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Presentation on theme: "GIVING IS A PART OF WORSHIP"— Presentation transcript:


We have a box by the exit doors. If this is your church home, please give as you are able to. Giving on May 9: $ 5,477.53 Total Giving for May: $ 17,533.23 Estimated Monthly Expenses: $ 39,500.00 VISITORS: Don’t give money, but please give us a filled out visitors card in the box by the door. Visitor Cards are under the chairs.

Cards under the chairs can be dropped in the offering box Contact Lauris Shepherd re: a weekly prayer group Sunday mornings at 8:00 to pray for the church

4 Check out the gold list of small groups in our bulletin
Missional Community small groups of people building community & pursuing the mission of the church Check out the gold list of small groups in our bulletin

5 for details refer to bulletin
Baptism June 6 for details refer to bulletin

6 IMPACT 2010 Backyard Bible Clubs Training Meeting Today After Second Service At Lunch May 16th

7 Every Monday 6:30-8:30 pm childcare provided. confidentiality honored.

8 Sunday School will resume July 11th.
Sunday School Sabbath All of June + July 4. Sunday School will resume July 11th.

9 Small Group Leaders Fellowship/Luncheon
May 16th after the 10:30 Service for Small Group Leaders & Potential Leaders RSVP: Stephen Watson [childcare provided]

10 World Missions 10% of general giving at GBC is used for world missions
for details, refer to bulletin

11 DINNER FOR 8 resuming June 5th… Get to know others at Grace Bible
DINNER FOR 8 resuming June 5th… Get to know others at Grace Bible! Sign up today!

12 Worship Team Musicians Needed
Drummers, Guitarists, Bassists, Keyboardists, Vocalists experienced in singing harmony. MORE INFO: or

13 Prayer Requests Please submit your prayer requests to our Prayer Team at Would you like to assist our prayer efforts? Send your address to be included in our “e-Chain”.

14 IMPACT 2010: GBC Backyard Bible Club ministry
Parent and Volunteer Meeting: May 30 after the 10:30 Service Training Camp Dates: June 6-12 IMPACT clubs: June 14-18 IMPACT will cost $100 per student Family discounts are available MORE INFO: Stephen Watson ( /

15 Parking Lot Repairs: Additional Giving
In order to fix our Parking Lot, GBC needs approximately $15, in additional giving to complete the funding for more parking spaces, repair of the existing parking lot, seal-coating and striping.

16 If so please contact Lauris Shepherd
Would you be interested in gathering to pray for our church early on Sundays or during the week? If so please contact Lauris Shepherd

17 Celebrate Recovery Musicians/Support Needed
Monday evenings from approximately 5:30 to 7:30. Drummers, Sound Board Operators, PowerPoint Expert, Backup Worship Leader Contact: Tom Harper

18 Dinner For 8 There will be another Dinner for 8 on June 5th! If you are already in a group, there is no need to sign up again. If you were not involved in the first one, and want to join us, SING UP: Carolee Edwards

19 Central Texas Master Singers
First Baptist Church of Belton will host the Central Texas Master Singers for its final performance of the season Tonight at 6:00 p.m. Free-will offering from this performance will benefit Helping Hands Ministry of Belton.

20 Upcoming Baptism Four Oaks Retreat - Sunday, June 6th See Baptism Insert for more details

21 Events for (and to recognize) High School Seniors
Senior Blessing May 29 Senior Recognition May 30 PARENTS: We need pictures! them to or bring them in and we will scan them!

22 Sunday School Sabbath We will be giving our Sunday School teachers a well deserved break during the month of June. There will be no Sunday School or Children’s church in June, but will still be Nursery care (6 weeks– PreK). Sunday School will start back up July 11th.


24 Everlasting God

25 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon You, Lord

26 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon You, Lord

27 Our God, You reign forever Our hope, our strong deliverer

28 You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God, You do not faint, You won’t grow weary

29 You’re the defender of the weak, You comfort those in need, You lift us up on wings like eagles

30 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon You, Lord

31 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord, Wait upon the Lord, we will wait upon You, Lord

32 Our God, You reign forever Our hope, our strong deliverer

33 You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God, You do not faint, You won’t grow weary

34 You’re the defender of the weak, You comfort those in need, You lift us up on wings like eagles

35 2 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation
2 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. - Exodus 15:2

36 You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God, You do not faint, You won’t grow weary

37 You are the everlasting God, the everlasting God, You do not faint, You won’t grow weary

38 You’re the defender of the weak, You comfort those in need, You lift us up on wings like eagles

39 You lift us up on wings like eagles, You lift us up on wings like eagles.


41 Forever

42 Give thanks to the Lord our God and King His love endures forever

43 For He is good He is above all things His love endures forever

44 Sing praise…

45 With a mighty hand and an outstretched arm His love endures forever

46 For the life that’s been reborn His love endures forever

47 Sing praise…

48 Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong

49 Forever God is with us Forever! Forever!

50 From the rising to the setting sun His love endures forever

51 By the grace of God we will carry on His love endures forever

52 Sing praise…

53 Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong

54 Forever God is with us Forever! Forever!

55 Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong

56 Forever God is with us Forever! Forever!

57 2 Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. - Psalm 90:2

58 Sing praise…

59 Forever You are faithful Forever You are strong

60 Forever You are with us Forever! Forever!

61 Forever God is faithful Forever God is strong

62 Forever God is with us Forever! Forever!


64 Breathe

65 This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe: Your holy presence living in me.

66 This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread: Your very Word spoken to me.

67 And I— I'm desperate for You. And I— I'm lost without You.

68 This is the air I breathe, This is the air I breathe: Your holy presence living in me.

69 This is my daily bread, This is my daily bread: Your very Word spoken to me.

70 And I— I'm desperate for You. And I— I'm lost without You.

71 And I— I'm desperate for You. And I— I'm lost without You.

72 This is the air I breathe, This is the air— I breathe.


74 How Deep the Father’s Love For Us

75 How deep the Father’s love for us, How vast beyond all measure That he would give His only Son, To make a wretch his treasure

76 How great the pain of searing loss, The Father turned his face away As wounds which mar the chosen one, Bring many sons to glory

77 Behold the man upon a cross, My guilt upon his shoulders Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers

78 It was my sin that held him there until it was accomplished His dying breath has brought me life; I know that it is finished

79 20So he got up and went to his father
20So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. - Luke 15:20

80 I will not boast in anything: no gifts, no powers, no wisdom But I will boast in Jesus Christ; his death and resurrection

81 Why should I gain from his reward
Why should I gain from his reward? I cannot give an answer But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom

82 Why should I gain from his reward
Why should I gain from his reward? I cannot give an answer But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom

83 But this I know with all my heart: His wounds have paid my ransom


85 16From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. - John 1:16-17

86 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me

87 I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, but now I see

88 ‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved

89 How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed?

90 My chains are gone, I’ve been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me

91 And like a flood His mercy rains Unending love, amazing grace

92 The Lord has promised good to me His word my hope secures

93 He will my shield and portion be As long as life endures

94 My chains are gone, I’ve been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me

95 And like a flood His mercy rains Unending love, amazing grace

96 My chains are gone, I’ve been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me

97 And like a flood His mercy rains Unending love, amazing grace

98 The earth shall soon dissolve like snow The sun forbear to shine;

99 But God, who called me here below, Will be forever mine,

100 You are forever mine.



103 … against OPPOSITION

104 … by the LORD’S STRENGTH



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