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What is a prefix?.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a prefix?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a prefix?

2 What words have been created?
The prefix ’un’ means not What words have been created?

3 Unlucky Unusual Unzip Which word shows the opposite of this picture?
Were you right?

4 ‘De’ means- ‘making the opposite’
Form Deform Camp Decamp Inflate Deflate Compose Decompose Can you create a sentence which uses these words?

5 Dislike Disagree Disobey
‘Dis’ means not * Which word do we use when we do not like something? *Which word do we use when we do not agree about something? * Which word do we use when we do not follow an order? Dislike Disagree Disobey

6 What does a magician do with a rabbit and a magic hat?

7 The prefix ‘re’ means again
and the word is………?

8 Thinking time and then share as a class.
‘re’ means again What words do you know that have the prefix ‘re’? Thinking time and then share as a class.

9 Do you know any words with pre as a prefix?
‘Pre’ means before Do you know any words with pre as a prefix? Precaution Predict Previous Preface Prepare

10 So what have we learnt?? Un means… De means… Dis means.. Re means… Pre means…

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