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ERWC The Globalization of Hip Hop

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1 ERWC The Globalization of Hip Hop

2 4 Square Activity Fold a sheet of paper into 4 squares by folding hot dog style first, then hamburger style. In the 1st Box (top left), write the initials of your name vertically. Next to each initial, write down an adjective that describes “HIP HOP.” P- passionate I- impoverished D- disenfranchised In the 2nd Box (top right) we’re going to do stream-of-consciousness.” You have one minute to jot down all of the words that pop into your head when you hear the phrase “Hip Hop.” In the 3rd Box, draw an image of “HIP HOP.” In the 4th Box, write a definition for the term “HIP HOP.”

3 Evolution of hip hop dancing
Watch the following video and make a tally mark for every hip hop dance you are familiar with. Enjoy. 

4 Seeing where you ARE… When I hear the phrase “hip hop,” I instantly think of… Hip hop is mostly about… Hip hop started… Hip hop became popular because… If there is one thing that makes hip hop unique, it’s the fact that… Hip hop’s purpose is to… Hip hop is best understood by… I think most people, adults, and teens, would agree that hip hop is…

5 Pair-Share With your shoulder partners, take a full minute to share your answers to the sentence stems with one another. After Partner A is done, Partner B will take a full minute to share their answers.

6 Quickwrite Choose one of the sentence stems and complete a Quickwrite (minimum seven-sentence paragraph) in which you use personal experiences, knowledge, and observations to expand upon the main idea you’ve chosen. You may use your peers’ ideas from the Pair Share to help you write your reflection.

7 Vocabulary Word (part of speech) Meaning Examples What it is… Where I see it… What comes to mind… Example Sentence 1. Credibility (noun) worthy of belief or confidence; capable of being believed Experts have it. It’s about being professional. I think of doctors, lawyers, and researchers. Dr. Phil has a lot of credibility in the field of counseling. Create a chart like the one above on your own sheet of paper. Complete the chart with all 10 words from the following slide in this lesson.

8 Vocabulary credibility (noun): worthy of belief or confidence; capable of being believed permeate (verb): to pass into or through every part of something linger (verb): to hang around for a while embrace (verb): to hold or hug, to welcome something openly legacy (noun): heritage, powerful story that a person or people leave behind hypocrisy (noun): the act of pretending to have morals or beliefs that you really don’t have or practice defiant (noun): marked by resistance or bold opposition, as to authority; challenging enigma (noun): a puzzling situation that can’t be explained clarion (adj.): clear and ringing like a high trumpet sound moral (adj. or noun): being able to take actions that show you know the difference between right and wrong

9 QUICKWRITE Write a journal entry in which you reflect and respond to the following prompt: What influence does hip hop have in our society or in our world? What is its message? Is it just music or something more? Respond to these questions with examples from your own experience and observations.

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