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[Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation] (lines 1-85)

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1 [Prologue: The Rise of the Danish Nation] (lines 1-85)
1.Realize that this prologue introduces the Danes, not Beowulf or his people the Geats. What was unusual about the way Shield came to be ruler of the Danes? What was his funeral like? What relation is Hrothgar to Shield? It was unusual how Shield became ruler of the Danes because he was orphan, found as an infant who rose to extreme power and became a praised leader. At his funeral, he was given a burial at sea. His body was put into a boat, covered with treasures and armor, and cast off to sea. Hrothgar is Shield’s great grandson. [Heorot is Attacked] (lines ) 1.What magnificent work did Hrothgar undertake? Who attacked it, and with what result? How long did the attacks last? What was the response of the Danes? Hrothgar’s magnificent work was the creation of a grand hall called the Heorot where parties and feasts were held. It was attacked by a monster named Grendel. For 12 years no one went in Heorot because every night Grendel would kill anyone he saw, so the people stayed as far away as possible. The Danes lived in great fear of this monster.

2 [The Hero Comes to Heorot] (lines 189-490)
1. What does Beowulf do when he hears of Hrothgar's problems with Grendel? - When Beowulf hears of Hrothgar's problems with Grendel, he and his fellow Geats set sail to Denmark to promise Hrothgar that he will slay Grendel once and for all. 2. Whom do the Geats first meet when they arrive in Denmark? What does he do, and what do they do? - When the Geats first arrive in Denmark they meet a Danish watcher patrolling along the cliffs. He happens to be Hrothgar's lieutenant who demands to know who they are and what they are doing there. The Geats respond that they have come to meet with Hrothgar and they they intended to rid the Danes of their beast, Grendel. The lieutenant believes them and takes them to Herot.

3 3. They next meet Hrothgar's herald. Who is he. What does he tell them
3. They next meet Hrothgar's herald. Who is he? What does he tell them? What does he tell Hrothgar? What does Hrothgar respond? Are you surprised that Hrothgar knows Beowulf so well? -Hrothgar's herald is Wulfgar of the Wendla tribe. When he first sees the Geats he stops them and asks them why they carry so much armor. He them implies that they are there for adventure rather self gain because they seem brave. Wulfgar goes to Hrothgar and tells him not to refuse their help because their leader Beowulf seems strong and worthy. Hrothgar speaks of knowing Beowulf's father and encourages Wulfgar to go get the Geats right away. 4.What does Beowulf tell Hrothgar when he enters? What did Hrothgar do for Beowulf's father? -Beowulf tells Hrothgar that he is very experienced and plans to battle Grendel with no weapons. He also told Hrothgar not to refuse him. Hrothgar paid off Beowulf's father's feuds during a warring period for the Geats.

4 [Feast at Heorot] (lines 491-661)
1. What does Unferth accuse Beowulf of? How does Beowulf answer him? How is this episode relevant to the poem as a whole? What does Beowulf accuse Unferth of? At the feast, a Dane named Unferth, envious of his kinsmen’s admiration of Beowulf, begins to taunt the Geat. He claims that Beowulf once lost a swimming match against Breca and that Beowulf will meet with defeat for a second time when he faces Grendel in the mead-hall. Unruffled, Beowulf accuses Unferth of drunkenness and describes his own version of what happened in the swimming match. Carrying swords to defend themselves against sea monsters, he and Breca had struggled in icy waters for five days and five nights when suddenly Beowulf found himself pulled under by a monster. After slaying the monster and eight other sea beasts, Beowulf was washed ashore on the coast of Finland. Beowulf notes that neither Unferth nor Breca could have survived such an adventure and mocks Unferth by pointing out his obvious helplessness against Grendel.This shows how confident and competitive Beowulf is throughout the story. 2. What is Queen Wealhtheow doing during the feasting? - She hands out ceremonial goblet and praises the gods for Beowulf.

5 [The Fight with Grendel] (lines 662-835)
1.Heroic poetry normally has a scene in which the hero arms for battle. What is different about Beowulf's preparations for his fight with Grendel? - The difference with Beowulf is that he is going to get rid of his armor and is changing his tactic to bare hands. 2.What happens when Grendel enters Heorot? How does Beowulf fight with him? What happens when Grendel tries to leave? Does Grendel escape? What does he leave behind? -He quickly goes to eating sleeping soldiers. When he gets to Beowulf, he isn't asleep and Beowulf quickly latches onto him. Grendel just barely escapes and leaves behind his arm.

6 Celebration at Heorot (lines 836-1250)
1.When the Danes and Geats return from following Grendel's tracks to the mere, someone sings in Beowulf's presence, comparing him to Sigemund and saying that he was not like Heremod (lines ). How is Beowulf like Sigemund? How is he not like Heremod? (Be alert for inserted stories such as this one. Beowulf contains many of them, most much more complex than this one.) Sigmund and Beowulf are similar because both of them had killed a giant monster. Sigmund is the hero who killed dragon and Beowulf had killed Grendel. In contrast, Heremod is one of the evil Danish king who turned against his own people. 2.How does Hrothgar respond to Beowulf's deed? What does he offer to do for him? What does Unferth have to say now? -Hrothgar responds by making a speech and thanking Beowulf for killing the monster that haunted him. He claims to now love Beowulf like a son and provide him with wealth and glory. Unferth stayed silent as everyone saw the proof of Beowulf's power.

7 3. The singer sings of Finn during the feasting (lines 1070-1158)
3.The singer sings of Finn during the feasting (lines ). The exact details of the Finn story are not clear, but in general, what happens? What does it suggest about the wisdom of using a woman as bride to heal enmity between tribes? -In the story of Finn, King Finn and his people won a battle against the Danes. His Queen Hildeburh was Danish, and she lost her son and brother in the battle. In the end, the Danes make a truce to live separately from Finn's men while living under Finn's rule at the same time, but, after spending a winter with Finn's people, the Danes rise against Finn and slay them. Hildeburh is later returned to Denmark with the Danes. This story suggests that Hildeburh, Finn's bride, made Finn soft as time passed, and the Danes were then able to conquer him eventually. 4.When the feasting resumes, what does Wealhtheow ask Hrothgar not to do? Wealhtheow asks Hrothgar not to give Beowulf the throne. She tells her husband that to trust their son Hrothulf‘s loyalty and believe in their sons’ abilities to become a good king of the tribe, if Hrothulf died.

8 5. Wealhtheow gives Beowulf a large, broad necklace
5.Wealhtheow gives Beowulf a large, broad necklace. What later happens to it? What does Wealhtheow ask Beowulf to do? -Later, Beowulf gives the necklace to his uncle Hygelac, who wore it when he died in battle. Wealhtheow asks Beowulf to be good to her sons, friendly and respectful to their king. 6.Why do so many men remain in the beer hall to sleep? Why is it a mistake?    They remain in the beer hall to sleep because they are drunk and believe that there is no more danger now that Grendel is dead. It's a mistake because Grendel's Mother comes for revenge and takes one of the men plus her son's arm.

9 BEOWULF AND GRENDEL'S MOTHER [Another Attack] (lines 1251-1382)
Why has Grendel's mother come to Heorot? Is it the same reason Grendel had?    Grendel’s mother came to Heorot to revenge for her son Grendel’s death. Grendel came to kill the men without purpose; but Grendel came to kill the man who killed her son and take her son’s arm back. What is Hrothgar's response? Whom has Grendel's mother killed? Grendel’s mother killed Hrothgar’s dear friend, Aeschere. Hrothgar responded by asks Beowulf to fight the female monster at her lair and promise for more gold and treasure if he came back alive. What sort of place is the mere?   The mere is a dark, bottomless lake.

10 Beowulf Fights Grendel's Mother (lines 1383-1650)
How does Beowulf tell Hrothgar to respond? Beowulf tells Hrothgar that that it is better to avenge his friends death rather than mourn. He assures him that every warrior was well prepared to face death, which includes him. What happens at the mere before Beowulf enters it? How does Beowulf prepare for the battle? What sword does he take with him? Beowulf prepares for battle by putting on his chain-mail armor and a golden helmet. Moreover, he reminds Hrothgar that if he dies, all the treasures and gold can be distributed to Higlac and all the warriors who have come with him. He takes with him Unferths sword, Hrunting, a sword to have never failed and was passed down in Unferth's family. What happens when Beowulf enters the mere? What is surprising about where Grendel and his mother live in the mere?

11 What happens to the sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth?
Beowulf strikes at Grendel’s mother with the borrowed sword, Hrunting, but the blade has no effect and breaks. At one point Beowulf is on the floor, with Grendel's mother sitting on him and drawing her knife. How does Beowulf escape? Beowulf escapes because his chain-mail protected him from the blow. How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother? What weapon does he use? What happens when she dies? What does Beowulf take with him from her home? What happens to the sword he used to kill her? Beowulf notices and uses an enchanted sword hung on the wall. He escapes by drawing the unnaturally heavy sword built by giants and slicing Grendel's mothers neck with it. When she died, the cave burned with light. The sword melted so that the hilt was all that was left. What happens when Beowulf returns to the surface? Did his men expect him to return? When Beowulf cut off Grendel’s head, the lake has turned red. The Danes and Hrothgar thought that Beowulf had been killed, but the Geat warriors had faith that Beowulf would return.

12 Further Celebration at Heorot (lines 1651-1798)
What does Beowulf give to Hrothgar? Beowulf presents Grendel’s head to Hrothgar and the jewel-inlaid hilt sword. What message does Hrothgar have for Beowulf? What and why does he tell us about Heremod? Why and how did Heremod die? What lesson does Hrothgar teach with the Heremod example? Hrothgar examined the sword and tell Beowulf a story of how war started in the world and how they destroyed a race of giants basic on the pictures. Hrothgar told Beowulf about Heremond to warn him that a man with who is gifted by god can turn into an evil man anytime. Heremod turns his people out of greed and he died because he was been poisoned by dragon. The lesson Hrothgar wants to teach Beowulf with Heremod example is to keep track his life in the right path and never step on the evil path. He emphasizes the danger of wealth and power. What does Beowulf give to Unferth as he leaves? Beowulf gives the sword name Hrunting back to Unferth before he leaves.

13 Beowulf Returns Home (lines 1799-2199)
What future does Hrothgar predict for Beowulf? Hrothgar predicts a future for Beowulf as a great king. Who is Hygd and why is she not like Modthryth? Hygy is the queen of the Geats, which is Hygelac’s wife. Hygy is very polite, beautiful and wise. She is unlike the evil queen, Modthryth, who is extremely cruel. Beowulf reports to Hygelac that Hrothgar may marry his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld. Why does he plan to do that? What does Beowulf expect the result will be? (Remember the Finn story, lines ) How does Beowulf think the peace will be broken? Is this the type of report we expected from the hero Beowulf, or are we seeing a new side of him? Hrothgar wants to wed his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld to end a feud between two clans. Beowulf, on the other hand, does not expect this to work because he thinks the peace will be broken when a Heatho-Bard sees a Dane wearing a sword won by a Heatho-Bard and rekindle the feud.

14 How does Beowulf report about his own adventures
How does Beowulf report about his own adventures? Does he report accurately? Beowulf reports about his own adventures in a boastful, inaccurate manner. What does Beowulf do with the treasure he was given? What does Hygelac give him? Beowulf presents all the treasure he was given to Hygelac. And King Hygelac presents his own gifts to Beowulf: a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and a throne. In other words, Beowulf gains the authority.

15 BEOWULF AND THE DRAGON The Dragon Wakes (lines 2200-2509)
How much later does Part 2 take place? What kings have died in the meanwhile? What danger now exists? Part 2 takes place 50 years later and in that period, Hygelac and his son Heardred died. The danger that now exists is a dragon that is attacking Beowulf's kingdom Why is the dragon angry? Why did the man take a cup? How did the treasure come to be there in the first place? (The speech of the lone survivor, the one who put the gold in the barrow, is in a typically Old English elegiac tone.) The dragon is angry because when he wakes up and saw the footprints of whoever stole his goblet. The man is a poor slave, he steals the cup to fulfill his master’s order instead his own greed. The treasures come to be there as the owner who has no children or relatives to pass down; so he decides to amass all the treasures. What did the dragon destroy that evening? The dragon came out to attack Geat people and destroy their properties that evening.

16 Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt
Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt? Why does he order a new shield? How will he fight this battle? What will happen to him? Beowulf thinks his home was burnt because he did something that displeases God. Since Beowulf is planning to attack the dragon, he needs a new shield that won’t be burnt by dragon. He will fight this battle without weapon and sword. Beowulf risks his life on the battle against dragon; however, he is confident he will defeat the dragon. How did Hygelac die? (The description in lines begins one of several versions of Geatish history and Hygelac's death we will get.) What did Beowulf do after Hygelac's death? What happened when he returned home? Did he accept Hygd's offer to become king? Hygelac died in the battle in Friesland. After Beowulf returned to home, Hygd offers Beowulf the throne. Beowulf refused Hygd’s offer to become king; however he will hold the authority until Heardred is mature enough to become a king.

17 BEOWULF AND GRENDEL'S MOTHER [Another Attack] (lines 1251-1382)
Why has Grendel's mother come to Heorot? Is it the same reason Grendel had?    Grendel’s mother came to Heorot to revenge for her son Grendel’s death. Grendel came to kill the men without purpose; but Grendel came to kill the man who killed her son and take her son’s arm back. What is Hrothgar's response? Whom has Grendel's mother killed? Grendel’s mother killed Hrothgar’s dear friend, Aeschere. Hrothgar responded by asks Beowulf to fight the female monster at her lair and promise for more gold and treasure if he came back alive. What sort of place is the mere?   The mere is a dark, bottomless lake.

18 Beowulf Fights Grendel's Mother (lines 1383-1650)
How does Beowulf tell Hrothgar to respond? Beowulf tells Hrothgar that that it is better to avenge his friends death rather than mourn. He assures him that every warrior was well prepared to face death, which includes him. What happens at the mere before Beowulf enters it? After they discovered Aeschere's head at the cliff, Beowulf kills a sea monster with his arrow. How does Beowulf prepare for the battle? What sword does he take with him? Beowulf prepares for battle by putting on his chain-mail armor and a golden helmet. Moreover, he reminds Hrothgar that if he dies, all the treasures and gold can be distributed to Higlac and all the warriors who have come with him. He takes with him Unferths sword, Hrunting, a sword to have never failed and was passed down in Unferth's family. What happens when Beowulf enters the mere? What is surprising about where Grendel and his mother live in the mere? As he enters the mere he is attacked by numerous sea monsters, Due to his armor he is unharmed but is very surprised with the amount of time it took to get to the home.

19 What happens to the sword Beowulf borrowed from Unferth?
Beowulf strikes at Grendel’s mother with the borrowed sword, Hrunting, but the blade has no effect and breaks. At one point Beowulf is on the floor, with Grendel's mother sitting on him and drawing her knife. How does Beowulf escape? Beowulf escapes because his chain-mail protects him from the blow. How does Beowulf kill Grendel's mother? What weapon does he use? What happens when she dies? What does Beowulf take with him from her home? What happens to the sword he used to kill her? Beowulf notices an enchanted sword hung on the wall. He escapes by drawing the unnaturally heavy sword built by giants and slicing Grendel's mothers neck with it. When she died, the cave burns with light. The sword melts so that the hilt is all that is left. What happens when Beowulf returns to the surface? Did his men expect him to return? When Beowulf cut off Grendel’s head, the lake has turned red. The Danes and Hrothgar thought that Beowulf had been killed, but the Geat warriors had faith that Beowulf would return.

20 Further Celebration at Heorot (lines 1651-1798)
What does Beowulf give to Hrothgar? Beowulf presents Grendel’s head to Hrothgar and the jewel-inlaid hilt sword. What message does Hrothgar have for Beowulf? What and why does he tell us about Heremod? Why and how did Heremod die? What lesson does Hrothgar teach with the Heremod example? Hrothgar examines the sword and tells Beowulf a story of how war started and how they destroyed a race of giants. Hrothgar tells Beowulf about Heremond to warn him that a man who is gifted by God can turn evil at anytime. Heremod turns against his people out of greed and he dies after being poisoned by the dragon. Hrothgar emphasizes the danger of wealth and power. What does Beowulf give to Unferth as he leaves? Beowulf gives his sword to Unferth before he leaves.

21 Beowulf Returns Home (lines 1799-2199)
What future does Hrothgar predict for Beowulf? Hrothgar predicts a future for Beowulf as a great king. Who is Hygd and why is she not like Modthryth? Hygd is the queen of the Geats, which is Hygelac’s wife. Hygd is very polite, beautiful and wise. She is unlike the evil queen, Modthryth, who is extremely cruel. Beowulf reports to Hygelac that Hrothgar may marry his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld. Why does he plan to do that? What does Beowulf expect the result will be? (Remember the Finn story, lines ) How does Beowulf think the peace will be broken? Is this the type of report we expected from the hero Beowulf, or are we seeing a new side of him? Hrothgar wants to wed his daughter Freawaru to Ingeld to end a feud between two clans. Beowulf, on the other hand, does not expect this to work because he thinks the peace will be broken when a Heatho-Bard sees a Dane wearing a sword won by a Heatho-Bard and rekindle the feud.

22 How does Beowulf report about his own adventures
How does Beowulf report about his own adventures? Does he report accurately? Beowulf reports about his own adventures in a boastful, inaccurate manner. What does Beowulf do with the treasure he was given? What does Hygelac give him? Beowulf presents all the treasure he was given to Hygelac. King Hygelac presents his own gifts to Beowulf: a jeweled sword, 7,000 hides, land, a hall, and a throne. In other words, Beowulf gains the authority.

23 BEOWULF AND THE DRAGON The Dragon Wakes (lines 2200-2509)
How much later does Part 2 take place? What kings have died in the meanwhile? What danger now exists? Part 2 takes place 50 years later and in that period, Hygelac and his son Heardred died. The danger that now exists is a dragon that is attacking Beowulf's kingdom Why is the dragon angry? Why did the man take a cup? How did the treasure come to be there in the first place? (The speech of the lone survivor, the one who put the gold in the barrow, is in a typically Old English elegiac tone.) The dragon is angry because when he wakes up and saw the footprints of whoever stole his goblet. The man is a poor slave, he steals the cup to fulfill his master’s order instead his own greed. The treasures come to be there as the owner who has no children or relatives to pass down; so he decides to amass all the treasures. What did the dragon destroy that evening? The dragon came out to attack Geat people and destroy their properties that evening.

24 Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt
Why does Beowulf think his home was burnt? Why does he order a new shield? How will he fight this battle? What will happen to him? Beowulf thinks his home was burnt because he did something that displeases God. Since Beowulf is planning to attack the dragon, he needs a new shield that won’t be burnt by dragon. He will fight this battle without weapon and sword. Beowulf risks his life on the battle against the dragon; however, he is confident he will defeat the dragon. How did Hygelac die? (The description in lines begins one of several versions of Geatish history and Hygelac's death we will get.) What did Beowulf do after Hygelac's death? What happened when he returned home? Did he accept Hygd's offer to become king? Hygelac died in the battle in Friesland. After Beowulf returned to home, Hygd offers Beowulf the throne. Beowulf refused Hygd’s offer to become king; however he will hold the authority until Heardred is mature enough to become a king.

25 What happened to Hygelac's son Heardred
What happened to Hygelac's son Heardred? (That's the story in lines ) How did Beowulf plan to avenge Heardred's death (lines )? Heardred was killed by exile Swedes. Beowulf became a king after Hearded died; and he killed the king of Swedes for revenge of Hearded’s death. How many men accompany Beowulf as he goes to meet the dragon? 11 men What happened to Hygelac's oldest brother Herebeald? Who killed him? What did this do to his father King Hrethel? (This passage, lines , is the second account of Geatish history and of the death of Hygelac.) What happened between the Swedes and Geats after Hrethel's death? What happened to Haethcyn? How die Beowulf revenge Hygelac's death? Herebeald was been killed by Haethcyn’s arrow accidently. Their father Hrethel became completely overwhelmed by the news. Later, he left the authority and his children behind and disappeared. After Hrethel’s death, there is a bloody battle between the Swedes and Geats; and Haethcyn was been killed in battle. Beowulf avenges Hygelac’s death by killing one of the Frankish warriors, Dayraven.

26 Beowulf Attacks the Dragon (lines 2510-2820)
What does Beowulf tell his companions to do? Beowulf tells his companions to stay on top of the barrow in safety, observing the fight rather than participating in it. What happens the first time Beowulf and the dragon fight? What do his companions do? How is Wiglaf different? What does he tell the others? What does he then do? The sword breaks and Beowulf faces death. Beowulf's companions flee in fear, betraying Beowulf and their people. Wiglaf stays and fights for his king. He tells the others that they were all unfaithful cowards. He then proceeded to promise Beowulf he would stay and fight with him, which he did until the dragon was slain. What happens the second time Beowulf meets the dragon? What happens to Beowulf? Who kills the dragon? The second time Beowulf fights the dragon with Wiglaf, the dragon destroys the sword that Wiglaf is using. Then, the dragon bites Beowulf on the neck. They kill the dragon together. Wiglaf stabs the dragon in the stomach and Beowulf stabs it from the side. What does the dying Beowulf ask Wiglaf to do? What happens when Beowulf sees the gold? How does Beowulf want to be buried? The dying Beowulf asks Wiglaf to bring him the treasure to know he had won. He wanted to be buried in a tomb high on the piece of land so the tower may be seen from there

27 Beowulf's Funeral (lines 2821-3182)
1. What happens when the companions return? What does Wiglaf say to him? What does he expect will happen in the future? When the companions return, Wiglaf is trying to revive Beowulf. Wiglaf is angry and tells them that they were disloyal oath-breakers and that he expects will have their land taken away once the nobles hear of their actions. He suggests that foreign warlords will be sure to attack the Geats now that Beowulf can no longer protect them What does the messenger tell the city? What happened overnight in Ravenswood after Ongentheow killed Haethcyn? What happened the next morning? What happened to Ongentheow? What does the messenger say to do with the gold? What is the final image (animal) of the messenger's speech? The messenger tells the city that Beowulf has been killed alongside the dragon. He says chaos will emerge from this and enemies will take advantage of their loss. Ongentheow's men surrounded the Geats but then morning comes and Hygelac's men save their kinsmen. Ongentheow is killed in battle and the men decide to burn all the treasures with Beowulf's body. The final image (animal) of the messenger's speech was a wolf.

28 What does Wiglaf tell the crowd that comes to see the dragon and Beowulf?
Wiglaf recounts Beowulf’s last requests and readies the people to build his funeral pyre. With seven of the greatest Geatish thanes, Wiglaf returns to the dragon’s bier to collect the treasure that Beowulf bought with his life. What happens to the dragon? The dragon’s corpse is thrown off a cliff into the water. What happens during and after the funeral celebration? While Beowulf and all of the treasure from the burrow burn on the pyre, a woman sings a song about the fall of the Geats, and the Geats build a tower over Beowulf’s pyre over the next ten days. What did the Geats say about Beowulf in the last three lines of the poem? Are these the terms one would expect to be used to describe a military hero? The Geats talk of Beowulf’s kindness, friendliness and gentleness.

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