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Social Software Delivers Real Business Value

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Presentation on theme: "Social Software Delivers Real Business Value"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Software Delivers Real Business Value
Jon Mell Portal and Social Software North East Europe Make this introduction your own. Hello, my name is Louis Richardson. I have the privilege of serving as the worldwide sales executive for Lotus Social Software. In that role, I get the opportunity to meet with executives, business leaders and managers from around the world. And many of them are considering how social software can or will impact their organizations. Some are well on their way and are quite successful. Others are like many of you who are just beginning. While others are stalled out and not sure how to proceed.

2 PEOPLE are core to every BUSINESS
We all realize that people are the core of any business. Executives estimate that 85% of their company's value lie in their people. Think about it...if today, ALL of your employees walked out and didn't return, you could certainly replace them physically, but how would your business be impacted by the loss of that critical business knowledge embodied in your people? ALSO THE COST IS NOW WITH PEOPLE – BPM IS DONE FOCUS ON DATA, SYSTEMS & APPS FOR SO LONG BUT PEOPLE ARE KEY

3 By nature, PEOPLE are SOCIAL

4 SOCIAL NETWORKS are on the rise
in the consumer space

in your business

6 We don’t just make social apps… we make your apps social

7 Why should I use social software?
And why now?

8 Vitamins or Aspirins? Address the headache

9 Where does it hurt? Describe the pain

10 Who’s Who in the Zoo

11 Profile Page Know and be known

12 Knowledge Sharing Gap

13 Tags

14 Communities

15 Blogs, Wikis, Forums…

16 Email Hoarding of Business Information

17 Team library

18 Easy access from desktop applications

19 Organizational boundaries

20 Social Bookmarks Finding

21 Social Bookmarks Tagging

22 Maze to information

23 Available Information

24 Accurate Information

25 Credible Information

26 So you do a search and find something

27 Who created it? What experience or skills do they have?

28 What have others said about this?
How have they used it? How have they tagged it?

29 Virtual business card and more

30 Credentials directly from the content

31 Community and teams

32 Team places

33 Communities

34 It’s not as difficult as some imagine

35 It's taken ages to get here
From Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind Agricultural Age (farm workers)

36 It's taken ages to get here
From Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind Agricultural Age (farm workers) Industrial Age (factory workers)

37 It's taken ages to get here
From Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind Agricultural Age (farm workers) Industrial Age (factory workers) Information Age (knowledge workers)

38 It's taken ages to get here
From Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind Agricultural Age (farm workers) Industrial Age (factory workers) Information Age (knowledge workers) Conceptual Age (creators & empathizers)

39 They see things differently
Relate to function Listen to Argument Tendency to focus Swayed by logic Change is serious Relate to design Listen to stories Tendency to blend Swayed by empathy Change is fun

40 So…is your company considering the use of social software?
Don’t get trapped on the outside looking in

41 (1) Get started Don’t get stuck in analysis mode

42 (2) Identify the “socially active”
Who has already adopted these tools?

43 (3) Find the contributors
Your high value experts

44 (4) Identify an executive sponsor
This is not a technology issue It’s a social issue Find someone who has (or can catch) the vision

45 What makes “Social Software” a success?
It’s not measured in 100% involvement

46 What makes “Social Software” a success?
It’s not measured in 100% involvement Major contributors account for about 15-20% of the total workforce* * On average, your company may vary

47 What makes “Social Software” a success?
It’s not measured in 100% involvement Major contributors account for about 15-20% of the total workforce* To be considered a Success, you just need to get these people to be more productive * On average…your company may vary

48 That’s “why”…for “what” and “how”
Who’s Who in the Zoo? Profiles Knowledge Sharing Gap Tags, Communities & Forums Hoarding Shared content in context Organizational Boundaries Social Bookmarks Maze to info Credibility & value thru all content Disparate working & interest groups Communities and Teams and there’s more

49 Open discussion ideas? questions? comments?
What do you think?

50 thank you Please go to
it’s been my pleasure Please go to You can read any of the materials there, but we would suggest you request to join the community so you can contribute and comment. Louis Richardson WW Sales Executive Lotus Social Software 1741 Rugby Road Marietta, GA 30062 Tel

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