent delay in processing payments However, this is not a true reflection of the matter as there is a huge gap between the unspent amount and the accrual raised which would have had constituted unauthorised expenditure had payment been done in time.

9 Analysis of variance in Statement of Financial Performance
Items 2010/11 2009/10 Variance % variance R’000 Compensation of employees Basic salary 217,268 259,530 (42,262) (16.28) Periodic payments 187 1,526 (1,339) (87.74) Pension 28,875 33,503 (4,628) (13.81) Goods and services Venues and facilities 2,282 5,454 (3,172) (58.15) Advertising 1,661 2,829 (1,168) (41.28) Communication 11,181 19,875 (8,694) (43.75)

10 Analysis of the Statement of Financial Performance
Item 2010/11 2009/10 Variance % variance R’000 Travelling 54,667 67,458 (12,791) (18.96) Operating leases 64,147 34,231 29,916 87.39 Financial transactions in assets and liabilities 50 925 (875) (94.00) Transfers and Subsidies 438,120 3,828,303 (3,390,183) (88.55) Tangible capital assets Buildings and other fixed structures 17,059 26,917 (9,858) (36.62) Machinery and equipment 10,404 20,467 (1,063) (49.16) Software and other intangible assets 1,140 1,306 (166) (12.71)

11 Statement of Financial Performance: Variance analysis
The staff cost decreased as a result of the split of Department of Minerals and Energy into Dept of Mineral Resources and Dept of Energy. (1,076 vs 1,272) The G & S cost is relatively low compared to 2009/10 owing to split of Dept of Minerals and Energy. However the operating lease cost increases due to the relocation of the Head Office and some of the Regional offices The decrease in Tangible capital assets cost is attributable mostly to the leasehold improvements for Trevenna paid in 2009/10

12 Statement of Financial Performance: Variance analysis
Decrease of 88.55% in transfers and subsidies is due to the fact that most of the transfers for the former DME relate to Dept of Energy Financial transactions in assets and liabilities went down by 94% due to fewer losses written off during the financial year.

13 Analysis of variances: Statement of Financial Position
Item 2010/11 2009/10 Variance %variance R’000 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 37,493 192,279 (154,786) (80) Prepayments and Advances 40 5,902 (5,862) (99) Receivables 20,663 14,580 6,083 41 Current Liabilities Voted Funds to be surrendered 1,145 137,288 (136,143) Revenue to be surrendered 2,482 74,344 (71,862) (96)

14 Analysis of variances: Statement of Financial Position
Item 2010/11 2009/10 Variance %variance R’000 Net Assets Recoverable Revenue 1,052 1,062 10 0.94

15 Details of Transfers and Subsidies
Recipient 2010/11 Purpose of transfer payment Actual transfer R'000 SBT Trust and Council for Geoscience 35,671 Assistance to marginal mines in the form of pumping subsidies (R3m) and research to prevent ingress of water into underground holdings (CGS:R32.7m) Council for Geoscience 136,505 Core funding in terms of establishing act Council for Mineral Technology Research 195,840 R165.8 million -Core funding in terms of establishing act and R30 million - Mine Rehabilitation projects South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator 40,643 Mine Health and Safety Council 5,358 Industrial Development Corporation of SA (Small scale mining) 23,609 Small scale mining projects

16 Audit Findings and action plan: 2009/2010 v 2010/2011
AG Finding 2009/10 AG Finding 2010/11 Comment 1. Receivable for Departmental Revenue – incomplete, inconsistent and inaccurate Receivable for Departmental Revenue – application of the Royalty Act and interest calculation The database issue raised in 2009/10 has been resolved. Allocation and interest calculation are new issues Action plan to address 2009/10 finding: Status as at 31 March 2011: Proposed action plan to address 2010/11 finding: review revenue registers monthly Conduct review sessions monthly Appoint staff with Finance knowledge and experience at Regional offices Develop Rev Management system Implemented since August 2010 – ongoing Resource commenced on 01 February 2011 Not finalised as priority was given to the SAMRAD online Finalise the development of the Revenue Management model in SAMRAD

17 Audit Findings and action plan: 2009/2010 v 2010/2011
AG Finding 2009/2010 AG Finding 2010/2011 Comment 2. Invoices not paid within 30 days or receipt Invoices not paid within 30 days of receipt This is a repeat finding Action plan to address 2009/2010 finding Status as at 31 March 2011 Proposed Action Plan to address 2010/11 finding Communicate centralisation of invoices monthly report on contract versus order Review process to confirm payments Implemented 31 July 2010 Maintain action plans already in place Enhance expediting of orders and monitor progress on a monthly basis

18 Audit Findings and action plan: 2009/2010 v 2010/2011
AG Finding 2009/10 AG Finding 2010/11 Comment 3. Irregular expenditure incurred not reported in the disclosure notes - Action plan to address 2009/10 finding: Status as at 31 March 2011 Proposed action plan to address 2010/11 finding: Adjust 2009/10 financials and report irregular expenditure Implement corrective measures against transgressors Adjusted in June 2010 Irregular Expenditure register updated monthly Branches are notified or irregular expenditure as it occurs for investigation and remedial action n/a – will just be maintained

19 Audit Findings and action plan: 2009/2010 v 2010/2011
AG Finding 2009/10 AG Finding 2010/11 Comment - Contingent Liability – obligation for the rehabilitation of derelict and ownerless mines not provided for New finding Action Plan to address the finding Due date Appoint Council for Geosciences to finalise the quantification of priority sites and estimated cost thereof 28 February 2012

20 Audit Findings and action plan: 2009/2010 v 2010/2011
AG Finding 2009/10 AG Finding 2010/11 Comment 4. Accruals – exceeded funds to be surrendered and would have constituted unauthorised expenditure had payment be made in time Accruals – exceeded funds to be surrendered and would have constituted unauthorised expenditure had payment be made in time This is a repeat query Action plan to address the finding Action plan to address the finding Due date Motivate for additional funding Introduce further cost containment measures on Good and Services Done in July 2011 By 01 April 2012

21 Report on Material Losses - Assets: Category and Value
Quantity Purchase Value Book Value 1. Assets that could not be verified for two or more consecutive financial years 485 R2,070,189.17 R 75,400.48 2. Assets that went missing during the relocation 614 R3,332,165.68 R489,301.25 3. Assets that could not be moved (fixtures) 34 R 245,404.07 4. Leased Assets 21 R ,200.00 5. Reported Losses 10 R 145,691.67 R262,264.93 Total 1 164 R5,839,651.59 R826,966.66

22 Report on Material Losses - Assets: Root Cause and Action Plan
Category Root Cause Action Plan 1. Assets that could not be verified for two or more consecutive years Duplication in the Assets Register Tag replacement process during verification has been defined in 2010/2011 Process for the IT equipment replacement/movement has been developed for implementation by 30 November 2011 2. Assets that went missing during the relocation Poor synchronisation of activities involved in the relocation Capacity challenges Project management for relocation will include all aspects that have impact on the relocation

23 Report on Material Losses - Assets: Root Cause and Action Plan
Category Root Cause Action Plan 3. Assets that could not be moved (fixtures) Lack of distinct method to record fixtures on the Asset Register To record them distinctively so that they can be written off immediately after relocation 4. Leased Assets Recording of Leased Assets distinctively started during the 2010/11 financial year 5. Reported Losses Assets Lost by Officials To review the processes of reporting and recording losses Implement the Loss Management Strategy

24 Report on Accruals The R1,1 million unspent funds to be surrendered would not have been sufficient to cover the accrual raised at the end of the year and this seem to be a growing trend. Records show a trend between accruals and unspent funds for the past two financial periods as follows: 2009/2010: R19,6 million vs R11,5 million (deficit of R8,1 million) 2010/2011: R37,7 million vs R3,8 million (deficit of R33,9 million) The unauthorised expenditure that would have been incurred by the Department as shown by the deficit above is an indication that there are serious challenges in the allocation of budget for Goods and Services

25 Progress on BRRR Recommendations
Recommendation: The Minister needs to ensure that capacity within the department is built and therefore avail/provide for the necessary resources including financial budget DMR Response: Funding problems have always been the challenge as illustrated in the next slide. This has a negative impact on performance as limited funding inhibits achievements of some of the set objectives thereby affecting service delivery

26 Progress on BRRR Recommendations DMR Response Cont’d
Financial Year Additional Funding Requested Additional Funding Allocated Variance 2010/2011 R281,234 R10 996 R270,238 2011/2012 R452,324 R10,136 R462,460

27 Progress on BRRR Recommendations
In order to ensure the DMR’s contribution to the process of creating decent jobs and ensuring sustainable livelihood for the people the Minister of Mineral Resources needs to speed up the process of completing the beneficiation and small scale mining strategies

28 Progress on BRRR Recommendations Cont’d
DMR Response: The Beneficiation strategy was adopted as the country’s policy by Cabinet on the 8th of June 2011. -Process of developing implementation plans for the five pilot value chains as outlined in the strategy. -Two value chains are being finalized for presentation to Cabinet - the iron and steel and the energy commodities value chains . -The rest of the value chains will be developed during the next financial . The small scale mining strategy – Draft strategy has been completed and going through the internal approval processes.

29 Progress on BRRR Recommendations
The department should ensure capacity is created to enforce the compliance with legislation DMR Response: The Department has provided for the establishment of a compliance unit under the Mineral Regulation Branch however the posts remain unfunded and the Branch will continue to motivate for the necessary funding

30 Progress on BRRR Recommendations
The Director General should ensure the Committee receives the organogram of the new DMR DMR Response: A high level organogram and schedule of current vacancies are attached to this presentation

Economic Classification Year to Date % Variance Projected Expenditure Actual Expenditure Variance on Projected vs. Actual Expenditure Compensation of employees 190,576 180,094 10,482 5.50% Goods and Services 121,557 110,861 10,696 8.80% Capital payments 5,129 4,188 941 18.35% Financial Transactions - 14 -14 0.00% Transfer Payments 266,683 223,934 42,749 16.03% TOTALS 583,945 519,091 64,854 11.11% Year to date analysis (per economic classification)

32 EXPENDITURE ANAYSIS The Department has, as at 30 September 2011, disbursed R519.1 million which represents 50.10% of the total budget allocation of R1.036 billion for the 2011/12 financial year. This was R64.9 million (11.11%) lesser than the projected expenditure of R583.9 million

33 SLOW SPENDING AREAS Transfer Payments The year to date transfer payments totalling R42.7 million which mostly includes: R23 million in respect of IDCSA for Small Scale Mining R9 million for assistance to mines R9.3 million in respect of Mintek rehabilitation of ownerless and derelict mines projections were changed during the year

2. Goods and Services The underspending in this category is mainly due to the outstanding payments totalling R6.6.million in respect of office accommodation to the Department of Public Works which accounts for 61.4% of the under spending Other contributing factor are vacancies as a result of the Department’s inability to attract professional bands and the time frame associated with filling of the posts

35 REMEDIAL ACTIONS Fast track the finalisation of the Strategy, MoA and other processes that are prerequisite to the transfer of funds

Year to date analysis ITEM DESCRIPTION Projected Revenue Revenue collection as at 30/09/2011 Variance on projected vs Revenue collected % Variance DEPARTMENTAL REVENUE (9,691) (28,851) 19,160 -198%

37 REVENUE ANALYSIS The year to date revenue recoveries mainly consist of prospecting fees and royalty payments which represents 53.37% and 39.09% respectively of the total revenue received totalling R28.9 million The revenue projections were based on historical information

38 REMEDIAL ACTIONS 1. Underestimated Revenue - The revenue projections were increased during the 2011 AENE and the monthly projections will be adjusted after the 2011 AENE is tabled in Parliament



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