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Steps towards beam commissioning: Magnet power supplies

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1 Steps towards beam commissioning: Magnet power supplies
David Clavier :: Leistungselektronik :: Paul Scherrer Institut Steps towards beam commissioning: Magnet power supplies SwissFEL Commissioning Workshop, 21/22 March 2016 FHNW Campus Brugg-Windisch

2 Our system Magnet Power supplies figures: (stand 2014)
Totally 789 current channels spread along the tunnel (from Z=15 to 496m.) Mounted into 75 racks Controlled by 280 controller cards All PS have been already manufactured and tested (by us). 1 PS for the Septum Magnet remains to be designed. All the Racks of the Technical Gallery have been installed. Racks in the basement (Aramis ¬ Athos) not yet completely installed.

3 Our most important interfaces to (dependences on) other expert groups
Equipment For commissioning AC Supply Critical Cooling water For PS above 50 Amps (43 pieces Ethernet Network Office Network is mandatory. Machine Network is highly wished Connection to EPICS For the beam commissioning Inventory 4 Works great!

4 Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Hardware installation
The power supply racks are (almost) plug and play Installation and cabling is done by 9330

5 Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: System commissioning in OSFA before beam
Commissioning procedure: Check I/O, magnet polarity and connection Identify the Magnet characteristics Set the control and protection parameters Check the analog indications Measure the performances & write down the commissioning report Automatic Commissioning SW for the „small“ power supplies help reducing the time needed to 2-3 hours for a full rack (21 PS). A large PS requires almost the same time. We can expect to achieve the commissioning of 2 to 3 units per day.

6 Our steps towards beam commissioning/operation: Handover to operation, pre-beam checks
We expect to finish the injector magnet PS commissioning before the RF conditioning starts Strom bis 200 m.

7 What makes us worry Power outages make our work complicated
They should be announced sufficiently in advance (1 or 2 days) Have a given duration and take place early in the morning or beginning of the afternoon. After normalisation, the other systems (cooling, network) should be re-energised asap. Each group should commit a responsible on site for this.

8 Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen
Acknowledgments RS & JH93 9332 9360 8433…

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