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Searching for an Investor to sponsor your business

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1 Searching for an Investor to sponsor your business
Work Based Learning

2 State Standard 5) Demonstrate creativity and innovation: Use idea- generating techniques to explore divergent and atypical questions and perspectives to develop original ideas for products or solve problems – such as a constructed object, proposal, presentation, solution to a problem, service, system, work of art, writing sample, invention, event, or an improvement to an existing product. Exhibit insight into the particular needs and interests of the target audience that are driving the process of innovation.

3 Objectives Student will demonstrate knowledge of an Investor and investments. Students will demonstrate skills related to being an entrepreneur by creating a sales pitch for their business to an investor. Students will apply knowledge learned about entrepreneurship and running a business by conducting interviews for their company.

4 What is an investor An investor is any person who commits capital with the expectation of financial returns. Investors utilize investments in order to grow their money and/or provide an income during retirement What is capital?

5 Why would you need an investor for your Business?
Investors provide money or capital to a business or product start up. Why do most businesses need one? Hard to get loans from the bank when you are not an established company. Partnering can open up doors to marketing

6 What is a Sales pitch? A sales pitch is a planned presentation of a product or service designed to initiate and close a sale of the same product or service. Sample sales pitch i_e-c

7 What makes a good sales Pitch?
Catch or lead at the beginning Short and concise Gives only needed information Explains the business or product plan Has a set amount of capital needed and explains how the investor will be paid.

8 How can this activity help you in the real world?
Employees make pitches all the time to employers Pitch new ideas for your job Pitch ways to improve your job Pitch yourself for a promotion or raise

9 Sales Pitch Activity Create a sales pitch so that you can drum up interest in your business, Steps: 1. Answer the following Questions . What is a sales pitch? What happens during a good sales pitch? What could make your sales pitch effective? What could make your sales pitch ineffective or annoying? 2. Create an outline of your pitch. This should include an opening/introduction to your business, an explanation of what your business will do for the customers and additional information like pricing and what makes you unique. Determine how much capital you need to start your business, in exchange for what % of your business. 3. Come up with a creative hook to get the audience interested and engaged. Potential hooks could include a joke, an infomercial style skit, a catchy slogan/phrase, a song etc. 4. Put All the pieces together (Sales pitch+ typed business plan). 5. Present your sales pitch to potential investors!

10 Sales pitch presentations
You will present your sales pitch to the class (Investors) Investors will decide which companies they want to invest in. Each Investor has $250,000 set aside for investing. Use your capital wisely. Yes, you have to invest all of your money. For each business plan pitched…. Write what about their pitch appealed to you as an investor? Write what did not appeal to you as an investor? If you chose to invest with the company, why?

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