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Chapter 2 Preview Early Hominids

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1 Chapter 2 Preview Early Hominids
. Essential Question: What capabilities helped hominids survive? Directions: Think of your favorite superhero from a comic strip, book, or movie. Then in the space below sketch a picture of your superhero (yes, you can make one up!) and write their name in the box. Then list the your hero's ‘super powers’ in the box provided. Superhero Name: List their super powers:

2 Chapter 2 Class Notes Early Hominids
Name:_______________ Ms. McIntyre Color:___________ Date:____________ In this chapter you will learn about five groups of prehistoric humans and the different skills they developed that enabled them to survive. What is this chapters Essential Question?______________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 2.1: Introduction What is a hominid? ______________________________________________ Paleo means: _____________________ What is the difference between an anthropologist and a paleoanthropologist?: _______________________ ______________________________________ capability = ___________ Look at the graphic organizer on page 13. List the hominids you will study in this chapter (in chronological order). 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ Which is the earliest(oldest) hominid group? _______________________________ The most recent? ________________________________________________ Which hominid group lived on Earth the longest period of time? ___________________________________________________ The shortest? ______________________________________________

3 2.2 Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy and Her Relatives
Hi! I’m Lucy, and ______________ discovered me! Australopithecus afarensis (Latin name that means…) What is an anthropologist? _____________________ __________________________________________ By assembling Lucy’s bones, scientists have learned what she ________ like. Lucy was between _____and ____ feet tall, and she had a mix of ________ and ________ features. Her ____________ and ________ stuck out from her face. 2.3 Lucy and Her Relatives: Walking on Two Feet remains ___________________ biped ___________________ One discovery about Lucy and her relatives was that she was a ____________. List four of the capabilities Lucy developed over gorillas or chimpanzees. 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________ Being a _____________ is one way that Lucy resembled us. But how was Lucy quite different from modern humans…

4 Why would living together help
2.4 Homo Habilis: Handy Man Homo habilis means= _____________________ List three differences between Handy Man and Lucy. 1. ________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ What did scientists infer when they found more than one Handy Man fossil together? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Why would living together help Handy Men survive? ________________________________________________________________ 2.5 Handy Man: The Tool Maker Handy Man’s tools were very simple, they used… 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ List the three steps Handy Man took to making a tool Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Cutting tools to______________________________________ Tool-making most likely helped Handy Men live longer, better, and healthier.. Unlike Lucy, they used…. Crushing tools to_____________________________________ Stone tools to________________________________________

5 2.6 Home Erectus: Upright Man
Homo erectus means ___________________ Define migrate: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ Explain how Home erectus was able to migrate to other continents. __________________________________________________________ The face of Upright Man looked more like a ________ human that those earlier hominids did. Their foreheads were ________ and ________. But they still had a large ridge above the ________, a thicker ________, and a jaw that stuck out. 2.7 Upright Man: Traveling with Fire …invent… Bigger Brains meant they were able to … List 3 ways Upright Man used fire. 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ Explain why scientists believe Upright Man groups were able to survive longer than any other earlier hominid group.______________________________ ______________________________________________________________

6 Community 2.8 Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis: Neanderthals
Homo sapiens means _______________ Larger Brains! Over __________ tools have been found!! These tools required much more __________, _____________, and __________. What tools did Neanderthals create? _________________ They were the first early hominids to _________in an ____________________ group! 2.9 Neanderthals: A Sense of Community Community What evidence have scientists found that support the theory that Neanderthals had a “sense of community”? 1. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ If Neanderthals lived in a ___________, they were also able to learn from the ___________ and ___________ of older members of the group. According to scientists, what mystery still remains about Neanderthals? _________________________________________________________

7 Cave Artists 2.10 Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Early Modern Humans
Homo sapiens sapiens means ________________________ How were the earliest modern humans able to migrate to all continents? _______________________________________________________________ Early modern humans or ___________________ How did the early modern humans look more like us than Neanderthals did? ____________________ What capabilities enabled Homo sapiens sapiens to survive? 1._____________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3._____________________________ 4.___________________________ Cave Artists What two inventions did these early humans developed? Explain how these weapons help Homo sapiens sapiens survive? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.11 Early Modern Humans: The First Artists List 3 reasons that scientist have concluded about why early humans created cave art. _______________________________________________ These early modern humans had the ability to __________, __________, and _______________ thoughts to others through pictures and symbols.

8 18 pt font

9 Chapter 2 Preview Early Hominids
Essential Question: What capabilities helped hominids survive? Think of your favorite superhero from a comic strip, book, or movie. Then in the space below sketch a picture of your superhero (yes, you can make one up!) and write their name in the box. Then list the your hero's ‘super powers’ in the box provided. Superhero Name: List their super powers:

10 Essential Question: What capabilities helped hominids survive?
Chapter 2 Early Hominids Class Notes Name:_______________ Ms. McIntyre Color:___________ Date:____________ In this chapter you will learn about five groups of prehistoric humans and their different skills they developed to help them survive. Essential Question: What capabilities helped hominids survive? 2.1: Introduction What is a hominid? ______________________________________________ Paleo means: _____________________ What is the difference between an anthropologist and a paleoanthropologist?: _______________________________________ ______________________________________ capability = ___________ Look at the graphic organizer on page 13. List the hominids you will study in this chapter (in chronological order). 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________ Which is the earliest(oldest) hominid group? ___________________ The most recent? _______________________________________ Which hominid group lived on Earth the longest period of time? ___________________________________________________ The shortest? ______________________________________________

11 2.2 Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy and Her Relatives
Hi! I’m Lucy, and ______________ discovered me! Australopithecus afarensis What is an anthropologist? _____________________ __________________________________________ By assembling Lucy’s bones, scientists have learned what she ________ like. Lucy was ________ feet tall, and she had a mix of ________ and ________ features. Her ____________ and ________ stuck out from her face.

12 2.3 Lucy and Her Relatives: Walking on Two Feet
remains ___________________ biped ______________ One discovery about Lucy and her relatives was that she was a ____________. List four the capabilities Lucy developed over gorillas or chimpanzees. 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________ Being a _____________ is one way that Lucy resembled us. But how was Lucy quite different from modern humans…

13 Why would living together help
2.4 Homo Habilis: Handy Man Homo habilis = _____________________ List three differences between Handy Man and Lucy. 1. ________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ What did scientists infer when they found more than one Handy Man fossil together? _________________________________________________________________________________________ Why would living together help Handy Men survive? ________________________________________________________________

14 2.5 Handy Man: The Tool Maker
Handy Man’s tools were very simple, they used… 1. ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ List the three steps Handy Man took to making a tool Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Tool-making most likely helped Handy Men live longer, better and healthier.. Unlike Lucy, they used…. Cutting tools to ___________________________________ Crushing tools to _________________________________ Stone tools to __________________________________

15 2.6 Home Erectus: Upright Man
Homo erectus ___________________ Define migrate: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ Explain how Home erectus was able to migrate to other continents. __________________________________________________________ The face of Upright Man looked more like a ________ human that those earlierhominids did. Their foreheads were ________ and ________. But they still had a large ridge above the ________, a thicker ________, and a jaw that stuck out.

16 2.7 Upright Man: Traveling with Fire
meant they were able to … …invent… Bigger Brains List 3 ways Upright Man used fire. 1. _________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________ Explain why scientists believe Upright Man groups were able to survive longer than any other earlier hominid group.______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

17 Community 2.8 Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis: Neanderthals
Larger Brains! Over __________ tools have been found!! These tools required much more __________, _____________, and __________. Community What tools did Neanderthals create? _________________ They were the first early hominids to _________in an ____________________ group!

18 Community 2.9 Neanderthals: A Sense of Community
What evidence have scientists found that support the theory that Neanderthals had a “sense of community”? 1. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________ If Neanderthals lived in a ___________, they were also able to learn from the ___________ and ___________ of older members of the group. Community According to scientists, what mystery still remains about Neanderthals? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19 Early modern humans or ___________________
2.10 Homo Sapiens Sapiens: Early Modern Humans Homo sapiens sapiens ________________________ How were the earliest modern humans able to migrate to all continents? ___________________________________ ________________________________________________ Early modern humans or ___________________ How did the early modern humans look more like us than Neanderthals did? ____________________ Cave Artists What capabilities enabled Homo sapiens sapiens to survive? 1._____________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3._____________________________ 4.___________________________

20 What two inventions did these early humans developed?
Explain how these weapons help Homo sapiens sapiens survive? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.11 Early Modern Humans: The First Artists Cave Artists List 3 reasons that scientist have conclude about why early humans created cave art. _______________________________________________ These early modern humans had the ability to __________, __________, and _______________ thoughts to others through pictures and symbols.

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