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Sample Arguments to be Toulminized

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Presentation on theme: "Sample Arguments to be Toulminized"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sample Arguments to be Toulminized
Identify the claim, grounds, and warrant for each argument

2 Argument #1 I am now convinced that we are perilously close to the end of civilization. William Shatner sold his kidney stone on EBay for $25,000.

3 The Toulminized version
Claim: value/judgment I am now convinced that we are perilously close to the end of civilization. Grounds: William Shatner sold his kidney stone on EBay for $25,000. Warrant: Argument by example; absurd acts like selling body parts on Ebay illustrate that our civilization is teetering on the edge. Note: this wouldn’t be a serious argument

4 Argument #2 Ronald Reagan’s likeness should be chiseled onto Mt. Rushmore, alongside Washington, Jefferson Lincoln and Roosevelt. Polls show Americans rank him with John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

5 The Toulminized version
Claim: policy Ronald Reagan’s likeness should be chiseled onto Mt. Rushmore. Grounds: Polls show Americans rank him with JFK and Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents of all time. Warrant: value assumption; public popularity is the basis for determining whose face belongs on Mt. Rushmore.

6 Argument #3 How do you know WWE wrestling is fake? I’ll tell you how. You never see the results printed in the Sports section of the newspaper.

7 The Toulminized version
Claim: factual claim WWE wrestling is fake. Grounds: The results are never reported in the Sports section of the newspaper. Warrant: argument from authority & sign reasoning; authority; newspapers only print the results of legitimate sports. sign; newspaper coverage is a reliable sign of a genuine sport

8 Argument #4 Conservatives may not like it, but citizens have a Constitutional right to burn the American flag. Flag burning is a symbolic, political act and it is precisely such unpopular, offensive symbolic acts that the 1st amendment was designed to protect.

9 The Toulminized version
Claim: value/judgment Conservatives may not like it, but citizens do have a Constitutional right to burn the American flag. Grounds: Flag burning is a symbolic, political act and it is precisely such unpopular, offensive symbolic acts that the 1st amendment was designed to protect. Warrant: value premise; Not only words, but symbolic acts, such as flag burning, are encompassed within the scope of the 1st amendment.

10 Argument #5 Herbal remedies may do more harm than good in some cases. People with serious health problems may delay or forego needed medical care because they are relying on herbal remedies. St. John’s Wort

11 The Toulminized version
Claim: value/judgment Herbal remedies may do more harm than good. Grounds: People with serious health problems may delay or forego needed medical care because they are relying on herbal medicines. Warrant: cause-effect reasoning; the effect of relying on herbal remedies is to postpone needed medical care Qualifier: in some cases

12 Now, you try it – Create an Argument that you Toulminized
Identify the claim, grounds, and warrant for an argument you create.

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