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Describing Other People

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1 Describing Other People
Mark in Green

2 Bellwork – 23 de octubre Write the following in Spanish:
Describe yourself (translate the phrase) I am funny. You are hardworking. She is talkative. My aunt is smart.

3 Describing someone else
From time to time, someone will ask you “What is so-in-so like?” In Spanish this happens too. To say this in Spanish, we say: ¿Cómo es ___? (Describe ___) To answer you would say: Él/Ella/(Their name) es _____. (He/She/(Their name)) is _____.

4 Examples of others El perro (dog) El gato (cat) El padrino (godfather)
La madrina (godmother) El amigo/la amiga (friend) El profesor/la profesora (teacher) El maestro/la maestra (teacher)

5 Adjectives Gordo/gorda (fat) Flaco/flaca (skinny)
Delgado/delgada (thin) Rubio/rubia (blonde) Moreno/morena (dark-skinned) Güero/güera (light-skinned) Pelirrojo/pelirroja (red-headed) Bonito/bonita (cute, pretty) Guapo/guapa (good-looking) Feo/fea (ugly)

6 Practice on the left The brother is fat. The sister is blonde.
The mom is red-headed. The dad is good-looking.

7 Importante (important)
Famoso/famosa (famous) Grande (big, large) Pequeño/pequeña (small, little) Fantástico/fantástica (fantastic) Amigable (friendly) Honesto/honesta (honest) Mentiroso/mentirosa (a liar) Tacaño/tacaña, codo/coda (cheap, doesn’t share) Presumido/presumida (show-off, boastful, snob)

8 Practice The step-dad is important. The son is cheap.
The daughter is a liar. The step-sister is famous.

9 Quiz Grading Mi padrino es importante. Mi madrastra es gorda.
Tu perro es comico/gracioso. Ella es puertorriquena. Ella es habladora.

10 Homework Tonight your homework is to complete the Describing Others Worksheet. On the other side of the worksheet you need to draw a stick figure of a family member (extended or immediate) and write ten adjectives about them. Make sure each adjective has a drawing with it as well. IT MUST BE COLORED. It is due tomorrow!

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