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Results of the analysis in tobacco

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1 Results of the analysis in tobacco
Comparative study of analytical parameters between illicit, counterfeit and genuine cigarettes Dr. Μ. Kositzi* and Dr. Κ. Kydros General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece, Directorate of Macedonia-Thrace, Department of Serres NH3= Ανεβάζει το pH του νέφους και βοηθά στην αυξηση εθιστικοτητας ΝΟ3= Έχουν να κάνουν με την ποιότητα και αυξάνουν τις οργανικές αζωτούχες στο νέφος (π.χ. νιτροζαμίνες) κι αυξάνει την επικινδυνότητα pH αγωγιμότητα= Γενική ποιότητα του προϊόντος κι είναι άμεση εκτίμηση της συνολικής εικόνας Abstract During 2015, in Greece only, there were pieces of cigarettes entering illegally the country, leading to € of lost taxes. There were 96,1 % genuine (mostly illicit whites) and 3,9% counterfeit brands The issue of cigarette smuggling is of particular interest. The last decade, trafficking and counterfeiting of cigarettes is growing. The need to collect more public revenue has led to the sharp increase of the excise tax rate applied on tobacco products. This has caused a huge increase in the smuggling of tobacco products which is now a big problem. It is characteristic that in certain countries some small tobacco companies survive having as main activity the legal production of relatively unknown brands of cigarettes (illicit whites). The latter are distributed illegally using numerous tricks. The effects of counterfeiting and cigarette smuggling are important and are divided into: • Deprivation of public revenue since the above involves smuggling and illegal trading. • Developing and easy financial support for criminal organizations. • Impact on Public Health of unknown extent. • Theft of intellectual property, unfair competition, corruption and / or likelihood to mislead the consumer. Methods The Tobacco Laboratory of the Greek General Chemical State Laboratory is located in Serres. It is accredited according to ISO ( We analyse tobacco and tobacco products since 2004. In this study, we attempt to approach the consequences of cigarettes smuggling in the public health. A number of chemical characteristics of tobacco filler and smoke of three equivalent populations of genuine, counterfeiter and illicit whites samples are analysed and compared. The analysis took place between May of 2015 and April of 2016, for the General Secretariat of Public Revenue of Greece The analytical methods used are the following: Conductivity in tobacco extract pH in tobacco extract, method according to CORESTA 69 NH3 in tobacco, method according to CORESTA No 62 NO3 in tobacco, method according to CORESTA Νο 36 and ΙSΟ Nicotine in tobacco, method according to CORESTA No 62 Tar, Nicotine and CO in smoke condensates according to ISO 10315, , 3308, 3402, 4387, 8454 Results of the analysis in tobacco Nitrate, ammonia and nicotine were also measured on tobacco extract from the 3 different types of cigarettes. There is an important increase of ammonia and nitrate in fake cigarettes, showing lower quality of tobacco. Nicotine levels are equal to all brands tested. Conductivity and pH measurements on tobacco extract from different types of cigarettes did not show great discrepancy. All the tested samples are filled with tobacco. These analytes give a preliminary perception of the tobacco quality. Tar, nicotine and CO differences between written and measured values of cigarettes Different brands were tested and the values of tar, nicotine and CO analysed were compared to the ones written on the packages of the cigarettes. As you can see in the following graphs, there is some deviation for the illicit whites but a great deviation for the counterfeits. For illicit whites, some values are missing from the packages, since they, mostly, do not apply to the Directive 2001/37/EC. Conclusions Illicit whites are brands made from tobacco of fair quality, similar to the tobacco used in the legally sold genuine brands. In some cases, the quality of the materials used for the making and packaging of the cigarettes, meet high standards. Testing of Counterfeit products show that they are mostly made from low quality tobacco byproducts (such as stems of the plant leafs or tobacco dust). The Ammonia levels in the filling material of Counterfeit cigarettes and the Tar and CO levels in their smoke was considerably higher in comparison with the corresponding levels in legally produced cigarettes. According to the analytical approach of this study, smoking Counterfeit cigarettes increases the risk of inhaling more toxic substances than genuine products, legal or illicit. References: Tobacco Production, Chemistry and Technology, 1999, Davis and Nielsen, Blackwell Publishing Contact details: Μ. Kositzi, Κ. Kydros General Chemical State Laboratory of Greece, Directorate of Macedonia-Thrace, Department of Serres, Tel: , Fax:

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