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View of Durham Cathedral from Owengate

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1 View of Durham Cathedral from Owengate

2 Debrecen – SLT4AA Conference
Developing the School Leadership Toolkit for Accelerating Achievement - A Research Perspective Professor Carl Bagley and Dr Stephen Clough

3 The SLT4AA Project Addresses the EU Erasmus+ Priorities of improving the leadership and management of schools and developing new training resources. A European consortium of four countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary and Portugal) working with schools to develop and test training packages in cultural context. Involves not just principals but extended leadership teams

4 Bulgaria - Estonia - Hungary - Portugal
Contexts and Cultures Bulgaria - Estonia - Hungary - Portugal History Demographic Economy Regionalism Structure Governance Pedagogy Curriculum

5 A Model for Cross-Cultural Comparison in Educational Leadership and Management (adapted from Dimmock and Walker, 2000, p.148)

6 Challenges in Developing the School Leadership Toolkit
Acceptance of changes by teachers (e.g. lesson planning) Motivation of the teams/results come slowly so easy to give up Finding common time for all schools to attend meetings Achieving change in schools – why change from previous 10years? A school may talk about changes but not really doing it Lack of autonomy in schools Schools are overburdened/too much administration Not easy for schools to talk about their problems How to draw up a plan (schools) Coherent strategic thinking in schools but need to organise their work to achieve their goals Keeping schools on board with the project

7 School Leadership Interviews A SNAP SHOT!
Key Issues: Need for greater autonomy and adequate budgets Centralisation versus decentralisation Influencing skills/the decision making process/training staff Problems with Ministry (what and when to do) Staff mobility/new staff every year Always looking for new solutions is the main challenge Autocratic or democratic continuum?/final decisions?/staff meetings? Socio-economic battle/student dropout Staff and students are overburdened Leaders and followers

8 Lessons Learned & Future Agenda
Common issues: Balancing school, regional-local, and national-societal cultures Understanding school leadership in a global world Improving motivation and the willingness to change in schools The need for greater autonomy in schools (curriculum and resources) Increased training on strategic and business planning for leaders Opportunities: SLT4AA follow-ups Local, regional, national and international networks Creating and delivering the school vision

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