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Topic 2 Atomic Structure

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1 Topic 2 Atomic Structure

2 subatomic particles [40]
99.9% of mass of atom is located in nucleus, volume of electron cloud is 10,000 times greater than nucleus particle proton neutron electron Relative mass 1 Relative charge +1 -1 Location nucleus Shells around nucleus

3 Mass number, atomic number, isotope [41]
Mass number (A) = sum of number of protons + neutrons Atomic number (Z) = number of protons (equals number of electrons in atoms, not ions), gives identification of atom Isotope = atoms with the same atomic number, different mass numbers (different number of neutrons)

4 Symbols for isotopes [41]
C-12 Carbon-12 126C Exercises 2-4 page 46

5 Isotopes [42] Same chemical properties Different physical properties
Mass Density Rate of diffusion Boiling and melting points

6 Radioisotopes [42-44] Unstable isotopes Uses Carbon dating (C-14)
Medical tracers (I-125 and I-131) Radiation therapy (Co-60)

7 Mass spectrometer [47-49] Instrument which separates particles according to their masses and records the relative proportions Used in atomic mass determination

8 Mass Spectrometer [47]

9 Mass spectra [48] X- axis is relative mass relative mass = m/z
where m= mass and z=charge

10 Atomic mass [48] Defined as the weighted average of all the isotopes of each element. Exercises 5-8 page 49

11 Knowledge of electron arrangements came about when studying the electromagnetic spectrum

12 Bohr model [52-53]

13 Bohr model [52-53]

14 Continuous vs. line spectrum [51]

15 Line spectra of hydrogen [52-53]
Evidence of Bohr model of atom Spectrum of hydrogen is simplest – Why? Divided into distinct series Lyman UV region Balmer Visible region Paschen Infrared region

16 Line spectra of hydrogen [52-53]

17 Ionization energy and electron arrangement [54-57]
Up to this point only main energy levels Ionization energies prove existence of main energy levels and sublevels Define ionization energy - Successive ionization energies -

18 Ionization energy and electron arrangement [54-57]
main energy levels !

19 Ionization energy and electron arrangement [54-57]
energy sublevels !!

20 Atomic Orbitals [59-61]

21 Atomic Orbitals [59-61]

22 Atomic Orbitals [59-61]

23 Atomic Orbitals [59-61]

24 Electron arrangement [56-64]
Energy levels

25 Electron arrangement [56-64]
Energy sublevels – Aufbau principle

26 Electron arrangement [56-64]
orbitals– Hund’s rule Pauli exclusion principle

27 Electron arrangement [56-64]
Electron configuration –

28 Electron arrangement [56-64]

29 Topic 2 practice Starting with worked example page 56 then continue with exercises 9-26

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