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8th Graders Welcome! Row Leaders: Please Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) Get.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Graders Welcome! Row Leaders: Please Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) Get."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Graders Welcome! Row Leaders: Please Grab your row’s folders from the folder box. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!

2 A Quick Reminder: Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task. DO NOT TALK DURING THE TEST or you will get a zero on your test, a detention, and/or even worse…a referral.

3 Write your agenda Warm-up (A.L. #4)* Need Lit. book (p. 402-3)*
8th Grade Agenda Thursday Write your agenda Warm-up (A.L. #4)* Need Lit. book (p )* Test Review* Objective: Using their multiple-choice tests , SWBAT identify their weaknesses and strengths. HW: None A.L.: ) Poetry CN 3/17

4 Assignment Log #4 4.) Poetry CN 3/17
*Cornell Notes: Write down the following on the left hand side of your Cornell notes and use the information on pg to complete the right side. Define rhythm: What is an elegy? What is meter? What kind of effect does rhyme have? What are end rhymes? What is a couplet? What is an internal rhyme?

5 “The Tell-Tale Heart” Test Review

6 “The Tell-Tale Heart” Test Review cont…

7 “The Tell-Tale Heart” Test Review cont…

8 “The Tell-Tale Heart” Test Review cont…

9 Winding Down *Class is almost over, so it is time to:
Recap: Did you accomplish this objective? Objective: Using their multiple-choice tests , SWBAT identify their weaknesses and strengths.Remain in your seats. Pass folders with your A.L. packets inside to the front of your row. Take out agenda to be checked. When you are dismissed, row leaders please put the folders away.

10 Materials needed Holt Literature and Language Arts books
Students’ old work to be passed out.

11 State Standards 3.6 Identify significant literary devices (e.g., metaphor, symbolism, dialect, irony) that define a writer's style and use those elements to interpret the work.

12 Assignment Log #5 5.) Poetry CN 3/18
Give examples of exact rhymes: What is an approximate rhyme? Ex: What is free verse? What is alliteration? Define assonance: Define onomatopoeia: What are six types of poems?

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