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Title: SDSN Mediterranean Chair: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri

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1 Title: SDSN Mediterranean Chair: Prof. Phoebe Koundouri
Speaker: Prof. Alessandra Viviani, SDSN Mediterranean, University of Siena PHOEBE

2 OUTLINE The Scope (3) The Network (4-5) Activites and Projects (6)
Flagship Projects (7-10) From Members (11-12) Other Edu Activites (13) Sinergy (14); The Future (15)

3 THE SCOPE SDSN Mediterranean fosters global SDSN activities within the Mediterranean Area region by developing and promoting solutions, policies, research, public engagement and innovative education in order to contribute to the Agenda 2030 and the achievement of SDGs


5 Host institution: University of Siena (Italy)
THE NETWORK Host institution: University of Siena (Italy) Member Organisations: 70 (2 civil society, 3 Donor/foundation, 2 IOs, 10 NGOs, 53 HEIs/RI) Countries: 18 (of which 13 non-EU) Albania Cyprus Egypt France Georgia Israel Italy Jordan Lebanon Macedonia Monaco Morocco Palestine Portugal Serbia Slovenia Tunisia Turkey

Collaborative Research Innovative Teaching Dissemination Exploitation and Outreach Youth Engagement Networking

7 Coordinated by prof.ssa Cristina Fossi
FLAGSHIP PROJECTS PLASTIC BUSTERS Coordinated by prof.ssa Cristina Fossi University of Siena The research project aims at assessing sources of plastic marine litter and devise mitigation strategies to reduce its impact and accumulation in the Mediterranean Sea. PB aims to enhance stakeholders awareness and change perceptions and attitudes towards waste. In February 2016, PB was endorsed and labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean as a strategic project providing lasting developmental solutions intended to touch thousands of lives directly and provide tangible results on the ground. The current work of the project is supported by GIZ, the German Agency for International Cooperation.

Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area MIUR (Italy) in collaboration with University of Siena PRIMA is a partnership of 19 countries form the Med Region which is developing much-needed solutions for a more sustainable management of water and agro-food systems. The main objective of the ten-year initiative (2018 – 2028), which is partly funded by EU's Horizon 2020 program, is to devise new R&I approaches to improve water availability, sustainable agriculture and competitive food chains in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanisation and population growth. Proposes a monitoring system aiming to assess the achievements of the program. The indicators will be based on the SDGs.

9 SDSN Mediterranean, SDG Academy in collaboration with BCFN
FLAGSHIP PROJECTS MOOC “Sustainable food systems: a Mediterranean perspective” SDSN Mediterranean, SDG Academy in collaboration with BCFN The Online Course, coming soon in the SDG Academy Platform, aims at spreading knowledge and awareness on the major challenges of the Agri-Food sector in the Mediterranean Area.  This innovative educational initiative, based on digital support, might help a large part of population from the Med Area to deal with such challenges. The MOOC will be launched early 2018 and a trailer will be presented at the International Forum on Food and Nutrition on December 4th in Milan.

Engagement, Empowerment, Raising Awareness, Networking of Young Generations on Sustainable Development SDSN Med, in collaboration with SDSN Youth, promotes the active engagement of youth in the Sustainable Development issues through building networks, organizing events, students competitions and research prizes. Some examples: Food & Youth - Millennials Festival BCFN Yes! - international competition for young researchers from all over the world.

11 FROM MEMBERS University of BRESCIA (Italy): Program of 17 Seminars on SDGs

12 FROM MEMBERS University of PALERMO: Seminar on Life Cycle Assesment

13 OTHER EDU ACTIVITIES SDSN Med understands that innovative and quality teaching methods are essential to shape the common values required to improve social inclusion, and to “leave no one behind”. To this end SDSN Med promotes other educational activities such as: Transdisciplinary Courses on Sustainability, to be promoted within Universities for their students, schools and the general public; Innovative teaching and learning methodologies for helping improve the quality of education, providing expertise and build transversal skills for teachers, in particular on issues related to the Sustainable Development. University Partnership Program: provides universities and academic institutions with privileged access to the SDG Academy course materials to tailor and use in their own education program.

14 SINERGY SDSN Med constantly collaborates with SDSN ITALY and SDSN YOUTH. They have created a group of Campus Coordinators lead by the SDSN Med/Youth Network Coordinator, working for mobilizing University campus, students organisations and other people around the Agenda 2030 and the SDGs. SDSN Med SDSN Italy SDSN Youth

15 Some ideas to be developed in the coming months:
THE FUTURE Some ideas to be developed in the coming months: Communication strategy Fund raising actions Research activity on “Right to Food” (proposal for ICSD2018 panel) Widening the Network

16 SDSN Mediterranean: CONTACTS AND WEB
Chair: Prof. Angelo Riccaboni – Network Manager: Simone Cresti – Web:

17 Prof. Alessandra Viviani
Università di Siena

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