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Accelerator and Experiment Interface Session: LS2, LS3

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1 Accelerator and Experiment Interface Session: LS2, LS3
Accelerator and Experiment Interface Session: LS2, LS3... Planning Accelerator Laurent Tavian, ATS-DO ECFA High Luminosity LHC Experiments Workshop – 2016, Aix-les-Bains

2 Interface with new HL-LHC technical infrastructure:
Content Interface with new HL-LHC technical infrastructure: Civil engineering Electrical power transmission Cryogenics Schedule of HL-LHC civil engineering work and equipment installation Machine-experiment interfaces TAXS, TAXN & Forward shielding L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

3 New underground structures for HL-LHC at Point 1 (ALTAS) and Point 5 (CMS)
(ATLAS) L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

4 HL-LHC underground structures at Point 1
(ATLAS) - No direct CE interface with Experiment structures. - Minimum distance of ~ 15 m between HL-LHC and ATLAS structures (reduction of radiation & deformation impacts) L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

5 HL-LHC underground structures at Point 5
- No direct CE interface with Experiment structures. - Minimum distance of ~ 15 m between HL-LHC and CMS structures (reduction of radiation & deformation impacts) P5 (CMS) L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

6 HL-LHC buildings at Point 1
ATLAS island SPS island HL-LHC island L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

7 HL-LHC surface buildings at Point 1
Electrical distribution He storage Cooling & ventilation Cooling towers No interface issue with Experiments at Point 1 ATLAS building extension included in the HL-LHC building permit process Cryogenics Shaft access & cryogenics Harmonic filters L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

8 HL-LHC buildings at Point 5
HL-LHC island CMS island Electrical sub-station and harmonic filter L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

9 New HL-LHC surface buildings at Point 5
Cooling & ventilation Electrical sub-station & harmonic filter Electrical distribution Shaft access & cryogenics New CMS buildings included in the HL-LHC building permit process Cooling towers Cryogenics He storage L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

10 CMS storage area Existing storage area in conflict with HL-LHC buildings New CMS storage area to be done before the start of the main CE works L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

11 Power transmission to Point 5
Existing line (15 MVA) will remain as back-up supply Overall improvement of the power transmission network Configuration proposal still to be approved! L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

12 Cryogenics Feasibility study has been performed on the back-up of LHC detectors from new P1/P5 Cryogenic infrastructure. Surface option: Not realistic Underground option: Not easy but it appears feasible for Cryo  ~6 MCHF estimated. EC decision: Study more cost-effective alternatives: Spare cold box? Additional 1st stage HX and 80K adsorbers? Spares? L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

13 HL-LHC civil-engineering schedule
Start of CE activity beginning 2018 Excavation with high vibration risk during LS2 ( ) L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

14 Available periods for HL-LHC installation
11 T P7 DS P7 & P2 Cryogenics at P4 In-situ coating of IT beam screen at P2 & P8 New beam instrumentation Masks and Point 2 & 8 Collimators (prototypes) Remaining equipment mainly at Points 1 & 5 L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

15 Machine-Experiment Interface LH-LHC WP8 ( F. Sanchez-Galan & H
Machine-Experiment Interface LH-LHC WP8 ( F. Sanchez-Galan & H. Burkhardt) Physics: Failure scenarios & impact to the experiments. Background studies to the experiments from interactions into the tunnel equipment and beam gas Tunnel experiments Absorbers to protect the inner triplets and dipoles from the collision debris generated at the interaction point. Forward shielding configuration- interface between exp. Cavern & beam tunnel F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

16 Target absorbers at Points 1, 5 and 8
Equipment Quantity Location TAXN for LHCb 2 units (1 per IP side) P8 TAXN for ATLAS P1 TAXN for CMS P5 TAXS for ATLAS TAXS for CMS TAXS F. Sanchez-Galan TAXN L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

17 Target absorbers at Point 1 and 5
Target absorbers to protect the inner triplets and dipoles from the collision debris generated at the interaction point. Target Absorber for Neutrals (TANTAXN) Target Absorber for Secondary (TASTAXS) F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

18 From TAS to TAXS at ATLAS and CMS
TAS inside Forward Shielding is based on different principles in ATLAS and CMS New TAXS with dedicated water cooling to cope with the increased deposited energy F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

19 TAXS.VAX at Point 1 and 5 TAXS
Relocation of VAX with remote assembly to reduce workers dose. F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

20 From TAN to TAXN at ATLAS and CMS
TAXN will replace TAN to protect D2. Functionality and design principles will be kept. Dedicated water cooling to cope with the increased deposited energy F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

21 TAXN at Point 8 (LHCb) F. Sanchez-Galan L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

22 Target absorber schedule
TAXN Point 8 during LS2 Forward shielding Points 1 and 5 during LS3 (baseline) or LS2 (option which relaxes LS3 experiment schedule & reduces radiation dose) To be defined/approved in Q2 2017 TAXS Points 1 & 5 during LS3 L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

23 Tunnel Experiments No tunnel experiments planned for HL-LHC
Dismantling of ALFA-AFP and TOTEM are scheduled in LS3  Coordination via the HL-LHC WP15. P5 P1 L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

24 Summary Interface with new HL-LHC technical infrastructure:
Civil engineering  design under way taking into account Experiment upgrade plan. Electrical power transmission  new configuration studied waiting for approval. Cryogenics  no back-up of detector cryogenics via the new HL-LHC plants. Alternatives under study. Schedule of HL-LHC civil engineering work and equipment installation  towards minimizing impacts on the LHC physics. Machine-experiment interfaces  decision to advance shielding modifications at Points 1 & 5 to be taken in Q L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

25 Thank you ! L. Tavian, EFCA Workshop 2016

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