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Hazardous Waste Reduction Planning Current Initiatives at NYSDEC

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1 Hazardous Waste Reduction Planning Current Initiatives at NYSDEC

2 Hazardous Waste Reduction Planning (HWRP) Program Background
Authorized by Section of the ECL (which followed enactment of federal P2 Act) Generators of hazardous wastes must prepare, implement and submit a HWRP Applicable to generators of 25+ TPY & those with Part 373 TSDF Permit Encourages reductions through more preferable waste management alternatives In almost 200 generators currently subject to the HWRP state-wide

3 Current & Future HWRP Initiatives
Currently working to improve program implementation through: Educational outreach (webinars, online resources); Connecting generators w/ NYSP2I; Increasing on-site assistance; and Planned Initiatives: GIS-based targeting for facilities at risk due to impacts of climate change

4 HWRP Success Stories & Works in Progress
Manufacturer – Western New York Changed over to aluminum drying racks, eliminated chrome contaminated waste stream in 2016 (10+ ton/year reduction) Distillation and re-use of acid waste stream (Unit installed late 2015; significant reductions expected) Manufacturer – Capital Region Solvent reclamation project underway as of 2016 (50% waste reduction expected) Manufacturer – Southern Tier Working with waste broker to find end-user of waste stream (potentially 5-10 ton reduction) Personal Care Products Manufacturer – Western New York Investigating sending waste solvent to nearby manufacturer for reclamation/re-use (potential 30 ton reduction) Investigating use of production line sensors to prevent damage to finished products Medical Laboratory – Long Island Pilot studies to test whether used solvents can be recycled on-site for re-use in lab processes

5 What should we know about your programs?
NYSDEC HWRP Contacts John Vana - Chief, P2 Unit Conor Shea Christina Dinovo Wrap up: Q&A What should we know about your programs? Could any of your programs be enhanced by working with the PPU? THANK YOU!

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