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Pixel Status Mar 12nd 2012 Maki KUROSAWA RBRC.

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Presentation on theme: "Pixel Status Mar 12nd 2012 Maki KUROSAWA RBRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pixel Status Mar 12nd 2012 Maki KUROSAWA RBRC

2 IR (Injected Pulse (1/19))
Pixel Layers West Pixel Status ( Feb 29th 2012) IR (Injected Pulse (1/19)) SPIRO WEST South North 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 49 Barrel 0 B0-L4 58 51 B0-L3 59 71 B0-L2 27 48 B0-L1 50 28 47 B0-L0 29 37 Barrel 1 B1-L9 30 31 B1-L8 16 38 B1-L7 78 46 B1-L6 17 39 B1-L5 79 53 B1-L4 18 40 B1-L3 56 55 B1-L2 50  20 41 B1-L1 57 60 B1-L0 67 EAST B0-L5 72 B0-L6 73 B0-L7 74 69 B0-L8 76 68 B0-L9 77 32 21 54 B1-L11 62 33 B1-L12 22 52 B1-L13 63 34 B1-L14 24 B1-L15 64 35 B1-L16 25 43 B1-L17 65 36 26 42 66 Data from B0-L5-N, B0-L9 and chip8-11 of B1-L11-N are unstable. Considerable cause of additional bad chips of those ladders will be unstable FEM or optical fiber connection at SPIRO side. Pixel Layers East FEM ID 1 FEM ID 5 FEM ID 10 Good chip Bad chip Unstable chip 50 No response for half of chip

3 Run-12 13.5 weeks of physics running
4 weeks of p+p 200GeV (mid of Feb ~ mid of Mar) 5 weeks of p+p 500GeV (mid of Mar ~ end of Apr) 2 ¼ week of Cu+ Au 200 GeV (under assumption) 2 ¼ week of U+U 193 GeV (under assumption) Our goal for 4-week 200GeV pp run |z| < 30cm : 10.5 pb-1 |z| < 10cm: pb-1 We got 88% We got 76%

4 Back Up Slides

5 LV current for all pixel ladders are always normal during run.
Data taking with PHENIX-DAQ and OPS software Occasionally, failed to get hit data from B0-L5-N, B0-L9 and sensor 2 of B1-L11-N. Few noise pixels could be seen. Test (with DAQ in standalone mode and OPS) had been done during APEX on Mar 7th. B0-L5-N B0-L9-N B0-L9-S B1-L11-N Sensor 3 Sensor 2 Sensor 1 Sensor 0 with DAQ big partition (Mar7th) X with DAQ standalone (Mar 7th) O with OPS Optical Intensity of Data Line (Mar 7th) (dBm) -12.28 -10.92 -10.58 -12.37 -12.47 -10.50 -13.37 LV current (A) 3.39 A 3.99A 3.83A 3.48A Final physics run on Mar 7th LV current for all pixel ladders are always normal during run. It means broken of bonding wire should not be happened and sending DAC values had been done successfully.

6 Physics Run on Mar 8th Plan
B0-L5-N B0-L9-N B0-L9-S B1-L11-N Sensor 3 Sensor 2 Sensor 1 Sensor 0 with DAQ big partition (Mar8th) O LV current (A) 3.42 A 4.01A 3.85A 3.50A First physics run on Mar 8th Hit data was back again. The reasons that bad ladders were recovered are unclear. Plan Replace FEM boards to which bad ladders connected with spare FEM boards. Check optical modules (blow with air blower) at access day (next Wed).

7 Pixel Status (Mar 8th 2012) Pixel Layers West Pixel Layers East
IR (Physics run (3/8)) SPIRO WEST South North 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 49 Barrel 0 B0-L4 58 51 B0-L3 59 71 B0-L2 27 48 B0-L1 50 28 47 B0-L0 29 37 Barrel 1 B1-L9 30 31 B1-L8 16 38 B1-L7 78 46 B1-L6 17 39 B1-L5 79 53 B1-L4 18 40 B1-L3 56 55 B1-L2 50  20 41 B1-L1 57 60 B1-L0 67 EAST B0-L5 72 B0-L6 73 B0-L7 74 69 B0-L8 76 68 B0-L9  50 77 32 21 54 B1-L11 62 33 B1-L12 22 52 B1-L13 63 34 B1-L14 24 B1-L15 64 35 B1-L16 25 43 B1-L17 65 36 26 42 66 Pixel Layers East Good chip Bad chip Additional bad chip 50 No response for half of chip

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