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Shades of Grey Risk and the Role of the CFO

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1 Shades of Grey Risk and the Role of the CFO
Alison Scott Policy and Technical Assistant Director, CIPFA CIPFA Conference 2 July 2014

2 Just a Few of the Current Challenges
Austerity, Austerity, Austerity… Reduced management and finance teams Increasingly complex demand on services Changing face of local authorities Joint Management Teams Support services provided through either public service joint arrangements or through outsourcing. Services provided through third parties. Potential for real and perceived conflicts of interest Increasing pressure on the CFO

3 Statement on the Role of the CFO
To promote the role and importance of the CFO To be the definitive source on CIPFA’s expectations of members in the role To provide guidance Currently being revised

4 But…

5 Responses CIPFA Ethics Panel and Sounding Board
CIPFA point of contact for CFO’s / CFO Summits and Workshops Support form Societies Other suggestions Case studies produced by Socities/ALATS with CIPFA input. Further training aimed at CFOs Mentoring Etc?

6 Over to You In your tables What are key issues/pressures?
Are there any examples? What support do you value? What support do you need? Please select one spokesperson to feedback two most important points. Please use cards to provide more detailed feedback to be summarised and reported back through SDCT/CIPFA. Please respect confidentiality of colleagues. All feedback will be summarised and anonymised.

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