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Unit 7: Major Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere

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1 Unit 7: Major Civilizations of the Western Hemisphere
Map Directions: Use pgs. 389, 395, & 408 Draw a square around Mesoamerica and label it Draw a square around South America and label it Label the Atlantic Ocean Label the Pacific Ocean Color the Aztec Empire purple and label it Color the Mayan Empire green and label it Color the Incan Empire yellow and label it Label the city of Tenochtitlan Label the city of Chichen Itza Label the city of Machu Picchu Circle and label the Yucatan Peninsula Draw small triangles to represent the Andes Mountains and label it




5 What were the characteristics of the Mayan, Aztec, & Incan Civilizations?
Mayan p Time: ______________ Location: ______________ Important city: ______________ Environment: ____________________________ Religion: ______________ Economy: ____________________________ Government: ____________________________ Architectural Achievements: __________________________________________ Cultural Achievements: ________________________________________________________ Aztec p Incan p

6 Japanese Civilization
Korean Peninsula Sea of Japan/ East Sea Japan China Pacific Ocean Why did Japan’s geography encourage fishing & trading? Long coastlines and numerous islands encourage fishing. Limited natural resources encourage trading. 2. How did Chinese culture influence Japan? The close neighbors traded with one another and in the process, Japan adopted some Chinese culture. Why did Japan’s geography encourage fishing & trading? 2. How did Chinese culture influence Japan?

7 Characteristics of Japan pp. 303-304
Religion: Architecture: __curved__ ___tiled___ ___roofs___ Writing: China Describe what China gave to Japan. Religion: Buddhism Writing: Ideograms - use of symbols not letters Ethnic Religion Coexisted with Buddhism Emperors claim divine right Polytheistic Emphasizes Nature & Ancestors Religion: Shintoism Religion: ________________

8 East & West African Kingdoms & Empires
Mediterranean Sahara Desert Red Nile Axum Timbuktu Ethiopian Highlands Niger Atlantic Ocean Zambezi Great Zimbabwe Limpopo Indian Ocean




12 Characteristics of Medieval Africa, 300-1500 A.D./C.E.
Empires of 1. Ghana, 2. Mali, & 3. Songhai pgs Grew wealthy from trading gold for salt across the Sahara Desert and along the Niger River. City of Timbuktu became center of trade & learning. Trade with Northern Africa brought Islamic religion to West Africa. The wealthy adopted this religion. Poorer people were animists who believed there were spirits that existed in nature. Christianity Axum pp Religion of kingdom: ___________________ Great Zimbabwe pp Trading kingdom positioned between inland areas, rich with natural resources, & coastal areas that traded in Indian Ocean. Numerous stone ruins & walls.

13 Major Trade Routes of the Eastern Hemisphere, 1000-1500 A.D./C.E.
Trace the trade routes with specific colors and label accordingly: Blue – Maritime routes in Indian Ocean Purple – Western European river and sea trade Red – Silk Road across Asia to Mediterranean Orange – N. Europe trade: Black to Baltic Seas Green – S. China Sea and S.E. Asia Yellow – Trans-Saharan routes across N. Africa

14 How did trade facilitate the diffusion of goods & ideas among
Products & Inventions, 289: textiles Resource: Amber Porcelain Paper Printed $ Gunpowder Magnetic Compass Baltic Region Export: textiles Europe Central Asia S.W. Asia Export: textiles & porcelain Religion, p. 252: Invention: Waterwheels & windmills N. Africa Persia Buddhism China Religion, 258: India Islam W. Africa Resource ,373 Gold To S. E. Asia Religions, 256: S.E. Asia Hinduism Buddhism Indian Ocean Crop, 463: Spices Crops, 463: Spices Sugar Invention: lateen sail Export: textiles How did trade facilitate the diffusion of goods & ideas among different cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere? Use listed page numbers to fill in the blanks.

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