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Published byScarlett Cunningham Modified over 6 years ago
Early Years Network Event Shadsworth Children’s Centre
Tuesday 8th November 2016 Shadsworth Children’s Centre LN Introductions
Housekeeping Welcome and introductions Fire drill Toilets
Coffee/tea/water Mobile phones Start and end times LN
Aims of Network Event Provide key updates and information
Opportunity to share ideas and network LN
Business Development Richard Stoddart
Business Development & Sponsorship Manager HR, Legal & Corporate Services RS
Business Development RS
2 Year Free entitlement promotion
AS Blackburn Bus Station Blackburn and Darwen Leisure centres
30 Hours Free Childcare Road Map
CR Where are we now on the Road Map. Capital bidding process . LA has submitted approved bids . Awaiting Dfe announcements on successful bids and funds are awarded …Approx DEC 2016. Childcare Works - regional information and support. Local authority’s Childcare Works Programme Adviser for the DfE national support contract for 30-hours of free childcare. Childcare Works will work directly with providers, local authority early years teams, partners, and central government. Childcare Works has developed a programme of practical and effective support, challenge and solutions for all types of providers and every local authority. They will be strongly focused on sufficiency, flexibility, two-year-olds, and access for children with SEND. The 30-hours Early Implementers programme is generating real learning and the plan will be to harness this quickly to translate it into scalable and transferrable solutions that enable us to prepare and implement strategies for a successful roll-out in September 2017. Your local Progress Sharing Meetings for regional networking, sharing progress and planning – expect these end of November 2016 Special 30-hours LED events with Action for Children – for providers and colleagues/partner agencies
Tax Free Childcare Timeline
2016 2017 August to September Government will write to registered childcare providers to let them know Tax-Free Childcare is coming. September to October Government will write to registered childcare providers to invite them to sign up to be part of Tax- Free Childcare. Autumn Childcare Calculator launches. Early 2017 Parents will be invited to apply for Tax-Free Childcare from early We’ll update the toolkit with messages for parents at this point. CR From early 2017, Tax-Free Childcare, a new Government scheme will be available to help working parents with childcare costs. Parents will be able to open online childcare accounts to pay their childcare providers directly. For every £8 parents pay in, the Government will add £2. Parents can receive up to £2,000 in Government support per child, per year, or £4,000 for each disabled child. Childcare providers will need to sign up online to be able to receive payments from parents. Childcare providers will be able to sign up as soon as they receive an invitation letter – letters were sent out throughout September and October. CR - parent letter
Early Education Funding
Claims Headcount form Notice periods Parent contracts 2 year approval letters Audits AS Thank you for sending through your data. Claims - must be submitted via the portal available to all providers and within the timescales provided. Head Count - must be received by the deadline date. Notice periods - You cannot make claims for Early Education Funding for eligible 2, 3 and 4 year old children if they are no longer in attendance at your setting. This includes making claims for any periods of notice where a parent/carer has not informed you that they intend to withdraw their child. Any claims made for children who are not in attendance for their funded early education place will not be paid, and/or recovered at the earliest opportunity. Contracts - As a provider, it is expected that you will have contracts with parents/carers of children who attend your setting. It would be advisable to ensure that you include in these contracts, information about recouping any notice period fees (inclusive of any Early Education Funding) that you may lose as direct result of parents/carers failing to provide you with the required notice information in a timely manner. 2 year approval letters – Please can we remind you to check that each child has an approval letter prior to the child starting. You cannot make claims for Early Education Funding for 2 year old children who have not received an approval letter and they cant be back dated. Audit - Claims for free early education funding are subject to audits. – If you have any queries or require support please do not hesitate to us.
Early Years Pupil Premium
Early Education website. Accountability to Ofsted: a clear rationale on your spending on EYPP what did you spend? so what? LN Some ideas that settings have spent funds on: Continuous professional development CLL training, Early Talk Boost, consultancy to develop practice, forest school training, engaging parents, development of EYPP champions and visits to inspirational settings. Widening children’s experiences – artist in residence, extra sessions, music therapy, theatre and other trips, living eggs, 1:1 time, targeted interventions, meals, specialist support eg drama sessions and staff time to provide children with more experiences. Developing provision – outdoor clothing, IT resources which can be used by the children as well as staff, sensory resources, construction resources, potty seat, small world equipment, teddy bears for bedtime story bear and more highly qualified staff. Home learning environment – releasing staff to talk with families, loan libraries, training to see practice from family’s viewpoint, training sessions for families run by familiar adults for family. Attendance – walking bus, car insurance so staff member can pick child up, bus fare to setting, uniform.
Early Years Personal Education Plans (PEPS)
A reminder that Early Years PEPs are required termly for looked after children (LAC) Deadline for Autumn was 4th November 2016 The deadline for the next term is 17th February 2017 Early Years PEPS documentation to be completed with social workers, should be submitted to: Early Years PEP Co-ordinator LN Early Years PEPs are statutory for 3 year olds, but encouraged as good practise for 2 year olds. Importance of setting smart targets and the spend for resources etc being detailed in the EYPP funding page. Feedback from audits is identifying ALL sections must be completed including the EYPP provision page and that the voice of the child is reflected. Workshops are planned for next year.
EYFS Profile Data 2016 National EYFS Profile data results have been published October 2016. / 3 lowest performance areas Numbers Reading Writing NJ The national results show that the 3 lowest performing areas of learning are Numbers, Reading and Writing Locally the PSP data is being analysed and early findings show that Number and Speaking will be a priority We know that for reading and writing to improve we need to work on Communication and language in early years settings
How can we improve Numbers and Speaking 2016/17
Review learning environments Environmental audits to identify maths and speaking needs and resources Inspire practitioners to plan exciting number hunts and activities outdoors Early Years Talking Tables and ICAN training Forest Schools training and workshops Leads and champions Parent sessions and workshops Moderation NJ Importance of prime areas – communication and language (speaking) needs to be consolidated in order for reading and writing to progress in Reception. Review learning environments to ensure that Numbers and Speaking is enhanced in each area of continuous provision indoor and outdoor by Jan 2017. Tonight we have planned some activities. Inspire practitioners to plan exciting maths hunts and activities outdoors during annual visits, Network meetings and plans. Consider Forest Schools training and workshop options. Talking Tables delivered by S&L and QIT. Deliver ICAN training to PVI’s in Q4 by QIT Environmental audits to identify maths and speaking needs and resources. Parent sessions and workshops to role model good practice Promote areas via an activity support and toolkits for practitioners at Network meetings
Break / Activity Environmental walk round to explore number and speaking ideas set up in the nursery and Toy Library. Links: NDNA – Maths Champion and online training (ICAN) RSPB – Kids Resources Woodland Trust – Nature Detectives NJ Activities set up in nursery and Toy Library to model how number and communication
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment
Please help us…! We need to get your parent’s views and consult with you as employers Parents and carers can access their questionnaire at the link below CR The Local Authority has a statutory duty under the Childcare Act 2006 to secure sufficient childcare, as far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0-14 (or up to 18 for disabled children, 25 in Blackburn with Darwen). We want to be able to report fully on provision available to parents who need it and appreciate all your help in doing so… What we need from you: Update your information on the Provider Portal and the provider forms have been ed out to you on 19th October Please do both Even if your not claiming for funding you can update your details. We need your current vacancy levels, occupancy levels, opening times and costs. The forms are slightly different this year but will support not only completing the CSA but with the Daycare Trust childcare costs survey which is expected in the coming weeks. It means we won’t have to ask you for the information twice! Tonight there will be some hard copies printed out which you can take if you prefer. Please direct parents to Facebook We want this at 100%. We are holding a number of focus groups, targeted employers with large numbers of staff and shared across Facebook groups. We’ve targeted specific groups of people from a variety of backgrounds to give us as full a picture of the childcare being accessed across the borough as possible. The report will be written over the coming months and will hope to be published in Spring Once all the data is analysed and the report is written we expect to be able to present it to you in the Summer Term network meeting.
Safeguarding Updates Inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings (Aug 2016) Update your policies and procedures including behaviour policy Ensure staff are annually upskilled Online safety DBA / DBS Prompt reporting to MASH, LADO and Early Years LN Reminders The new requirement is one of a series of changes to Ofsted guidance on inspecting safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings, the first major update since the Common Inspection Framework was put in place a year ago. The guidance says, 'During term time, or when the setting is in operation, the designated safeguarding lead or an appropriately trained deputy should be available during opening hours for staff to discuss safeguarding concerns.' Other main changes include: a new requirement for all staff and leaders to receive regular updates on safeguarding at least annually a new requirement for schools and settings to have appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place to protect learners from harmful online material a new requirement for a staff behaviour policy clarification that designated staff need to have safeguarding training every two years, with knowledge and skills refreshed at least annually A reminder to ensure you follow your procedures and prompt reporting. Don’t think ‘ what if I’m wrong … use a ‘ what if I’m right approach ‘
Recent inspection feedback
Ofsted Alerts Recent inspection feedback All information via CR Feedback from recent inspections
Early Years Expert Group Update
School Readiness Phase 1 February – June 2016 Consultation with Early Years is completed 117 responses from practitioners Trial activity with 5 schools Phase 2 September – November 2016 Consultation with the primary school sector is now underway CR /Ln Update Phase one has been completed and a set of statements for being “school ready” agreed with the early years sector. Phase two is now underway with a school readiness toolkit survey that has been trialled and will now be rolled out.
Updates EYFS statutory guidance 2014 edition is current
CAF Training Facebook for providers is on its way Feedback from visits is positive with settings updating policies and procedures and keeping up to date with training – Prevent and Paediatric First Aid. Toilet training ERIC and NHS Charging for Early Years training is currently undergoing a review LN EYFS – 2014 Statutory Framework is current we are expecting the revised 2016 edition. Awaiting the strengthening of Paediatric First Aid for new entrants. Facebook - We will send you an link for you to join before it goes live. It’s a closed group. Not public. There will be guidance on, dos and donts Feedback from visits – LN / NJ to add themes policies and procedures to include prevent, Tracking, Support for toilet training Training Charges are under a review
Useful Contacts Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01254 666400
Emergency Duty Team (after 5pm ) LADO OFSTED LN
Useful Websites
And so….. Thank you for coming Any questions??? Tour of centre
Evaluations / Certificate of Attendance Date of next meeting 7th February 2017 LN/CR Thanks to all our speakers Presentation will be available on LP
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