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The Islamic World.

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Presentation on theme: "The Islamic World."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Islamic World

2 Mohammed Born about 570 in Mecca
About 610 AD, claims to receive visions and messages from Allah, Forms the basis of Islam. These were collected and written down about 650 AD as the Koran. Flees to Medina, 622 (called the hegira) Returns to Mecca, 630 Unified Arabia by the time of his death in 632

3 The 5 Pillars of Islam No God except Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet. Pray five times a day Charity – Give to the poor and needy Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once

4 What caused the rapid expansion of Islam?
Muslim camel cavalries Muslim horse cavalries Invention of the stirrup Animals moved quickly over long distances Soldiers had stability and precision in battle

5 What caused the rapid expansion of Islam?
Religious belief that Allah was on their side Growing Arab population/need for more land Allowing conquered people to keep their culture and beliefs Many people converted to Islam

6 Spread of Islam, 632: Controlled the Arabian Peninsula 636: Took Over Damascus, Syria 638: Controlled Jerusalem 640: Controlled Egypt 670: Attacks on Constantinople/Byz. Empire 680: Controlled All of North Africa 710 Crossed Strait of Gibraltar into Spain 718 Controlled All of Spain 724 Reached the borders of China and India 732 Moved into Southern France until defeated at the Battle of Tours

7 Schism about 700 A.D. Reasons: Broke into two groups:
Succession to Caliphate (Who takes over after Muhammad?) Including non-Koranic elements into Islam Worldliness of Caliphs, discrimination against non- Arab Muslims Broke into two groups: Shiites (Shia) about 10% (mostly Iran) Sunnites (Sunna: beaten path) about 90%

8 Achievements of Islam Preserve classical learning
Innovations in astronomy and mathematics Link between East and West "Arabic" numbers from India Trigonometry also from India Sanctuary for Judaism

9 The Islamic World Today
OIL! Sunni vs. Shiite Some Islamic lands taken over by Russia. This stopped after the Fall of the Soviet Union. Terrorism: Shiite is not a synonym for "terrorist" or "extremist." Israel and the Palestinian Problem

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