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Back to School Night Welcome to 4th Grade!

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night Welcome to 4th Grade!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night Welcome to 4th Grade!
Mrs. Herman’s Back to School Night Welcome to 4th Grade!

2 Welcome! Great start! Sense of community On your desk…
-Grade student’s questionnaire  -”What I Love About My Child” -Powerpoint -Student Tech Agreement

3 Meet Mrs. Herman Live in Yardley with my husband
Bachelors- Penn State University Masters –Holy Family University Reading Specialist Certificate 8th year teaching in CB Previously taught 5th and 6th grades

4 My Philosophy To provide a supportive and enthusiastic classroom environment. To teach your child to be a critical thinker and independent learner. To help your child make new friends & discover new interests. To encourage your child to take risks. -Growth vs. Fixed Mindset To help your child become a lifelong learner.

5 Classroom Coordinator
Mrs. Skjeveland and Mrs. McCormack

6 Classroom Photographer

7 Schedule 8:45-9:25 Specials 9:25-9:40 Class Meeting
9:40-10:00 Grammar, Spelling, Handwriting 10:00-11:30 Reading 11:30-12:30 Recess/Lunch 12:30-1:50 Math 1:50-2:30 Writing 2:30-3:10 Content

8 Special Classes Monday- Library Tuesday-QUEST
Wednesday- Physical Education Thursday- Music Friday- Art 8:45-9:25 a.m.

9 Classroom Community Class Pledge Classroom Jobs (applications)
Class meetings Lottery Tickets Brownie points Consequences: 4th grade Beh. Notice, BVE code of conduct, parent contact, discussion at recess

10 Gratitude Journals

11 Reading LEAD21 – Strategies taught to understand fiction and nonfiction text in large and small groups Comprehension Toolkit – Focuses on nonfiction – skills practiced in groups and individually Independent reading – students record strategies while reading books of choice – conferencing and goal setting Independent reading goals rings Notice and Note – Fiction & Nonfiction Homework- Read 20 min.

12 Math EveryDay Mathematics – spiraling curriculum, games, manipulatives, math boxes Problem solving- taught and emphasized during each unit – direct instruction and independent practice Fact Fluency – 3x’s/week Study Links – Homework MIC Labs - Enrichment opportunities Small groups and iPads

13 Language Arts Informative, opinion, and narrative writing emphasized
Research based assignments PA Rubrics Biography Fair – spring Writer’s Notebooks Grammar Instruction Spelling HW- Menu due Friday Tests Fridays

14 Social Studies – access to text used in class
1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester Mrs. Herman Mrs. Pobst Mrs. Rotella Social Scientists Regions- NE,SE & SW PA Regions- W & SW

15 Science Science Experiments Study guides found on teacher site
1st Trimester 2nd Trimester 3rd Trimester Mrs. Herman Mrs. Pobst Mrs. Rotella Matter Electricity Watery Earth Science Experiments Study guides found on teacher site

16 Grading/ Assessment Trimesters
Adding letter grades to the progress report this year Learning indicators represented by +, M, /, or - Classroom assessments Teacher observations Small group Checklists, Rubrics, Journals & Conferencing


18 Homework Monday through Thursday nights
40 minutes on average Math, Spelling, Indep. Reading (20 min.) Communicate any difficulties Missing Assignment Sheet HW found on teacher site page

19 Attendance Procedures
Students must bring in a note the day following an absent. s cannot always be printed. Absences without notes are considered “unexcused.” Change of dismissal-office

20 Checking Progress Folders
Thursday Folders Comes home once a week Information from school, Home and School and the classroom Try and return information promptly Checking Progress Folders Monday Test folders “Checking Progress folders”- Require signatures Parent communication/student goal building

21 Communication Open Communication E-mails to
Phone Ext. 1184 Newsletters- Mondays- shares test dates, upcoming week’s lessons and school events Every few weeks- Pictures Classroom website Sign Up Genius- December Conferences

22 Reminders Complete Student Emergency & Information Form on Parent Portal by 9/20

23 Scholastic Book Orders
Online ordering Order through me – checks made out to “Scholastic Reading Club” Earns books and resources for the classroom Independent reading

24 Birthday Treats/Snacks
Central Bucks has moved away from edible birthday treats and snacks Classroom allergies Some ideas…erasers, crayons, pencils, book marks, donate a book to the classroom (Who Was…? Series) Healthy snacks

25 Field Trips Fourth Grade Art Trip – Michener/Mercer Museums
Chaperones need PA Clearances Usually one other fourth grade trip

26 Parent Involvement Mystery Readers - me a day you would like to read. We can set a time for you to bring a story book or two of your choice. Keep your visit a secret. Special Talents - If you have a special talent to share, we can arrange a time for class project.

27 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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