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Master’s Group Session #12

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1 Master’s Group Session #12
August 6, 2018 Master’s Group Session #12 As usual, you should have this slide showing on the screen as group members arrive. Use the arrival time as greeting and catch-up time with group members.

2 Cornerstone Pastors Network Master’s Group Session # 12
Agenda 8:45 Arrival, breakfast and fellowship 9:00 Koinonia Connection 10:00 Life and Ministry Priorities 12:00 Lunch 12:30 GPS 2:15 Wrap up / Debrief the day / Admin 2:30 Adjournment Cornerstone Pastors Network Master’s Group Session # 12 Let the group know that we’ll spend some time today talking about Key Life and Ministry Priorities.

3 Information + Feelings
August 6, 2018 Koinonia Connection X Information + Feelings Information only X PAST Here is something about my past that would help you know me better DEFINING A difficult life experience which helped me MOMENT grow as a person was.. VALUES Here’s what I stand for… Ask your group members to think of a person they’ve known (could be friend, church attendee or family member) who somewhere along the way got their priorities messed up. Have several people share the story (probably best to not use the real name) and what the effect was on people around the one who lost their sense of priority.

4 Leadership Qualities: Priorities
The ‘Foolish Rich Man’ in Luke 12 allowed his wealth and possessions to dominate his perspective on what is important. In moments when your focus drifts away from what is most important, what can tend to fill that space for you personally? Leadership Qualities: Priorities Dr. Kenneth Boa Just introduce that we’re going to spend some time thinking through the Ken Boa article that should have been read before today’s session. The following several slides will help guide this discussion process.

5 Read Phillipians 3:10-14 Take some time now to individually write out your personal version of the Apostle Paul’s statement starting with “But one thing I do…” (This is the core principle that guides your priority choices in all aspects of life.) Share with the group any practices you follow to help you “order your mental life on more than one level at once”. (Refer to the Thomas Kelly quote in the article.) Remind the group of the Thomas Kelly quote in the article. The point here is to get people to help each other understand how to not just get stuck focusing on the ‘here and now’. Any suggestions from the group members will be helpful. If there are none, suggest that this is a significant area to work on in order to stay balanced when working with people.

6 Read Phillipians 3:10-14 Take some time now to individually write out your personal version of the Apostle Paul’s statement starting with “But one thing I do…” (This is the core principle that guides your priority choices in all aspects of life.) With your Core Principle statement clearly in mind, identify One Key Priority for the coming nine to twelve months in each of these areas: Spiritual (God relationship, soul formation) Personal (Body, mind, hobby/sports) Family (Marriage, parenting, extended family) Professional (Career, job responsibility, leadership) Kingdom (Things that will effect people for eternity) Now that everyone has a written ‘Core Principle’ statement, explain that you would like them to write a ‘Key Priority’ for each of the five life-areas listed on this slide. This is meant to be just one primary objective for each of these areas. It should thoroughly line up with the Core Principle and live out that Principle in practical ways. This will take time so plan on at least 30 minutes for this exercise. It’s ok if people get up and move around and take breaks.

7 Then pray for each other.
Re-gather as a whole group and go around the circle with each person sharing: 1. Their finished ‘One thing I do’ statement And 2. One of their Key Priorities that they would appreciate accountability for. Gather in triads and share your list of priorities with the others in your triad. Then pray for each other. Break up your group into triads and have them share their list of priorities with each other. Ask the triads to pray for each member of their group regarding their stated priorities.

8 Growing Past Stress GPS
Walk your group through the GPS process using the following slides. GPS




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