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“Making It Work” MakerSpaces in the Media Center

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Presentation on theme: "“Making It Work” MakerSpaces in the Media Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Making It Work” MakerSpaces in the Media Center
Brittani Brooks and Teresa Knapp Gordon, NBCT-Renewed

2 What is a MakerSpace? It is basically a space that allows for users to use their imagination and provided materials to create things.

3 Why Do I Need One? Media Centers occupy the most real estate.
Media Specialists are innovators and pick up on the latest trends. Media Centers are no-judgement zones. Our patrons want to collaborate and create. Media Centers have the space and talent to make it happen!

4 Funding Sources Grants PTA Donations Fundraisers

5 Material Ideas Legos Play-Doh Origami Little Bits-Circuitry iMovie-iPads Osmo-iPads Robots Garage Band-iPads Lincoln Logs Coding and Gaming Snap Circuits 3-D Printer TinkerToys Makey Makey Instruction Books Drawing Books Art Supplies Cubelets K’Nex Batteries

6 Scheduling Try to create a schedule that allows for everyone to participate, but that is not overwhelming to you. Too many people at once will limit creativity and access. Work with your teachers and Principal so there are no surprises. Advertise to the students.

7 Rules and Procedures I am here to facilitate. You must use your brain.
Everyone must be respectful. If items are not put away when directed, MakerSpace will not happen the next week.

8 Professional Development-You
Barnes and Noble Online Sources Innovation Hub-NLR AAIM

9 Professional Development-Teachers
Once you’re trained, you can then train your teachers. Innovation Hub provides professional development. Online Professional Development

10 Classes-Field Trips Innovation Hub-NLR Local Maker Faires
Other Schools with MakerSpaces Public Libraries with Maker Spaces

11 MakerSpaces in Action

12 MakerSpaces in Action

13 MakerSpaces in Action

14 MakerSpaces in Action




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