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2 The Muscular System Muscles are responsible for all types of body movement Three basic muscle types are found in the body Skeletal muscle -voluntary Cardiac muscle - involuntary Smooth muscle (Visceral) - involuntary

3 Nerve stimulus to muscles
Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve to contract Motor unit One neuron Muscle cells stimulated by that neuron

4 Nerve stimulus to muscles
Neurotransmitter – chemical released by nerve upon arrival of nerve impulse The neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle is acetylcholine

5 Types of muscle contractions
Isotonic contractions The muscle shortens Isometric contractions Tension in the muscles increases The muscle is unable to shorten

6 Skeletal Attachments Origin Insertion - Attachment to immovable bone
- Attachment to movable bone

7 Skeletal Attachments 1. Ligaments 2. Tendons (cord-like structure)
Bone to bone 2. Tendons (cord-like structure) Muscle to bone

8 Tenosynovium Tendon sheath - covering of a tendon

9 Tenosynovitis Inflammation of the tendon sheath

10 Skeletal Attachments 3. Aponeuroses - Flat, sheet-like structure

11 Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
1. Endomysium – around single muscle fiber 2. Perimysium – around a fascicle (bundle) of fibers

12 Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
3. Epimysium – covers the entire skeletal muscle Figure 6.1

13 Connective Tissue Wrappings of Skeletal Muscle
4. Fascia - on the outside of the epimysium - band of tissue surrounding the muscle Figure 6.1

14 Fasci /o - fascia Fascial - pertaining to the fascia Fasciectomy
- excision of the fascia Fascitis - inflammation of the fascia Fasciorrhaphy -repair of the fascia

15 Types of Ordinary Body Movements
Flexion- bending a limb Extension- stretching out a limb Rotation- turning of body part about its axis Abduction- drawing away from Adduction- drawing toward Circumduction- movement in a circular motion

16 Body Movements

17 Special Movements Dorsiflexion- bending the foot upward
Plantar flexion- foot bends toward the sole Inversion- foot rotated inward Eversion- foot rotated outward Supination- turning the palm forward Pronation- turning the palm backward Opposition- moving the thumb opposite to the fingers

18 Naming of Skeletal Muscles
Direction of muscle fibers Example: rectus (straight) Relative size of the muscle Example: maximus (largest) Location of the muscle Example: many muscles are named for bones (e.g., temporalis) Number of origins Example: triceps (three heads)

19 Naming of Skeletal Muscles
Location of the muscle’s origin and insertion Example: sterno (on the sternum) Shape of the muscle Example: deltoid (triangular) Action of the muscle Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or extends a bone)

20 Superficial Muscles: Anterior

21 Superficial Muscles: Posterior

22 Roots – Muscular Duct/o to draw Electr/o electric Fasci/o fascia
Kinesi/o movement Lei/o smooth Muscul/o; my/o muscle

23 Electr/o - electric Myo- muscle -graphy process of recording
Electromyography -process of recording the electrical activity of muscle

24 Kinesi/o - movement -logy - study of Kinesiology - study of movement
-meter - instrument for measuring Kinesimeter instrument for measuring movement

25 Lei/o - smooth My/o - muscle -oma - tumor Leiomyoma
- benign tumor of smooth muscle

26 Leiomy/o - smooth muscle
-sarcoma - malignant tumor of connective tissue Leiomyosarcoma - malignant tumor of smooth muscle

27 Muscul/o - muscle Muscular- pertaining to muscle
Musculoskeletal- pertaining to muscle and skeleton

28 My/o - muscle -gram - record Electromyogram
-record of the electrical currents in a muscle

29 My/o - muscle -algia - pain Myalgia – muscle pain

30 My/o - muscle -algia - pain Fibr/o - fiber
Fibromyalgia - pain in fibrous tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments

31 My/o - muscle -pathy - disease Myopathy – any muscular disease

32 Myos/o - muscle -itis - inflammation Myositis -inflammation of muscle

33 Myos/o - muscle Poly - many Polymyositis -inflammation of many muscles

34 Rhabd/o - striped;striated
-oma - tumor Rhabdomyoma -benign tumor of striated muscles

35 Rhabd/o - striped;striated
Rhabdomyosarcoma -malignant tumor of striated muscles

36 Rhabd/o - striped;striated
-lysis - breakdown Rhabdomyolysis -breakdown of striated muscle tissue


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