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Characters in The Crucible

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1 Characters in The Crucible

2 Parris *Reverend in Salem *Former businessman in Barbados *Materialistic *Feels his salary is too low *Concerned about reputation

3 Hale *Expert from Beverly on witchcraft *Nearing 40 *Scholarly (book-smart) *Inexperienced *Reverend

4 Mary Warren *Current servant for the Proctors *Weak (cries all the time) *Part of Abigail’s group

5 Giles Corey *Sues his neighbors over trivial (small) matters *Wonders why his wife reads “strange” books *Proctor’s friend *In his 80’s

6 Thomas Putnam *His grandfather had a way of willing away land that didn’t belong to him *Wants to be a part of the ministry *He will play a major role in the accusations to gain power and take people’s land

7 Ruth *Daughter of the Putnams *Part of Abigail’s group *Acts like she’s under a spell in the beginning

8 Betty *Daughter of Reverend Parris *Inert in the opening of play *Part of Abigail’s group

9 Abigail *Orphaned niece of Parris *Had an affair with Proctor *Dismissed from Proctor household *Driving force of accusations

10 Rebecca Nurse *Well-respected *Her presence has a calming affect on Betty *Has many children/grandchildren *Putnams despise her and Francis

11 Ann Putnam *Sent her daughter to conjure spirits *Lost 7 children in childbirth *Jealous of Rebecca Nurse for having so many children

12 Mercy Lewis *Parris saw this girl naked in woods *Part of Abigail’s group

13 Tituba *Slave from Barbados *Claims the Devil told her to kill Parris

14 The End

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