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AP Human Geo You have 5 minutes to guess where all the people are from!

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Presentation on theme: "AP Human Geo You have 5 minutes to guess where all the people are from!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Human Geo You have 5 minutes to guess where all the people are from!

2 Multiple choice scores
2nd period class average: 80% 3rd period class average: 81% (winner!) Retakes tomorrow after school

3 Demographics

4 Demography The study of population characteristics

5 Arithmetic Population Density
The number of people relative to the size of a country. Example: United States population is 300 million people United States’ area is 3 million square miles What is the arithmetic population density? Is this an accurate description of the United States?

6 Physiological Population Density
Population relative to the amount of arable land Arable—Land that can be used for growing crops More accurate, because it only counts land that people can use Example--Egypt



9 Agricultural population density
Number of farmers per piece of arable land.

10 Ecumene The permanently heavily inhabited parts of the earth

11 Census Census—Government records of how many people live in a country, where they live, and what different groups live in a country Taken every 10 years Also used to determine Congressional districts

12 Image Analysis—TLC Use TLC to explain this map.
Global Population Distribution, 2010 Use TLC to explain this map. Then, create 3 factual statements you know based on this map.

13 Image Analysis—TLC Use TLC to explain this map.
Then, create 3 factual statements you know based on this map.

14 What do people live near?
Arable land (Rivers, agricultural areas) Coasts—Make it easier to trade with other parts of the country Urban areas—Cities—Provide more chances for employment

15 Developed vs. Developing
One of these words means rich, one means poor. Which do you think is which?

16 The Developed World Developed= rich (has already developed)
MDC—More developed country

17 Developing World Poor (is still developing) LDC—Less developed country

18 Infrastructure—The basic facilities that a society has
What do you think a country should have?

19 Infrastructure Highways and road systems Rail networks
Ports/shipping industry Airports Sewers/drainage Running water Electricity

20 So, what parts of the world do you think are developed?
What parts of the world do you think are developing?

21 Most developed—The “Western World”—Western Europe and North America
Least developed—Subsaharan Africa, Southeast Asia

22 Vocab we use to understand population
Demographic growth Rate of Natural Increase Rule of 70 Total fertility rate Life expectancy Mortality and Infant Mortality Rate Literacy Rate

23 Demographic Growth Birth Rate—births/1000 people
Death Rate—Deaths/1000 people Rate of natural increase--% the population increases annually Can be positive or negative (small but positive is best) USA: 0.4% Japan: -0.2% Angola: 3.2%

24 Rule of 70 70/rate of natural increase = doubling time
Doubling time—How long it will take country to double it’s population Ukraine= -.4 USA=.4 Niger=3.9

25 Total Fertility Rate How many children the average woman has in a country You don’t want too high or too low, want 2 (replacement rate)

26 Life Expectancy How long the average person lives in a country
Do you want a high or low life expectancy in your country?

27 Infant Mortality Rate Number of infant deaths before the age of 1
U.S.—6.7/1000 infants

28 Literacy Rate How many people in a country can read
Usually higher for men than women Cambodia: 68%

29 Population Pyramids Tell the number of people in a country at different age groups—

30 More Developed Countries (MDC’s)

31 Less Developed Countries (LDC’s)
Too many kids!!!


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